Weeded the brassica cage & planted out some cauliflowers -Aalsmeer & romanesco, dwarf kale, savoy, greyhound,wheelers Imperial & hispi cabbages, 2 types of kohl rabi, ( I also popped some leftover kohl rabi in the tunnel as they did really well last year) not ideal in the high heat we’ve had today, but they were in very small modules & slowly giving up, so now they’ve got two choices, plus I go away on Monday and at least I can water them well until then, then hubby is in charge lol. Planted some marigolds that I bought at the weekend into tge tunnel around the tomatoes, to deter whitefly. Weeded the paths & cleared up all the bamboo canes that I’ll not use this year & stashed them back in the chicken pen in the roof, put all the unused posts back under the ‘tea’ shed. Had a good sweep up. Every where looks so much better.