Allotment Gardening Advice Help Chat

Growing => General Gardening => Topic started by: eli on March 21, 2011, 12:43

Title: weeds in the lane...
Post by: eli on March 21, 2011, 12:43
hi all :-) the weeds in the lane leading up to my plot are just begging to be cut down and composted, as i'm a composting fiend. they don't interfere with anything but they're just so big and bulky and tempting... :-)
but i'm not sure about this practice, is it bad form? like, bad manners?
and i imagine there are bylaws about such things are there? i mean, i might not necessarily concern myself with the bylaws but i'd still be interested to know :-)
what things can you think of that mean that this is a bad idea, me taking them to compost them?
i think it might possibly affect the local balance of plant life in the lane, but i figure if i'm careful and not indescriminate then it'd be fine. but i'm not sure at all.
does anyone else have ideas or suggestions?
regards, eli
Title: Re: weeds in the lane...
Post by: arugula on March 21, 2011, 13:09
Composting weeds is likely to lead to your compost being full of weed seeds.
Title: Re: weeds in the lane...
Post by: 8doubles on March 21, 2011, 13:43
In the lane they are wild plants with wildlife living in and on them.
It`s only when they grow in your garden they are weeds. :D
Title: Re: weeds in the lane...
Post by: eli on March 21, 2011, 16:13
yeah, good points :-)
quandary over!
Title: Re: weeds in the lane...
Post by: Trillium on March 21, 2011, 23:01
But, if you don't take any seed heads or roots, they're fabulous compost material, Leaves the roots for others, especially dandelion roots for those wanting to make dandelion wine  ;)

I suspect no one on the allotment will complain if the weeds go missing or are cut down.