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Welcome => Welcome to the Forums => Topic started by: AussieInFrance on January 14, 2016, 13:24

Title: New in more ways than 1!
Post by: AussieInFrance on January 14, 2016, 13:24
Taking this opportunity to introduce myself. I've been lurking around the site for a few weeks now, and can see what a value this information will be to me over the coming season (and beyond).

While i've gardened a little in Australia, I'm an absolute novice at gardening in the northern hemisphere. It's novelty experiencing 4 seasons for a start then there's the shorter growing seasons. It will quite a learning curve for me.

Then to complicate matters a tad more, I'm in SW France as opposed to the UK so must make adjustments for weather differences. I've allowed 3-4wk variation to sowing/planting dates. Does this sound sensible?

I have grow lights for propagating and with an unheated grow house i think i'll be ok with managing until planting out in the potager.

I have one question though. I purchased some comfrey plants from tomatoseedsuk but they were delayed (accepted  that due to time of the year). What i find less than acceptable is the lack of response to my email enquiries as to ETA. Has anyone experienced similar?

Pleased to have access to your wealth of experience. I'm ready and eager to learn.
Title: Re: New in more ways than 1!
Post by: whitehill1 on January 14, 2016, 13:49
welcome AussieInFrance, hope you get good comfrey plants
Title: Re: New in more ways than 1!
Post by: Yorkie on January 14, 2016, 20:28
Welcome to the site and to European gardening!  :D

We've got a couple of French gardeners on here, but I can't remember whereabouts they are.  Keep an eye open for them, and perhaps then look to see whether they have a thread in the Diary section  :)
Title: Re: New in more ways than 1!
Post by: Fairy Plotmother on January 14, 2016, 21:15
Hello and welcome!
Title: Re: New in more ways than 1!
Post by: AussieInFrance on January 15, 2016, 18:00
Many thanks for your welcome. I would appreciate any non UK based members making themselves known, although i'll be on the look out as well.

Snow forecast for me in the next day or two - makes working inside a pleasure, doesn't it. Sowed onions, peppers, tomatoes, chillis, aubergine, basil, aquilegias, cleome, geraniums and  sweet peas today.

Sorting out what i'll sow tomorrow. Chances are high that in a week or two, i'll be knee-deep in seedlings.
Title: Re: New in more ways than 1!
Post by: sunshineband on January 15, 2016, 19:16
Hi there and welcome. It'll be good to hear how you get on starting your new growing season 😁. I know you said. You had grow lights but be warned ... those cute little seedlings grow into fairly large plants and they all still need enough light and space inside before you can plant them out. I have been that person!!!!

Take lots of photos too as things change so quickly one you get going with developing your area