Hello if you are using Roindup (Glyphosate) remember to read the label and follow all guidelines ,I've recently done PA1 chemical handling and PA 6 chemical application course we had to calibrate the sprayer for the width then nozzle litres per minute then calculate the exact amount for the area to be sprayed (8×25 metres 200 square metres) the knap sack sprayer i used put on 1.8 litres a minute thr calculations brought the chemical needed to 80ml to 3.6 litres of water ,I had to have 10 percent of contents or less of the knapsack sprayer left I was exact at 360ml left ,dont dug in if it's a residual weed killer it can remain in the ground for a while ,Round up breaks down after a few days,remember to do a risk assessment of the area and only spray target plants dont spray over water courses ,and try and put a sign up if other people have access to the site past the sprayed area jezza