Hi all
A little about myself and my experience of starting back with keeping chickens I do hope that you will read all of my post as it contains some advice and a warning to all keepers of chickens .
After suffering a heart attack in 2008 I was forced into retirement from my specialist engineering job, so with lots of spare time on my hands and being now a little limited as to what I can and cannot do physically I decided to keep a few backyard chickens, as a family we always had chickens and almost grew up with them so was taught lots as a youngster,
I took my time and thought about the best way to provide the most rewarding home and care for my chickens as I could possibly provide, after much thought I decided to build my own chicken coop with all the good ideas gained from searching the net and seeing what others had done for their hens.
I designed my coop with the view of being easy to keep clean and as a modular design so it could be easy to take apart if needed to be , as you will see in my pics I have tried to make things easy for me to cope with my disabilities from my heart problems , trays that slide out from either side to make cleaning and washing easy every part of the coop can come apart if a deep clean needs to be done , ventilation was done with two high vents and a roof that can be opened in hot weather if needed .
Detachable nest box with four nests in and I used cat litter trays so makes it very easy to keep clean and fresh for my hens, the coop is bolted together in six sections, floor roof, front back and two sides. All perches are removable for cleaning and maintenance.
So all this work took me almost a year to complete and get ready for my new hens to be happy in I stocked up on all the usual items before getting my hens , shavings straw , medicines, tonics, searched for all I may need and made my stock of essentials up for keeping healthy and happy chickens .
Search many web sites for which company I would use to get the best hens for my needs.
Finally decided that one supplier looked very good but was quite some distance away so we travelled to this supplier and got six hens two Sussex. Two Columbian blacktails and two blacks. we picked them out from a large selection from this company I did watch the hens in their outside run and selected what I thought were the best looking and fittest from around fifty or so mixed flock .the company had stated that all vaccinations had been given and they would not sell any birds that looked ill or unkempt. So trusted their experience and advice.
We got the hens on a wed and took them home to introduce them to our new coop,
By the Friday of the same week it looked like we had a few poorly hens which I initially put down to change of environment so treated them with tonic and gave them chance to settle them seemed to be ok with the coop and their run on the sat of the same week we had all the hens very poorly so contacted the company which I got them from and was told “boss is out will get him to call you back “told them it was urgent!
Come Sunday we now knew we had some very sick hens on our hands very lethargic sneezing and breathing very poor with open mouths and gasping for breath. Again contacted the company what sold them to me for advice and help left two messages on answer phone to please contact me urgently tried all the numbers given on their web page still no contact with any advice or help.
As it was now a bank holiday I was very concerned to see the state of my poor birds and did feel so helpless as to what action to take next , tried to contact local vets whom I thought may beable to help with even just advice but no local vets would deal with chickens ! I finally got a specialist poultry vet some 20 miles away that advised me and told me what to do, I took one of the hens to him to see what the problems were and he instantly said it was mycoplasmsois and gave me the treatment to use in their water .he asked if they had been vaccinated I told him that the seller states on his site that they all were vaccinated he doubted this had happened.
We did lose three of our hens which I was most upset about but managed to get the other three back to full health with lots of time and effort , the company whom I got these birds from never did call me back . As this is an ongoing matter I have now taken up with this company I cannot yet name them but when I have done I will name and shame them if this website will allow that.
We got three new hens from a different supplier and did all the quarantine bit with them to make sure all was well before introduction to the main group.
I am pleased to say that now we have a healthy and happy group of well cared for hens.
I know this is a long post but hope that it may help others to look very carefully at stock from mass breeders or sellers and check them out well with a full examination of what they wish to buy , look at how they are kept and check out their nesting area also if the company do not let you do this then just be aware they may be hiding something all suppliers I now deal with gives me access to any and all areas of their site I may wish to see and will supply a printed list of what their hens have been vaccinated with and when .