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Re: New/Old Member
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2021, 21:47 »
I know exactly what you mean about a slower pace of life.  The normal saying is that the Isle of Wight is 25 years behind the mainland!  I've been here 30 years now and if we go back to the 'Big Island' (as we call it) I don't like the crowds of people or the amount of traffic.  Here shopkeepers will ignore the next customer to finish the conversation they are having with you. I was only supposed to be here for 5 years but wouldn't live anywhere else now.  The only downside is that bit of water and cost of crossing it.

It must be a common thing with rural communities or smaller islands because it’s exactly the same here. At least 20 years behind. The conversation thing is extremely common here. Even if the queue is miles long, they don’t pay any heed to it, they just carry on gossiping without a care in the world.....

"and how’s yer Mary, is she doing ok AND did yer see yer woman up at......, Jeez, she’s looking an awful shtate since the old wan passed on"  :lol:

Kills me  :lol:
Old account - wildwitchy.
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Two Sheep Soapery.



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Re: New/Old Member
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2021, 23:53 »
After city traffic, seeing 2 cars blocking the road as the drivers have a chat was a shock. Now it's hardly worth comment.
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