Well we are into July and after a slow start, things are slowly coming together.
Soft fruit has done well so far. Top fruit looking promsing.
Potatoes growing away but they were late in, so haven’t lifted any yet.
Onions, leeks, cabbage all doing OK, swedes looking a bit pathetic, but they often do and then come good in the end.
Broad beans not great, mangetout have done well, french beans looking good. Dwarf beans now have pods, climbers flowers.
Leafy greens have been slow, but now got some decent sized chard and spinach beet. Later sowings are getting there.
Beetroots suddenly starting to look like they are doing something.
Sweetcorn, squash, courgette, cukes and outdoor tomatoes starting to take off.
Greenhouse stuff in full swing. Fruits forming on aubergines, peppers, chillies and tomatoes.
How is everyone else getting on?