Poultry and Pets > The Hen House

Scraps and DEFRA's reply to me.

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No it can't be because that is what the councils are encouraging us to do to save on landfill.


Our council have all these offers to encourage you to compost kitchen waste.



--- Quote from: Annen on December 11, 2012, 23:58 ---I think it is illegal to take peelings etc from home to put on the compost heap too, for the same reason.

--- End quote ---
It must be true I read it in GYO last year

Then I break the law every week,  I save everything I can for my compost heap and will continue to do so.

This is from the Government's website .gov.uk

All garden waste, including grass cuttings, prunings, leaves, hedge trimmings and vegetable waste from your kitchen can be recycled by composting. Your local council may help you get a composter or offer a green waste collection service. Composting instead of sending green waste to landfill sites helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

I'll need a bit more convincing that it's illegal!


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