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Growing => Growing in Greenhouses & Polytunnels => Topic started by: the Kergan on April 24, 2012, 17:56

Title: Tomatoes. Heat or Sun
Post by: the Kergan on April 24, 2012, 17:56
Got my new greenhouse and loving it. But it has to sit in the corner of the garden and about 1/3 does not get any sun.
I'm just forward planning the transfer of my tomato plants to the greenhouse in a few weeks time and I will have to put the all the way up the right hand side but some of this area is shaded.

Do toms need heat, sun or both to ripen. I'm just trying to avoid to many green tomatoes.
Title: Re: Tomatoes. Heat or Sun
Post by: mumofstig on April 24, 2012, 18:14
IMO heat!
Title: Re: Tomatoes. Heat or Sun
Post by: the Kergan on April 24, 2012, 19:56
Thanks that's a help. I was just inspecting the ranks and apart from the odd yellow leaf the tommies are looking good but I just noticed that there seems to be little flower heads developing already, surely not this early!!
Title: Re: Tomatoes. Heat or Sun
Post by: mumofstig on April 24, 2012, 20:25
I have some flowers on mine as well - because I started them early as an experiment  :D
Title: Re: Tomatoes. Heat or Sun
Post by: Headgardener22 on April 26, 2012, 13:29
Patience is also useful. I was picking tomatoes until late November last year from an unheated greenhouse.
Title: Re: Tomatoes. Heat or Sun
Post by: Brassica Blaz on April 28, 2012, 07:10
Got my new greenhouse and loving it. But it has to sit in the corner of the garden and about 1/3 does not get any sun.
I'm just forward planning the transfer of my tomato plants to the greenhouse in a few weeks time and I will have to put the all the way up the right hand side but some of this area is shaded.

Do toms need heat, sun or both to ripen. I'm just trying to avoid to many green tomatoes.
i shaded my sunnyside of the g/h last year and the toms we best can manage the watering better, no leaf curl ,they still ripen just the same. :)
Title: Re: Tomatoes. Heat or Sun
Post by: New shoot on April 28, 2012, 07:22
My greenhouse has a shady end as well.  Its useful in the spring for controlling the growing conditions for seedlings and I haven't noticed any difference in tomato ripening along the front wall - sunny end or shady end  :)

I have benching on the back wall and do find peppers and chillies do better up the sunny end of the benches. 
Title: Re: Tomatoes. Heat or Sun
Post by: shokkyy on April 28, 2012, 14:16
I noticed yesterday I've got flowers on some of my tomatoes, new potatoes and even courgettes, all in my polytunnel.