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Poultry and Pets => The Hen House => Topic started by: virginia nuckols on April 27, 2008, 17:13

Title: man man bantam
Post by: virginia nuckols on April 27, 2008, 17:13
I have a problem with man man. I have had him for three weeks. He is acting sick. His feathers are down and he is very woobley. Can someone please help me I love him very much and do not want to lose him. please please please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: man man bantam
Post by: Aunt Sally on April 27, 2008, 17:35
Hi virginia

Welcome to the forums.  Your birds sounds really unwell but it is difficult to say what it could be.  Anything from Marek's disease to poisoning.

Keep an eye on him for any changes and contact a vet would be what I would do  :cry:

If you tell us a bit about him , age / any other symptoms / history / breed / known vaccinations / any other birds unwell, that type of thing someone may have some ideas.
Title: man man
Post by: virginia nuckols on April 27, 2008, 18:17
he is about 1 yaer old when i got hin 3 weeks ago. he acts very tired and unstable. it is only him and one hen.he is a dutch bantam blue partridge.very friendly and i love him very much.please help. I keep them in a cage with straw. I take them out in the day and bring them in at night.