Allotment Gardening Advice Help Chat

Growing => Grow Your Own => Topic started by: muckyboots on August 02, 2021, 17:37

Title: Bad potato crop
Post by: muckyboots on August 02, 2021, 17:37
Hi, has anyone else had a bad potato crop this year.I grow in containers, but this year all my early's failed 2/3 off each plant,fed and watered as usual but all failed.
Title: Re: Bad potato crop
Post by: Welsh Merf on August 03, 2021, 07:03
We have tried growing potatoes in containers for the past three years (before I got the current allotment), and not one of them has been all that successful. We followed the instructions carefully, researched some more, and even purchased purpose-made potato fertiliser. I think the most I got out of a tub (a big tub) of three plants was about a dozen spuds.

You've probably had more success in the past?
Title: Re: Bad potato crop
Post by: al78 on August 03, 2021, 09:54
I grew a few first earlies in a couple of bags and got a modest crop. My aim was to get an ultra-early crop by growing them in the greenhouse but the ridiculously frosty April killed that plan, so after being frost damaged they endedup not much ahead of the second earlies planted outside. ::)
Title: Re: Bad potato crop
Post by: AnneB on August 03, 2021, 10:38
I grew Maris Peer in bags this year and have had a good crop indeed.  Will definitely grow them again.

They don't disintegrate when boiled either.
Title: Re: Bad potato crop
Post by: muckyboots on August 03, 2021, 21:59
Thanks for your replies,I don't think the late cold spell helped, but I will give Maris Peer a go next year,and try to save a space in the garden, (which is not big) to compare the results.The weather dose seem to be all over the place none stop rain then a heatwave affecting all plants in my garden  which is very free draining that's the reason for the containers, Cheers all.