Just checked the garden. The lettuce is a little beaten up from all the rain but should get back on track if it ever stops raining. Spinach and Swiss chard both are looking great, like they could care less about all the rain.
Snow and snap peas are 6 to 12 inches tall but trailing on the ground, and a bit leggy. I'll get them on the trellis after a few weeks of colder weather pass through.
My few Brussels sprouts plants were knocked to the ground, I propped them up, still hoping they'll produce eventually.
New carrot seedlings look ok, radishes that are inter-cropped with them have gotten very leggy after several warm, wet, and mostly sunless days. Newer radish plantings are just coming up, I should get something from those.
The turnips I planted are also leggy for the same reason. It shouldn't matter too much, as I planted them mostly for turnip greens. I think they will be Ok.
Fescue overseeded in the lawn is starting out OK. I planted a turf-type, endophyte-containing variety that has improved drought, heat and disease resistance (but not a pasture type due to the endophytes). I'll apply some fertilizer during the next dry/mild spell that promises some rain and mild temperatures after.
I still have a couple orchids outdoors, a Cymbidium that has 4 flower spikes coming along, and a Coelogyne cristata (snow orchid) from the Himalayas that may also be getting a flower spike.