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General Gardening / Re: Grow lights
« Last post by WeeHughie on Today at 15:25 »
I had these delivered to me from Amazon - about 2 weeks ago, and so far am happy with them. I haven't figured out the three different light modes - at this point, have just turned them on full strength over my seedlings and am seeing excellent growth and vigor. These are seedlings that I'm growing in a dark area as it's the only place I have where I can keep them away from feral cats and windy conditions before they are big enough to put them in the gardeen.
Welcome to the Forums / Re: Hello From Greece!
« Last post by WeeHughie on Today at 15:03 »
Mumofstig, thanks for the reply! Interesting to me that you have some experience with gardening in Greece - possibly a slightly different microclimate than where I am, between Keratea and Lavrio. I have not visited many islands yet and have not been to Zakynthos.

I have some idea about growing peas - last year, the "mother-in-law" planted peas in late November in Central Greece at my wee olive grove. She just left them alone, and by May, we had a heck of a lot of peas to harvest!

They get a great deal of winter precipitation up there (as does the area that I'm living in). Summers, however, are very hot and very dry. In the 6 years I have been here, I can probably count on one hand the number of times it has rained between the end of May and into October.

I'm going to try peas in the garden here over the winter. I have a large pack of "Kelvedon Wonder" peas that has been in my plans to sow this week.

Greece is interesting to me with the climate and while it can get cold here in winter, still so many opportunities to grow stuff!
Chicken Chat / Re: Lost my little Ancona today very Sad!
« Last post by danfinn1 on Today at 14:34 »
Tbh I was a bit surprised by the size the size of the Ancona, and by the Famer lady who suggested I just throw the two new hens in with my 2.5kg Bluebell. I soon realised that the two new ones had better be split from Annie my Bluebell.
I'll not be buying from that person again. I've been keeping chickens now for over 10 years and never had such bad advice, or short lived birds before
Chatting on the Plot / Re: Excel Help
« Last post by AndyRVTR on Today at 13:24 »
Hi, thanks for that.. the file was saved on my phone, that's what I cant get my head around. I've not deleted it or moved it. If I had deleted it, it would be in the recycle bin of my phone, if I had moved it, I would still be able to find it using the search option?
Chatting on the Plot / Re: Excel Help
« Last post by Lardman on Today at 12:46 »
Where is the file actually stored ? The error you're getting is a complaint that the pointer you usually click on cant find the file. This can happen if the file has been moved, deleted or damaged but also if it was stored in an online service that you can't access, possibly because you've been automatically logged out for some reason.

If you check the shortcut it will tell you the location of the file it's trying to access you can take it from there. If it was on a physical medium such as a hard drive, sd card etc then I can help but if it's cloud based then you're at the mercy of the service provider.
Chicken Chat / Re: Lost my little Ancona today very Sad!
« Last post by snowdrops on Today at 11:25 »
Oh that’s sad, I’m surprised anyone had any chicks for sale this late in the year, round here they’re all finished by the end of October and that’s point of lay .
Welcome to the Forums / Re: Hello From Greece!
« Last post by mumofstig on Today at 08:29 »
Hi, Hughie, I went, and stayed after I took early retirement.
I had been holidaying in the same place on Zakynthos, for years, before I actually decided to stay.
I had a small villa in the corner of an olive grove and could use as much of that as i wanted to garden. The shade from the olives helped to stop things shrivelling in the heat, and I installed a piped watering system from the spring-fed cistern. That helped enormously.
The only things that I can remember not being able to grow were peas and swedes  ::) Although some things had to be grown earlier or later in the season, obviously, to miss the worst of the heat....
I only came back to the UK as my mother's health was deteriorating...
I still really miss the sun though  8)
Chicken Chat / Re: Lost my little Ancona today very Sad!
« Last post by New shoot on Yesterday at 22:53 »
That’s a shame Dan  :(

It does sound like a very young bird that was perhaps just off heat and couldn’t deal with the cold. Better luck next time.
Welcome to the Forums / Hello From Greece!
« Last post by WeeHughie on Yesterday at 22:44 »
Hi Everyone,

I came across this forum while searching on Stamnagathi - a vegetable in the chicory family, but native to Crete. I've also read some other interesting posts, so I decided to join the forum group. While I am in Greece, the interesting thing is winters here can be very similar to parts of the UK, at least where I am, just a little south of Athens.

How I came to be in Greece is a long story, but originally from Northern Ireland, then onto Canada where I did a lot of gardening with my parents, worked on a dairy farm by age 14, then "ran away from home" at age 17 to Alberta to work on a ranch...

Came back to Ontario, and for many years, always had a garden. Also have spent time (short times, here and there) helping my uncle on his farm in Ireland.  I ended up traveling to Greece about 2017 on a vacation, met a woman... haha... and returned a few times. The original plan was for both of us to spend time back and forth between Greece and Ontario, Canada but then COVID hit in 2020 - just weeks after I had come to Greece in January with the intention of heading back to Canada in May.  Well, COVID changed a lot of plans, and I've been here ever since, and for the past 3 years, renting a house that has a fair size vegetable garden, and learning all about gardening in Greece (which is quite different than Ontario, Canada!).

Summers here can be brutal with heat and drought, meaning even the tomato season can actually be shorter than in Ontario, Canada, but the winters, while I can see snow and temps below freezing the odd time, are ideal for cool temperature vegetables. So I am learning a brand new, to me, style of gardening and learning more and more and even experimenting and challenging what some Greeks tell me I can and cannot do! For example, last year, I successfully started some tomato plants including a cherry tomato from seed, in August, and had tomato plants growing in my garden all winter. They saw snow, freezing rain, hail, and night temps at times below freezing, but were never hit with frost - and they did very well. They didn't produce tons of tomatoes, and they were slow to ripen, but still.... they were tasty and it was fun to pick tomatoes in February and March, when others said it could not be done.

So that is enough about me and I'm looking forward to browsing more of the posts here, contributing where I can, and  probably having lots of questions as well.
The Hen House / Re: Chicken Registration
« Last post by danfinn1 on Yesterday at 21:03 »
Registered today as I heard the website had crashed in October and then forgot until I read about it again on here  ::)
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