Growing > Growing in Greenhouses & Polytunnels



Hello, not posted on this site for ages but in I am in need of your expertise.  I have a green plastic poly tunnel which has 3 mesh windows on each side.  The cover on the windows is currently down to preserve the mesh.  During the summer the poly tunnel got very wet and humid inside - sometimes the water was dripping from the top.  A couple of weeks ago I went to tidy it up and found the same thing.  I didn’t think it would happen in the winter . It didn’t do my toms much good last year - so other than leaving the door & windows open - any hints how to handle the excess water please would be appreciated? 

The picture is so you have a reference point, the door is different - it is a roll up/ down door with zips.

Many thanks

Unless you can (afford to) rig up some Kind of fan system, I think
--- Quote --- leaving the door & windows open
--- End quote ---
in varying degrees, is your only option.


I think you are right.  The last cover had a window on the end & I think that’s why it wasn’t such a problem- better air flow.  I don’t want to chop the cover about but I might set up a rig so I can leave the half open without it flapping around.
I will mention the fan idea to my OH - he reckons he is an engineer 👷 so might see what comes up with

Best wishes


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