
Please vote for your favourite Pet Photo

1 (1.9%)
1 (1.9%)
Lilypad cavies
1 (1.9%)
1 (1.9%)
0 (0%)
Ginger Dave
1 (1.9%)
Jack Russell
1 (1.9%)
Dave Pitch
1 (1.9%)
1 (1.9%)
2 (3.8%)
1 (1.9%)
1 (1.9%)
2 (3.8%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
2 (3.8%)
0 (0%)
2 (3.8%)
3 (5.8%)
1 (1.9%)
2 (3.8%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Big Jen
1 (1.9%)
Code Numpty
2 (3.8%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (1.9%)
1 (1.9%)
Swing Swang
5 (9.6%)
Kate and her Ducks
3 (5.8%)
0 (0%)
Sweet Pea
4 (7.7%)
Allotment Angel
2 (3.8%)
9 (17.3%)

Total Members Voted: 47

Voting closed: August 02, 2008, 20:56

Photo Competition #4 - My Pet(s) or somebody else's

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TITLE:  "My Pet(s) (or somebody else's!)"

PRIZE:  Forum member DD is offering 2 varieties of heritage peas as a prize!

You'll have to wait for them to grow and if you don't grow peas you have to promise to pass them onto someone who is.

The simple rules:

  • You can enter one photograph into the competition which should be no more than 640 pixels wide.
  • It can be your pet or someone else's, just so long as it's a pet (even Babe who has a pet carrot).
  • It should be accompanied by a short title and some description.  
  • At the closing date we will add a poll for members to vote on and the most popular photo will be the winner.
  • The winner will receive a prize as listed above and the winning photo will be placed in a permanent photo gallery along with the best runners up.
  • Closing Date for Entries: Saturday 26th July 2008 when voting will be allowed by all members for one week.

    Full rules can be found Here

    Help Posting Photographs

    The competition voting is now closed and the results are:

    1st - Snap Dragon with 9 vote

    2nd - Swing Swang with 5 vote

    3rd - Sweet Pea with 4 votes


    The Entrants

    Quote from: "poultrygeist"

    Title: Our pusscat Evie...

    Description: The lion sleeps tonight... Her favourite corner in the caravan (last year).


    Quote from: "beki"

    Title: I am an Arab Bull Terrier - honest guv!

    Description: My english bull terrier, Bosun, wishes to emigrate to somewhere where he feels he'll fit in ;)


    Quote from: "Lilypad cavies"

    Title: Mush mush!!

    Description: Lilly regretting choosing to be rudolf  :?  I think the power of being santa claws has gone to cappuchinos head :lol:  Cappuchinos glad cos she has a fur lined padded sleigh with blinky lights :tongue2:


    Quote from: "Minty"

    Title: Weed!!

    Description: Last summer Alfred decided we were not giving him enough attention.... so he pretended to be a flower  :?
    But he's more like a weeeeed.  :lol:


    Quote from: "Frog"

    Title: Our 3rd Baby!

    Description: Ali, alias Poppet, Mrs Mop, Cutie Pie or that Darned Cat! :twisted:

    Quote from: "gingerdave"

    Title: Mr Pink

    Description: If i sink really low, and look really cute nobody will ever know i'm here!


    Quote from: "jack russell"

    Title: Its so ruuuufff around here.....

    Description: Even the dogs wear hoodies


    Quote from: "davepitch"

    Title: Just Call me Sir Catmund Hillary

    Description: This is Winston aged a few weeks discovering the usefulness of claws


    Quote from: "Yorkie1"

    Title: Some random neighbourhood cat chancing his luck ...

    Description: If I look uncomfortable enough, perhaps she'll open the back door and let me sleep on her bed  :wink: (fat chance!)


    Quote from: "Sadgit"

    Title: Oh he is gonna get it...

    Description: The stupid young cat puts his head over the edge for the house tiger to give him a lesson in swatting..


    Quote from: "srebmob"

    Title: cat eat hog

    Description: George the cat has learnt his lesson, share and share alike!


    Quote from: "SalJ1980"

    Title: Zzzzzz....

    Description: Toffee's favourite place to snooze - mum's lap!


    Quote from: "peapod"

    Title: My Sonny


    Quote from: "flatcap"

    Title: its a hard life being a bitch

    Description: a pic of youngest dog Memphis


    Quote from: "Alex 98"

    Title: His Lordship

    Description: Father of many, you gotta problem wit dat?  He been waiting for his Son to come home, pppphhhheeeeeewwwww
    Here he is ,  Sorry Dad.........forgot the time,,,,


    Quote from: "chickchick"

    Title:  Baby Bubble

    Description:  snug and warm with carrot and cuddle!


    Quote from: "freecyclegardener"

    Title: KITT, the cat.

    Description: Yes, i named a cat after a car. Isn't she cute? Here she is about to pounce on my foot probably.
    Broke my heart a couple of weeks after this photo was taken, died suddenly overnight and the vet told me it was heart failure. My pew pew mew friend is now no more.

    RIP KITT, my little Knightrider. Sept 2007 - Nov 2007


    Quote from: "Charlwood1005"

    Title: Arthur

    Description: What do you mean photo competition????????????


    Quote from: "muddifoot"

    Title: The Boys are back in Town!...

    Description: ...after their two and half hour disappearing act at Forty Hall this morning - A hundred different pet owners were searching for them!!!   They finally turned up, out of the blue, with their tails between their legs looking almost as frantic as we were - they're now back home safe and sound but oh so very contrite. Big thanks to everyone for their help.


    Quote from: "babe"

    Title: puss in boot

    Description: teaching new members of the family at an early age, the importance of designer footwear


    Quote from: "green fingers"

    Title: I may be small but I have big attitude


    Quote from: "Charlie"

    Title: this is the Beautiful Tansy Cobweb.

    Description: the picture was taken by my o/h poppy (who is a forum member) but she said that I could post it.
    Tansy is two and a half and is as loving and cute as she looks.
    she has a fabby curly tail but you can't see that!


    Quote from: "jannie"

    Title: my name is bruce and i'm 10


    Quote from: "nettynoodles1"

    Title: VICTOR VOO a 10hh rescue shetland enjoying his new life just having a laff!!!!

    Description: he was in a fair old state when I got him no one bothered to catch him took me 6 weeks to catch him but now he just thinks its funny


    Quote from: "Big Jen"

    Title: Rappel supervising the apples growing on the tree- his favourite snack.



    Quote from: "Code Numpty"

    Title: Spike The Mole Hunter

    Description: This is one of my 2 Jack Russels, Spike. He and his chum Boogie try and turn  my garden into a bomb site by digging for moles. This involves them excavating the entire molehill and tunnels as far as they can with much gusto. They don't seem to realise that anything in there has long gone by the time they have spent 30 minutes chucking soil everywhere.

    After they have finished they sit in the conservatory waiting for the mud to dry, before racing into the house and leaving it on the carpet! :roll:


    Quote from: "Belinda"

    Title: Happiness is a comfy pillow! :)

    Description: My whippet Bass and greyhound Echo.


    Quote from: "deezkatz"

    Title: Gizmo

    Description: my gorgeous baby puddy


    Quote from: "Vember"

    Title: Millie

    Description: Helping Mummy find the hole in the fitted sheet :)


    Quote from: "mashauk"

    Title: Such a good mouser!

    Description: Otis doing what he does best, getting in my way (only keeping it warm for you mum, honestly)


    Quote from: "Swing Swang"

    Title: My name is Sweetpea and I like acorns.

    Description: Sweetpea was my Dad's burro, and this is how I remember her - making a beeline for me as soon as she realised that I had good things for her to eat. She loved acorns, which I always used to pick for her. She passed away peacefully a couple of weeks ago.


    Quote from: "Kate and her Ducks"

    Title: Oliver,

    Desciption:  Fearsome Bumble bee hunter


    Quote from: "birmancats"

    Title: This was Joshua as a baby wanting to join his mates.  Very persuasive!


    Quote from: "Sweet_pea"

    Title: 'You looking at me buddy!'

    Description: Benny our bengal x kitten not quite sure what to make of the sweet peas


    Quote from: "Allotment Angel"

    Title: Is it time for a walk yet?

    Description: This is Pepper our 12 year old Staffie.  She loves coming to the allotment with us, especially if there are interesting things like frogs hopping about.



    Quote from: "Snap Dragon"

    Title: Dr Dolittles original pushmi-pullyu! (with a bottom, not a head, at each end  :D)

    Description: Mac and Dee (named after the well known fast food emporium!) at about 10 weeks old. So angelic.... when they were asleep!!!

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Photo Competition #4 - My Pet(s) or somebody else's
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2008, 16:53 »
Hmmm. So many to choose from !  :roll:

This should bring some good entries. I can't wait.

Rob  :)



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Photo Competition #4 - My Pet(s) or somebody else's
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2008, 17:38 »
This is not an entry, but....

Our "Kalvin"

A bit of a poser
Did it really tell you to do THAT on the packet?



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Photo Competition #4 - My Pet(s) or somebody else's
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2008, 17:40 »
Ah! John's put it up now - see the compy prize!



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Photo Competition #4 - My Pet(s) or somebody else's
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2008, 17:53 »
Very generous of you DD.  :D  

I need a pea  :shock:

Entry coming up........



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Photo Competition #4 - My Pet(s) or somebody else's
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2008, 17:54 »
Our pusscat Evie...

The lion sleeps tonight... Her favourite corner in the caravan (last year).



Aunt Sally

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Photo Competition #4 - My Pet(s) or somebody else's
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2008, 18:53 »
Can I remind all entrants to include:



It makes it easier for me to set up the voting  :wink:



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Photo Competition #4 - My Pet(s) or somebody else's
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2008, 19:07 »
Is my format ok or do you want me to make it clearer ?  :?

Rob  :)


Aunt Sally

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Photo Competition #4 - My Pet(s) or somebody else's
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2008, 19:10 »
Yours is fine Rob :roll:

The more I can disqualify the better my chance of winning  :wink:  :lol:



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Photo Competition #4 - My Pet(s) or somebody else's
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2008, 19:13 »
Put your cards on the table !!



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Photo Competition #4 - My Pet(s) or somebody else's
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2008, 19:18 »
Sorry, my server kinda frowns on direct linking of images so I can only post a link to a page that shows it ( if that's not ok, feel free to remove the link ) ....

... so, on with my entry .....

it's not "exactly" a pet bee, but I can pretend it was if that allows me to enter? .... and it did stay still for ages ... and I may have accidently watered it at some point .... *angelic look*

Title : Beeutiful

Description : I actually thought it was dead it stayed still so long! .... didn't half run a mile when it woke up :tongue2:





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Photo Competition #4 - My Pet(s) or somebody else's
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2008, 19:42 »
The simple rules have confused me :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  or at least number 2 has:

"It can be your pet or someone elses, on an allotment or a home garden - just so long as it's a pet (even Babe who has a pet carrot). "

Does this mean they NEED to be outside, or just that they can be?

If they need to be, dare I point out that Rob's kitty (although very cute!) is indoors - unless he's hoping we'll be confused by the floral upholstery?! Or is it an outdoor sofa?!?! Not that I'm trying to get the opposition qualified at all (I don't need to - my kitty will win by miles!   :D )

Organic...so far!



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Photo Competition #4 - My Pet(s) or somebody else's
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2008, 19:46 »
Sorry, that bit about outdoors shouldn't have been there so I've edited it out.

¥åßßå - sorry, links to a flower aren't what we're after :)



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Photo Competition #4 - My Pet(s) or somebody else's
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2008, 19:47 »
Thanks John, that's a relief (I've got 600-odd pics of kitty indoors, and just 3 of him outdoors! Yes, I am a crazy cat-lady - or so OH says  :lol: )



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Photo Competition #4 - My Pet(s) or somebody else's
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2008, 19:48 »
Can't see that wording....must have been modified especially to let me win !!  :)

Although it was in a caravan in the front garden.  :roll:

Rob  8)

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