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Poultry and Pets => The Hen House => Topic started by: themagicaltoad1 on February 24, 2012, 20:41

Title: Goose question
Post by: themagicaltoad1 on February 24, 2012, 20:41
I just know this is going to be a big headache for me.......

My wife brought home a goose egg today intending it to be for an omlette for my young daughter. My daughter had other ideas and stuck it under a broody hen. I know NOTHING about geese so have a few questions.
1. if/ when it hatches will it need special feed or can I give it chick crumbs?
2. will it mix ok with the chooks or will it need other geese?
3. will it need water like ducks do?
4. what do I do if it gets too big for the chicken coop, would it be ok in a kennel in the run on its own at night?

Any advice would be very much appreciated.
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: Sassy on February 25, 2012, 08:17
I don't know anything about geese other than that they like to live with at least one member of their own kind.

Is the egg fertile and if so how old is it as this will effect development?

I don't know if a hen will manage an egg so big to successfully hatch.

Whatever, I'm sure you'll sort it :)
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: agapanthus on February 25, 2012, 11:40
Goose eggs are quite hard to hatch....even by geese!! They do need quite a bit of water, they like to duck their heads and neck into it to wash. We fed our gosling on crumbs and she fared well. They obviously like being with their own kind but will integrate with chickens and ducks.
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: themagicaltoad1 on February 26, 2012, 20:18
Thanks for the replies, it is a fertile egg, so I guess this is one of those occasions when I shall keep my fingers crossed that it DOESN'T hatch. I had to laugh today though when my tiny, smallest bantam tried sitting on it, she isn't much bigger than the egg, needless to say she fell off!
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: agapanthus on February 27, 2012, 17:12
Broodies are funny!!!  ::)
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: themagicaltoad1 on March 22, 2012, 11:29
Just an update on this thread. I have been totally convinced this egg was a non starter, especially as "mum" had left it to go stone cold a couple of times, and she's only a bantam- not big enough to cover the whole egg. But this morning I put it to my ear and could hear tap, tap, tap from inside! Hastily dragged the broody coop out of storage and put them in it but what do I do now? I've been told geese eggs are very hard shelled and the young often need a hand to break out. I don't want to disturb "mum" as the last time she sat on eggs she attacked the chicks when they emerged, possibly because we had disturbed her to see what was happening.
Is there a diferrent gosling crumb to hen chick crumbs, and does it matter if "mum" eats them?
I've got a small tin bath I can put in the garden for it but how do I stop the chickens from falling in (they're very nosey)?
When the other hens have got used to it will it be ok in the hen coop/ run with them?
This is all turning into a bit of a nightmare. Sometimes I could cheerfully strangle my daughter as it was her insistance that we put it under the broody in the first place lol.
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: kegs on March 22, 2012, 14:50
I found this which hopefully will answer one or two questions until someone knowledgeable comes along.

Bet you wish you'd eaten that omelette!  ;)
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: Diddy Gardener on March 22, 2012, 15:34
Oh, this is brilliant... sorry, can't help but please keep us posted!  :D
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: Mickle on March 22, 2012, 16:28
They imprint on the first moving thing they see, I had a Toulouse goose do the same thing after I'd hatched it, my Daughter also had a Canada that followed her everywhere she was even running up and down flapping her arms to get it to mimic with great success.

Unfortunately one of my Terriers attacked it and it ended up on the Dinner menu, I blamed a Fox for taking it but I confessed when she had reached 25 that we had eaten it,
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: themagicaltoad1 on March 22, 2012, 17:09
Thanks for the link, it was very informative especially the bit about medicated chick crumbs.
It's still tapping away, maybe tomorrow will be its hatch day?
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: kegs on March 23, 2012, 11:58
Any signs of life yet?  Most sites seem to say 28-35 days for a goose egg so you may have a few more days to wait.
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: themagicaltoad1 on March 23, 2012, 15:49
I listened to it with my stethascope today and it's cheeping away and still tapping. I've been told to spray it with water to help soften the shell so I gave it a good squirt. What's the betting it hatches on Sunday when I'm out all day. I'll have to tell the wife she's not to keep looking every 5 minutes, (she's worse than me!)
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: themagicaltoad1 on March 24, 2012, 17:33
This morning when I had coaxed "mum" off so I could wet the egg, it had a hole the size of a 5 pence piece in it. "mum" heard it cheeping and hurried back to it. This afternoon the hole is now about a 50p piece, but when "mum"  went back in I watched her through the window and she attacked the chick for about 10 seconds then sat back on it. I'm really concerned that she will kill the baby when it finally emerges. She was pretty savage to her chicks last year when they hatched and we had to rescue them from her. It's as though she doesn't understand that the chicks have come from the eggs she's been sitting on, and she sees them as intruders. I had hoped last years agression was a one off but it's looking like there's going to be a repeat of her behaviour.
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: kegs on March 24, 2012, 17:36
Fingers crossed she hasn't already damaged it.  :ohmy:

Keep us up-to-date with events and good luck.
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: themagicaltoad1 on March 25, 2012, 09:41
It's hatched! and so far "mum" seems to be looking after it. It's cheeping away and she's cooing back to it, and everytime it pokes its head out she tries to tuck it back under. Phew, what a relief at last. :D
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: New shoot on March 25, 2012, 13:41
Fab  8)  I have been reading this thread with baited breath and hoping mum didn't kill the little gosling  :D

Now I understand you might have forgotten in the excitement, but you know the rules on here.  Little clue Piccies!!!!!!!  ;)  :lol:
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: bantam novice on March 25, 2012, 14:46
Hear Hear! Click Click post please asap  :D
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: themagicaltoad1 on March 25, 2012, 17:47
Not particularly good photo's as they were taken in a hurry before "mum" rushed back to her baby. Introducing "Kevin" (don't ask! daughter named the egg), hopefully he will turn out to be a she and we'll get some BIG eggs instead of the little tiddlers we get from the hens. :D
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: New shoot on March 25, 2012, 17:59
 :D  Oh thank you. Cute cute cute  :D

Can't wait to see more of little batam mum leading round huge gawking gosling as Kevin grows up  :lol:
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: Beano on March 26, 2012, 11:05
Have just seen this post. Brilliant read!!
A photo. of that little cutie is better than a photo. of an omelet any day.
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: themagicaltoad1 on March 26, 2012, 11:13
Checked on them this morning and its a very active little thing. Cheeps like mad when it hears my voice, and "mum" didn't mind when we picked it up for a cuddle and photo. She must be starving though. Anyone know how long it will be before she tries bringing it out? I've put some water, chick crumbs and chopped grass in the coop for them and the coop door is open but she won't get off the nest.
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: joyfull on March 26, 2012, 13:53
he/she is so cute  :)
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: bantam novice on March 26, 2012, 20:14
gorgeous!  :)
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: Diddy Gardener on March 27, 2012, 12:01
Ah... brilliant. Glad the wee chick's ok, seems to be thriving!  :) 'Mum' sounds like a character  ::)
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: Beano on March 27, 2012, 13:28
Hi, how's the little gosling today?
Read somewhere that they will be ok for food for up to 48 hours due to feeding on the yolk before hatching but will need a little water before then. If it does not recognize its food you can put a dolop on its beak to give it a taste. Make the feed wet and sloppy to make it easy for a little beak to handle.
You probable know all that anyway.
Good luck.
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: themagicaltoad1 on March 29, 2012, 17:43
Both mum & baby are doing well. She's taken him out for a walk round the garden and has been showing him what's good to eat. Today we let the other hens out at the same time, they were curious but "mum" warned them off if they came too close. I can't believe how fast he's grown since he hatched. Will post a pic of the 2 of them as soon as I get a decent one.
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: New shoot on March 29, 2012, 17:52
Glad it's going well  :)  Bet mum's face will be a picture first time Kevin dives into a water bowl  :lol:
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: wildwitchy on March 30, 2012, 00:35
How wonderful. It is very pretty!
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: themagicaltoad1 on March 30, 2012, 12:03
Here's "mum" trying to take a bath and pesky baby won't leave me alone! He's now 5 days old.
Title: Re: Goose question
Post by: wildwitchy on March 30, 2012, 23:19
Your little goose needs some water for a swim!  :D  Dry her well afterwards though or she'll get a chill.

Mummy chicken might wonder why she likes water so much!!  :unsure:

Her oil gland won't be develped yet and hasn't got a mommy goose to preen her with oil. I'd say she'll be a big white goose (embden type) looking at her colourings.

Just lovely.  :)