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Chatting => Frugal Living => Topic started by: sclarke624 on March 30, 2007, 14:48

Title: B&Q buckets
Post by: sclarke624 on March 30, 2007, 14:48
Ipicked up on something Digger Dave said about putting red hot skwers into cat litter trays to make holes.

Well I have just done that to six B&Q buckets I bought for 98p each and they are brilliant.  The skewer went through easy as well.  So I now have six (all be it bright orange) tubs to put veg in.  Cheaper than the pots of same size they were selling  at £3-4.00.

So Thanks for the idea.
Title: Re: B&Q buckets
Post by: DD. on March 30, 2007, 14:50
Quote from: "sclarke624"
Ipicked up on something Digger Dave said about putting red hot skwers into cat litter trays to make holes.

Well I have just done that to six B&Q buckets I bought for 98p each and they are brilliant.  The skewer went through easy as well.  So I now have six (all be it bright orange) tubs to put veg in.  Cheaper than the pots of same size they were selling  at £3-4.00.

So Thanks for the idea.

Bucket Kebabs!!!!!
Title: B&Q buckets
Post by: sclarke624 on March 30, 2007, 14:58
They are use less as practical buckets anyways.  I got two last year, before I got into veg growing, to actually use as buckets.  I wanted to use them to bath the dog i.e. chuck a bucket of warm water over him.............blo*dy handle came off both of them and soaked me instead.  Cos Charlie (my golden retriever) might think that is poetic justice as he hates baths.  Hates baths But loves the sea (we are just down the road) figure that one out.
Title: B&Q buckets
Post by: fluffypebble on March 30, 2007, 15:11
Because retrievers have a waterproof undercoat that means they don't feel the wet when swimming in the sea or ponds but when you shampoo it removes this protection so they feel it - and they don't like it.
Title: B&Q buckets
Post by: sclarke624 on March 30, 2007, 18:16
Really, thats interesting (not meant to sound sarky as it does).  Never thought of that.  I suppose thinking about it he only paddles in the sea it rarely goes over his back.  Of course he can also sense my impending doom of a wet dog having to be chased around the garden.  He knows as soon as I get the buckets out in the garden and shut all the house doors.
Title: B&Q buckets
Post by: fluffypebble on March 30, 2007, 19:52
One of my labs always managed to get out of the bath when I had covered her with shampoo.  Rather difficult getting hold to get her back in especially when I was pregnant.
Title: B&Q buckets
Post by: muntjac on March 30, 2007, 20:51
no worries about my dogs having baths .... sugar soap and sea make a great excuse foir it  :wink:

bramble( velcro)



old bramble
Title: B&Q buckets
Post by: sclarke624 on March 30, 2007, 23:07
They're gorgeous doggies.
Title: B&Q buckets
Post by: Trillium on March 30, 2007, 23:18
You're all lucky you can get your dogs wet. My purebred lab is terrified of the bath and flat out refuses to go anywhere near the ponds or lake for fear of getting wet. Go figure that one  :?
Title: B&Q buckets
Post by: sclarke624 on March 31, 2007, 00:39
Trillium Whats he like in the rain .
Title: B&Q buckets
Post by: Trillium on March 31, 2007, 04:30
My big black furry chicken cowers under the doorway overhang begging to be let in out of the rain. She won't go out in it unless dragged. And we hardly ever get thunderstorms here so that's not the problem. Oddly enough, my last 2 dogs (a lab cross and a bearded collie) were also terrified of the rain. Can tell you that I felt awfully stupid standing out in the rain trying to coax them out for piddles. I kept getting these 'what an idiot you are getting soaked out there' looks.
Title: B & Q Buckets.
Post by: mkhenry on March 31, 2007, 19:50
Lovely looking dogs Munty. A Credit to you.  Re cheap buckets. When my handle broke off I was lucky.  My next door neighbour is a Plastic Surgeon. :shock:
Title: B&Q buckets
Post by: liz from the fizz on March 31, 2007, 22:26
Munty your mutts are just delightful. They deserve a group hug.. :D
Title: B&Q buckets
Post by: muntjac on March 31, 2007, 22:32
oh they get group hugs lol , the chocolate one wont sleep on anybodies bed but wil the floor .now if my grand daughter comes she will go and lay right up close to her and if anyone comes in the room she growls until she knows who it is in the dark lol , she is the only dog jade wants to come and pick her up from school as well lol
Title: When did "Organic" actually srart
Post by: mkhenry on April 02, 2007, 21:27
You got a point there Munty.When did "Natural" become "Organic" For thousands of years People grew plants.  They learned to select the best for seed and used every trick in the book to make them grow bigger and better.  Genetic modification at its best.   Then somebody started to cover everything in chemicals.  Often deadly poison.   But that was at least a couple of hundred years ago.   We seem to have only just woken up to this fact. :idea:
Title: B&Q buckets
Post by: Wobblymoo on April 07, 2007, 23:16
Someone else spotted the buckets too, hubby used a router drill bit to put me holes in each one.
You've a lottie doogies Munty :D
Title: B&Q buckets
Post by: John on April 08, 2007, 00:34
I got a load of large pots that Morrisons were selling - 99p for 8 I think. They used to have the cut flowers in. Drilled holes in them and voila - large pots,

Lovely dog piccies, Muntjac.  They look a fun bunch.