Allotment Gardening Advice Help Chat

Growing => Grow Your Own => Topic started by: borderer1951 on November 20, 2020, 07:03

Title: A hard two years
Post by: borderer1951 on November 20, 2020, 07:03
It's been a long time since I posted or even read much about life on the allotment.  A move to a house closer to a hospital was necessitated by my wife's ill health has forced many changes on us.  I took over a new half plot almost two years ago and spent the first season getting rid of rampant Mare's Tail whilst making a regular thirty-mile round trip to and from my old plots to actually do some growing.  Last winter I built raised beds for most of my veg and managed to fill them in time for spring.  Then came the virus with the local council enforcing restrictions; some people are going to be very sulky when all restrictions are finally lifted and their little bits of extra power go out of the window.  The 'Lockdown' also  made it hard to get some of my preferred seeds but I managed to get decent crops with the seeds I could get hold of.  My greenhouses are up and so is one of the two sheds I need.

All fine for the winter and next spring?  I hoped so but we are being plagued by a series of break-ins and thefts from our sheds.  Some of my neighbouring plot holders would like to start new compost heaps with the thieves if they can catch them.  Personally, I think that six months enforced hard labour digging over vacant plots would be a better idea and when they finish, they can start all over again.

I hope everyone is staying well.
Title: Re: A hard two years
Post by: mumofstig on November 20, 2020, 08:20
Sorry to hear of your wife's ill-health borderer :( Hope she stays as well as she can.
Hopefully, we'll all get back to normal life soon - so we can enjoy our gardening, and life in general, as we used to. Fingers crossed.
Hard labour as punishment sounds good to me, as well - gotta catch them first though..
Title: Re: A hard two years
Post by: Ema on November 21, 2020, 07:41
Sounds like you’ve had a stressful few years, I hope your wife is ok. You are lucky to have been able to get a new plot the waiting lists are long around me.

There are a lot of people out of work already and worrying about food and Thewordwemustnotsay it’s no excuse but I’m not surprised crime is rising.

We were not allowed sheds on my old plot and I just used to keep tools is the boot. Have the plot holders actually reported the thefts as I often find people think someone else will do it for them.

I hope 2021 is a better year for you x