Wasps, again

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Re: Wasps, again
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2017, 18:35 »
I have watched wasps clear a cabbage of butterfly catterpillars , not a single one left as i checked!

It would be better if wasps could hawk down the adults before they got to lay their eggs .

There is an idea for a mini drone application *, it would just need to put 'em through the rotors ! :)

* patt pending  ;)



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Re: Wasps, again
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2017, 11:39 »
How cruel is all I can say.
Leave them be and they will not harm anymore.
A wasp does some good in our world, not like our real enemies slugs and snails.

Slugs and snails do help with decomposition of old vegetation. It is a shame that we have the mentality of slaughter anything that causes even a minor inconvenience, but I guess that is the issue with modern life, we have become ignorant and detached from the natural world, and see the natural world as something to be controlled or eliminated.

One reason slugs and snails cause problems is to do with selective breeding. Plants in the wild have evolved defense mechanisms such as bitter tasting compounds to deter animals and insects from eating them. The crops we eat are heavily human-modified versions of those wild plants. To make crops taste better, we breed the bitterness out, then complain when every slug, snail, aphid and pigeon wants to tuck into the sweet gourmet cuisine.



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Re: Wasps, again
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2017, 15:39 »
well, I relented on killing them and here we are, four months later and they are still going in and out of the hole in the border. And I've learned from the experience by avoiding getting stung again.

Here's a question. The thousand inhabitants of that nest must be close to the end of the natural life cycle and I'm keen to clear it out and replant. They are still active. Is now a humane and natural-ish time to euthanase them?



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Re: Wasps, again
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2017, 19:04 »
I find wasps at this time of year are worse than ever, they seem intent on stinging.
I suppose the weather will have to get quite a bit colder for them to die naturally.
I have no patience so would try to get rid of if I needed to cultivate.
having said that I have plenty to harvest yet and clearing and putting the plot to bed is a long way off.



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Re: Wasps, again
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2017, 21:28 »
well, I relented on killing them and here we are, four months later and they are still going in and out of the hole in the border. And I've learned from the experience by avoiding getting stung again.

Here's a question. The thousand inhabitants of that nest must be close to the end of the natural life cycle and I'm keen to clear it out and replant. They are still active. Is now a humane and natural-ish time to euthanase them?

As long as you do not kill the queens it is not genocide ! ;)



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Re: Wasps, again
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2017, 09:23 »
Shows how much warmer it is in your corner than in the Midlands.  Or wasps have gone pretty much - I found one very lethargic individual yesterday, but I doubt it made it through the night.

The queen will still be in the nest if it is active, but the young queens will have flown in all probability.  Monday's bad weather might well be the end for them.
All we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about (Charles Kingsley)

Wasps! Yes I know, they do good, but.

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