Hello MPG Esq. Having raided an old piggy-bank, various handbags, purses, wallets, backs of drawers (no - I wasn't in them at the time), and down every cushioned chair and sofa, I have the grand sum of one which I am more than happy to deposit in your bank. Please will you send me your account details etc so I can get it to you before the expiry date.
May I also add that whilst searching in these hidden places, I found some old groats and am told on good authority (Gezundheist bank, Switzerland) that they are rather rare. If anyone out there has any, I am prepared to buy them off you at a reasonable price. Postage and packing is free as long as you agree to the terms and conditions as stated on the website
www.goosejet.hi/five including "we are not responsible for any delays or failures to deliver, including those that are due to alien spacecraft, pigeon-fanciers' disease, road-works on the M6 and, if anyone is on holiday at the time of delivery, bad luck!