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Chatting => Equipment Shed => Topic started by: pdblake on June 14, 2013, 19:37

Title: Second hand wormery
Post by: pdblake on June 14, 2013, 19:37
Just been given one of these:

Anyone know what I can revive it with? Seems they sell bedding, worms, treats, lime mix etc. I know I'll need worms, obviously, but is all that other stuff really necessary? Can't I start it off with some stuff from the bottom of the compost bin? Or do I need to trawl EBay? :D
Title: Re: Second hand wormery
Post by: Trillium on June 14, 2013, 20:42
You can give the worms kitchen scraps except any meat, dairy, onions or citrus which they cannot tolerate.

When you do feed them, don't overload the unit. Rather, add small amounts regularly so they can get through it. They dislike rotted veg and fruits and will skip those in favour of fresher items. Also, chop up items small and that helps them get through things faster.
Title: Re: Second hand wormery
Post by: pdblake on June 15, 2013, 07:12
I get what to do with them once it's up and going, it's getting it started off. What bedding can I use etc, rather than buying an expensive startup kit?
Title: Re: Second hand wormery
Post by: Trillium on June 16, 2013, 20:04
No need for a startup kit. Shredded newspaper in long strips works fine, dampen it slightly but not so much that it's dripping soggy, and have at least 6" of it for the worms to hide in.

But the best type of worms for a wormery are either Red Wigglers or European Night Crawlers. The Reds are the most voracious eaters. If, and when, you have a surplus of worms, you can sell some as fishing bait and make a few extra bob.
Title: Re: Second hand wormery
Post by: pdblake on June 17, 2013, 08:41
Well, I put shredded paper down as bedding, then six inches of compost from the bottom of a dalek bin, already full of worms, then put some kitchen waste in and topped with some wet paper. I read somewhere to leave them for a few weeks to get settled, so I've put them in a quiet corner and will leave them to it:)