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Poultry and Pets => The Hen House => Topic started by: Angie on September 05, 2007, 21:14

Title: New chicken owner needs advice please!
Post by: Angie on September 05, 2007, 21:14
Hi, am so glad I found this site, maybe now I can start to do right by my chickens!  I have had hens for 10 months now, 2 hatched at Easter time.  I'm aware that I'm meant to be worming, defleaing and protecting against parasites but have no idea what stuff to buy and how easiest to administer it.  

My chickens all feed from a 25kg auto feeder which they peck to release food and their water is a 20kg auto feeder.  I'd like to be able to administer all necessary medicine via food and/or water but what can I use and how do I administer it in such a large auto feeder?  I need brand names here and something which I can ideally buy from the internet as I dont know where I can buy it in person.

I feel lots more questions coming on but will do so in a separate posting!  Thanks very much, hope someone can help!!

Angie :?
Title: New chicken owner needs advice please!
Post by: si-mate on September 06, 2007, 08:42
Hi Angie,

Whereabout are you in Surrey? To worm you want to use Flubenvet which you mix up in a weeks worth of feed. You can get it off the internet, but I'm sure there is somewhere locally you could buy it from instead.
Fleas aren't really a problem with chickens, but you do need to watch out for red mites and lice.

With these two prevention is much, much easier than cure so get yourself some barrier red mite powder and give the birds and routine dusting every few weeks and also dust their bedding when you clean them out.

Apart from that make sure they've always got clean water and some oyster shell and grit and they'll be happy and give you lots of eggs.
Title: New chicken owner needs advice please!
Post by: richyrich7 on September 06, 2007, 09:17
Hi Angie
welcome to the site, like si says flubenvet is what you are looking for. Cheapest I've found it is from Best pet pharmacy ( but it's worth doing a google just in case.

For mites etc I use Gold Label GET RID organic crawling insect powder it says rids lice and fleas from all farm livestock, I even put it on the cats !
It contains untreated microscopic algae. thats distributed by westgate in newchurch got mine off ebay. seems to work really well again I dust them every 2-3 weeks and put a liberal sprinkling in their bedding under perches etc.
Title: New chicken owner needs advice please!
Post by: slowef on September 06, 2007, 18:32
Quote from: "richyrich7"

For mites etc I use Gold Label GET RID organic crawling insect powder it says rids lice and fleas from all farm livestock, I even put it on the cats !
It contains untreated microscopic algae. thats distributed by westgate in newchurch got mine off ebay. seems to work really well again I dust them every 2-3 weeks and put a liberal sprinkling in their bedding under perches etc.

Where do you get this from then please?
Title: New chicken owner needs advice please!
Post by: richyrich7 on September 06, 2007, 20:33
The only place I've found it is on ebay, I read about it on the PP forums,
I've just had a look and These ( people are the only ones listing it, I'm sure I got it from them.
Title: New chicken owner needs advice please!
Post by: Angie on September 07, 2007, 20:40
Thank you everyone for your advice, brilliantly helpful and I'll get some of that stuff tomorrow!  Meanwhile have bought something called Diatom which gets rid of internal parasites and fleas.  Have bought red mite stuff too.  Thanks again.  p.s - am near Farnham in Surrey so if anyone knows of a good poultry place?  Want to get some more Silkies.
Title: New chicken owner needs advice please!
Post by: slowef on September 07, 2007, 22:45
Oh goodness how odd I just moved from Farnham (Upper Hale)  to Salisbury Wiltshire.  I loved it there its still home for me.  

I am now settled here and this property gave us loads of room to do the homegrown veg and chicken thing  but do still get homesick for my family and friends and miss just being able to pop round its 45 mins each way now.
Title: New chicken owner needs advice please!
Post by: muntjac on September 07, 2007, 22:46
can i just say autofeeders are a usfull thing .but watch the chickens dont get fat . :wink:  :D