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Chatting => Frugal Living => Topic started by: SkipRat on April 13, 2007, 12:13

Title: I'm now saving money
Post by: SkipRat on April 13, 2007, 12:13
Top tip..Just had double glazing installed so that the kids cannot hear the ice cream van.
Title: I'm now saving money
Post by: milkman on April 13, 2007, 15:09
Good idea Skiprat, next step will be to trade children for a couple of guinea pigs - they can be confined to a hutch, only require feeding, watering and cleaning out, and their waste bedding goes straight on the compost heap.  No "can I have this, can I have that", no answering back etc.  Much more cost effective  8)
Title: I'm now saving money
Post by: Aunt Sally on April 13, 2007, 17:09
They don't lay eggs though.  I'd swap the children for a few hens  8)
Title: Re: I,m now saving money
Post by: Kerry on April 13, 2007, 17:46
Quote from: "SkipRat"
Top tip..Just had double glazing installed so that the kids cannot hear the ice cream van.

My Mum used to tell us that if the ice cream van played a tune it meant they'd run out.  :lol:
Title: Re: I,m now saving money
Post by: WG. on April 13, 2007, 19:06
Quote from: "Kerry"
My Mum used to tell us that if the ice cream van played a tune it meant they'd run out.  :lol:
 :lol:  :lol:  That is mean.

Didn't you think to ask why it stopped 100 yards away beside the next queue of people?  :wink:
Title: I'm now saving money
Post by: ytyynycefn on April 13, 2007, 20:15
We tell the nipper it's the Library van ;-)
Title: I'm now saving money
Post by: noshed on April 13, 2007, 23:04
That would not work on our estate. There's a gang of 6 year-old girls on pink bikes who know exactly when the ice cream van is due.
Title: I'm now saving money
Post by: sclarke624 on April 14, 2007, 02:58
Our icecream van used to give the kids a free extra cone for the dog.......he always knew when the van was around.
Title: I'm now saving money
Post by: lucywil on April 14, 2007, 08:17
many years ago when i lived in lincoln the curtis van used to come round which is a butcher/baker type thing. so one day when visiting my brother the ice cream van came and my neice came running through 'can i have an ice cream?'.my brother tried to get out of it saying it was the curtis van to which she replied 'well can i have a pork pie then?'
Title: I'm now saving money
Post by: mkhenry on April 16, 2007, 18:37
Quote from: "ytyynycefn"
We tell the nipper it's the Library van ;-)

 I dont like our Library Van. They run over my foot and when I shouted in pain the driver wound down the window and said..........Shhushhhhhhhhh. :D  :D  :D
Title: I'm now saving money
Post by: purplebat on April 16, 2007, 19:03
my kids never asked me for ice creams; they used to beg them off the ice cream man! I could have throttled them, luckily he knew us and the kids were on first name terms with him; but now we live in a road that the ice cream van doesn't visit; sorted! :lol:
Title: I'm now saving money
Post by: wisp on June 06, 2007, 03:17
The problem is not the ice cream man, it's the kids!

Get dogs rather than kids. They're loyal, can be trained, eat anything you give them and you can put them down when they're 14! :lol:
Title: I'm now saving money
Post by: weeeed on July 21, 2007, 20:12
Quote from: "wisp"
The problem is not the ice cream man, it's the kids!

Get dogs rather than kids. They're loyal, can be trained, eat anything you give them and you can put them down when they're 14! :lol:

Yes you can bury them in the garden and no-one says anything!  You should see how well my roses grow. :lol:  :lol:
Title: I'm now saving money
Post by: crowndale on July 22, 2007, 08:23
Ah, the memories of long happy days in the sunshine, how well we only the remember the sunny days!  I can remember we always got an ice cream when the van came round when I was a child.  I can even remember sitting in the bath with my sister, covered in crazy foam, eating a 99.  but my kids were initially brought up next to a main raod so the vans never stopped there, then we lived in hong kong in high rises, not that there were vans there but they'd not have heard them 33 floors up anyway!  And now that we live on a cul de sac the van goes down the next road but not down ours, magic!  the double glazing must be really old though, can still the van through it 100 yards away!
Title: I'm now saving money
Post by: flowergirl on July 22, 2007, 15:10
the ice cream van on my estate doesnt seem to stop anywhere, you hear it and by the time you get to the road hes speeding off, obviously isnt in it for the money!
Title: I'm now saving money
Post by: brucesgirl on July 22, 2007, 19:21
One has just started stopping outside our house every Sunday at 7.00, only two kids live in our street!!! They both run out, no shoes on, in a panic that he will drive off before they get to him.
Cheers us up to watch all this, as it's so nice to see kids doing traditional things.