Hello if it's been stood all winter with E10 fuel in the tank it can be a problem with starting ,take the carb off and look at the float bowl if it has one ,there could be water in it or a little bit of rubber off the pipe blocking the jet ,I've found this to be a problem on all 2 stroke carburettor that's run on E 10 fuel ,after cleaning the carbs with an ultrasonic cleaner theres little microscopic pieces of rubber in the cleaned ,if the machines going to be stood a while after use put an inhibitor in the petrol it slows the E 10 drawing moisture in to the petrol ,if you are mixing 2 stroke oil with petrol do not put inhibitor in the tank first then the 2 stroke oil the oilfield stays on the surface of the petrol, I mix oil and petrol first then add inhibitor ,straight petrol one cap to one can before the petrol jezza