Telling a hybrid from a pure breed

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Telling a hybrid from a pure breed
« on: August 20, 2010, 15:37 »
This is a bit of a continuation of my previous post 'Hens for dark brown eggs' in a roundabout way!

Having gone through endless websites and links deciding on a grower, I've noticed that some breeders/suppliers have pure breeds and hybrids. Certain hybrids like the Light Sussex hybrid and the Leghorn and Speckledys (Maran hybrid) tend to look identical to the pure breeds. Do I just have faith in the supplier? They look so much like the pure breeds! We already have the Leghorn, Speckledy, Amberlink, 2 Warrens, Bluebelle, Black Rock and blue egg layer hybrids.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Telling a hybrid from a pure breed
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2010, 15:46 »
Sussex and Leghorns are purebreeds ;)

"Light" Sussex is the colour (white with black neck hackle, tail feathers and primary wing feathers... to make matters confusing, this is also known as "colombian" in other breeds).

As for determining whether the chicken is a pure breed or hybrid (or a "farmyard" special), it is basically knowledge about the breed in question.  You should be able to tell the general characteristics from the breed standard.  You could ask the breeder about the parents, but being familiar with the breed standard is a good start.

For instance wyandottes should have clean (no feathering) yellow legs and a rose comb.  the overall shape is rounded and soft - so if someone was advertising a "wyandotte" which had a similar shape to a black rock I'd be suspicious. ;)



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Re: Telling a hybrid from a pure breed
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2010, 20:36 »
I agree with Casey - if there is a particular breed you want then have a look at the breed standards for that one - leg colour, comb, stance, eye colour etc.
All blue egg layers originated from the Araucana so will have that breed somewhere in their genetics.
As was mentioned in your other post you really need a Maran for dark brown eggs and when looking at these you will find two strains - the Maran and the French Maran which have feathered legs and in my opinion are the best strain.
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Re: Telling a hybrid from a pure breed
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2010, 22:02 »
Thought you might like to see my girl's eggies!!

I have a Copper Black Maran, A French Wheaton Maran, a Cream Legbar, An Araucana, A Red Dorking, A Black Rock, An Amber Star, A Cuckoo Maran!! 



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Re: Telling a hybrid from a pure breed
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2010, 22:54 »
Thank you all  :D

So I think it may be a Maran to go for  :) I shall head to my stack of books to have a good look at how they should look if they are pure breed. I might be cheeky and ask how dark the eggs are and hope they show me some  ;) When I can source a supplier of Maran growers  :blink:

mumsy who laid the dark one top left? Fantastic colour.



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Re: Telling a hybrid from a pure breed
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2010, 23:01 »
That is my Copper Black, Lily!!  She has just hatched a Copper more lovely dark eggs in 6 months!!!



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Re: Telling a hybrid from a pure breed
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2010, 17:14 »
Sussex and Leghorns are purebreeds ;)

"Light" Sussex is the colour (white with black neck hackle, tail feathers and primary wing feathers... to make matters confusing, this is also known as "colombian" in other breeds).

As for determining whether the chicken is a pure breed or hybrid (or a "farmyard" special), it is basically knowledge about the breed in question.  You should be able to tell the general characteristics from the breed standard.  You could ask the breeder about the parents, but being familiar with the breed standard is a good start.

For instance wyandottes should have clean (no feathering) yellow legs and a rose comb.  the overall shape is rounded and soft - so if someone was advertising a "wyandotte" which had a similar shape to a black rock I'd be suspicious. ;)

I have seen Light Sussex hybrids advertised in the Country Smallholder I don't understand but assume there must be a hybrid? :)
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Re: Telling a hybrid from a pure breed
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2010, 18:25 »
light sussex hybrids are definatly not pure a breed but a cross but must have some light sussex in the genes.



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Re: Telling a hybrid from a pure breed
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2010, 02:33 »
Ask the breeder and if you can see the breeder stock.  For pure breed LS there should be Sussex Cocks and hens among them.  Sussex pure breeds are very distinct shape and larger and heavier than a hybrid which is usually slim and medium sized generally.
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Re: Telling a hybrid from a pure breed
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2010, 11:05 »
Thanks everyone  :D

I understand about the hybrids, as I have all of them except for the Light Sussex hybrid  :)

One suppliers website has photos of the hens with a cockerel. I suppose I'm a bit worried about being supplied with a hybrid  :blush: When we were buying our second hybrids (adding to our first  :nowink:) the Light Sussex hybrids were huge. I shall go through my books and study the pure breeds!

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