I thought the plot was pretty much full, but the weather is scuppering some plans
Some things are doing fine : beans, squash, sweetcorn, onions, spuds, cabbages, leeks.
Some have bolted and I have only managed to salvage a partial crop : celery, beetroot, fennel, leafy greens.
Some have just not thrived and I have pulled them out : swede, cauliflower, shallots from seed.
The garlic is about ready and is going to make a space, as are the early spuds which are almost all out now. With that and the bolters and malingerers, I now have quite a bit of room.
I’m heading back to the seed box for beetroot, greens and a few other bits, plus have green manure seeds I can sow, but it is certainly a mixed bag of a year.
How is everyone else doing ?