Allotment Gardening Advice Help Chat

Growing => Grow Your Own => Topic started by: Growster... on April 14, 2011, 19:34

Title: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on April 14, 2011, 19:34
Does this ring any bells with anyone?

It hasn't registered on the identifier sites, as there might be a flower to come at some stage, or something much worse - I just don't know!

It started to appear about a fortnight ago...

Title: Re: Unidentified plant...
Post by: loam ranger on April 14, 2011, 20:24
Could be Rosebay Willow Herb?
Title: Re: Unidentified plant...
Post by: agapanthus on April 14, 2011, 20:38
Definitely rosebay willowherb.....horrible stuff!!! We have tons of it in our garden ...can't get shot of it :( :(
Title: Re: Unidentified plant...
Post by: shokkyy on April 15, 2011, 00:50
I have willowherb in my garden and it's actually one of the 'weeds' I allow to grow because it looks so pretty in flower and really isn't difficult to control.
Title: Re: Unidentified plant...
Post by: joyfull on April 15, 2011, 06:24
I like it too and bees like it also, but then again I don't have an allotment  ::)
Title: bindweed
Post by: prakash_mib on April 16, 2011, 00:05
last year I pulled out in total around 10 bindweed tiny(s) and that too around july. This year I have already pulled more then 20 now.
and also I can see lots of plots have them in our site. is it bindweed year this year.
and ofcourse I do still have marestail. I love them and miss them (not happens very often) when I dont see them when I visit the plot.
Title: Re: bindweed
Post by: Trillium on April 16, 2011, 01:26
Problem with bindweed is that the root is so extensive that when you pull one out, you break off several pieces that get left in the soil, and each of those pieces then starts to grow - vigorously. You need to carefully dig back to the root source and pull out the whole thing to end the cycle, and pray that new seeds don't blow in with the next storm.

While I hate to use chemicals, I find the only solution to bindweed is to rip off most of the top growth and immediately spray that fresh cut area with glyphosphate and leave it. Within a few weeks the whole plant and all bits of root will be dead. It's taken me a few years from masses of bindweed and now I have only the odd belligerent piece trying to grow.
Title: Re: bindweed
Post by: fatcat1955 on April 16, 2011, 08:50
Train the bindweed up a  2ft or 3ft cane and when it reaches the top, mix your glyphosphate and pour into a jam jar. Place the jam jar next to the bind weed and slide the weed off the cane. Poke the bindweed into the jam jar and cover the opening in the jar with something waterproof to keep out of the rain. Leave for 2 weeks , job done never fails.
Title: Re: bindweed
Post by: Salmo on April 16, 2011, 09:39
Train the bindweed up a  2ft or 3ft cane and when it reaches the top, mix your glyphosphate and pour into a jam jar. Place the jam jar next to the bind weed and slide the weed off the cane. Poke the bindweed into the jam jar and cover the opening in the jar with something waterproof to keep out of the rain. Leave for 2 weeks , job done never fails.

No need to leave it in the jar. Once the leaves are wetted you can take it out and either tie it back up the cane or lay it on the ground while being careful not to touch other plants. Wear rubber gloves.
Title: Re: bindweed
Post by: fatcat1955 on April 16, 2011, 11:57
Leave it in the jar to ensure it travels right through the root system. Or you might just as well paint it on the leaves.
Title: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Dan78 on April 16, 2011, 20:01
Its starting to appear on my potato patch and in my strawberries.. The roots go down miles and its really hard not to cut them!



Thankyou :)
Title: Re: bindweed
Post by: Growster... on April 16, 2011, 20:35
Thanks Sal and Fat!

I'm on the case - this is the way to see the bl***y stuff off the plot!
Title: Re: What weed is this ?
Post by: Aunt Sally on April 16, 2011, 20:52
Definitly field bindweed.

Scroll down a bit

Title: Re: What weed is this ?
Post by: peapod on April 16, 2011, 20:53
Spot on our own Guru  ;)

Much more 'sawed' than mine at plot..if you see what I mean?
Title: Re: What weed is this ?
Post by: Aunt Sally on April 16, 2011, 20:56
T'is an old friend enemy of mine  >:(
Title: Re: What weed is this ?
Post by: Aunt Sally on April 16, 2011, 20:58
Perhaps you have black bindweed peapod

Title: Re: What weed is this ?
Post by: peapod on April 16, 2011, 20:59
Thats the devil one  :mad: :mad:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Dan78 on April 16, 2011, 21:12
hmm not the best news then!!  :unsure: Thanks all for the help and especially for Aunt Sally for identification and a link which im just about to read!

Hopefully it wont be too bad.. theres not much showing at the moment so hopefully i can just keep digging up as much of it as i can get! Will invest in something to burn it all in too :)

Bit worried about it getting to it if its in the raspberry patch though!  :unsure:
Title: Re: Unidentified plant...
Post by: BabbyAnn on April 16, 2011, 22:08
I had some rosebay willow growing in the garden and one late summer when I went to pull it out, I got the shock of my life - there were several elephant hawkshead moth caterpillars.  I've always left a few in the garden since then.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: peapod on April 17, 2011, 09:42
Link for weeds ID (
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: gardengnome on April 25, 2011, 11:33
I've got mint popping up everywhere in my raised beds! :(

I keep pulling it out, digging as deep as I can to get the roots, but I know I'm goin to be at it all season.  It's going to be hard to get at it when its amongst my radishes etc.

Will it seriously affect the plants in the beds or will it be ok as long as I keep pulling it up?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: peapod on April 26, 2011, 10:17
Mint it notoriously hard to get rid of, and very invasive as you have found out!

It is recommended that you bury it in a pot.

While your crops are growing just keep pulling out by hand and it shouldnt affect them too much, but you will need a good couple of digs at the end of the season pulling out every scrap you can find.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mrs bouquet on April 26, 2011, 11:21
Thanks for that info Aunt Sally.   I think I shall just have to stick with the glysophate. 
I got a 2 ltr plastic bottle and cut of the bottom and the top, then cut it open from bottom to top.  You can wrap it around anything you wish to spray and it prevents any transferrence to anything else nearby.   Mrs Bouquet
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: gardengnome on April 29, 2011, 11:47
thanks pea pod, I'll keep pulling it up for now and have a proper dig in the autumn!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on April 29, 2011, 17:53
Thanks for that info Aunt Sally.   I think I shall just have to stick with the glysophate. 
I got a 2 ltr plastic bottle and cut of the bottom and the top, then cut it open from bottom to top.  You can wrap it around anything you wish to spray and it prevents any transferrence to anything else nearby.   Mrs Bouquet

Those bottles all seem so useful don't they Mrs B!

I was wondering about cutting off the tops and bottoms then along the length, exactly the same way as you suggest, and holding them open with a wire cage, to make a 5" high starter cloche.

It's a bit fiddley, but if this weather keeps the way it is, there'll be a heap of those blasted bottles as high as a kite, so I might as well try and use them...
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RTZ on May 10, 2011, 08:11

Please can you help me with this one;topicseen

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on May 10, 2011, 08:13
That link just takes you to the forum home page.
Title: weed help
Post by: RTZ on May 10, 2011, 08:19;topicseen

Please can you help me with this one
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RTZ on May 10, 2011, 08:24
That link just takes you to the forum home page.

I can't get the link to show you the original post...It is in the welcome part under help that I created.

Can you help please..??
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Ice on May 10, 2011, 08:45
It was moved to "grow your own".
Title: Re: weed help
Post by: DD. on May 10, 2011, 09:03
There is no need to keep posting about the same thread, it exists and is being posted on if you look.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RTZ on May 10, 2011, 09:06
Can you help me with this one please....
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on May 10, 2011, 09:11
RTZ - I've merged your seperate thread with this one, please read the replies already posted and don't start a fourth query on it!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RTZ on May 10, 2011, 19:20
RTZ - I've merged your seperate thread with this one, please read the replies already posted and don't start a fourth query on it!

thanks and duly noted..
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Paul Canning on May 20, 2011, 13:50
Anyone know what this is?

Found it growing on the other side of the raspberries, it's the spiky leaved one with the flowers that have gone to seed already by the looks of it Im interested in, The stems are quite woody on it too if thats any help.


Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JayG on May 20, 2011, 14:16
Looks like geum to me Paul; I've got it in my garden (LOTS of it!  :mad:); it seeds like crazy and is the sort of plant which will grow anywhere and everywhere!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Paul Canning on May 21, 2011, 12:42
*, I better get on top of it then!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on May 28, 2011, 07:14
Surely that's Creeping Buttercup, isn't it?

We've had loads here, and Mrs Growster has been digging out the stuff for the last couple of weeks!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on May 28, 2011, 07:35
I don't think so, Creeping Buttercup has a lower habit than that.


I think JayG is right with Geum - or "Wood Avens", have a look at the photo in this link, the seed head is identical:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: fatcat1955 on May 28, 2011, 07:41
Looks like a geranium to me
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on May 28, 2011, 07:55
Seed heads are wrong and they are still in flower.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on May 28, 2011, 22:44
Still think it's Creeping Buttercup, it's not the lawn infesting one, which spreads sideways, the stems are much longer on the ones we're pulling out...
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Paul Canning on May 29, 2011, 09:47
Growster, post a picture of what youre pulling out and we can compare
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on May 29, 2011, 20:57
Of course Paul, but Mrs Growster has been out with industial weed clearers today, so I'll have to search around a bit!

Can we wait until tomorrow please? (It's getting dark here anyway...)!

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: kenny199 on May 30, 2011, 18:14
Anyone know what this is?

Found it growing on the other side of the raspberries, it's the spiky leaved one with the flowers that have gone to seed already by the looks of it Im interested in, The stems are quite woody on it too if thats any help.


It is geum get rid asap its a pain.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Paul Canning on May 31, 2011, 00:03
Ive already pulled it all :-)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on May 31, 2011, 05:53
Ive already pulled it all :-)

And I can't find any now :0).

or :0(
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on June 06, 2011, 23:14
It is Geum! Apols DD!

I found it by looking at a wrong page in the D and K book where they call it 'Herb Bennet'!

I discovered another piece lurking round the side of the house over the w/e...
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JayG on June 06, 2011, 23:45
It is Geum! Apols DD!

I found it by looking at a wrong page in the D and K book where they call it 'Herb Bennet'!

I discovered another piece lurking round the side of the house over the w/e...

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on June 07, 2011, 05:33

It was actually JayG who first named it!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on June 07, 2011, 05:48
Yes it was DD - Apols also to JayG!

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JayG on June 07, 2011, 10:01
Yes it was DD - Apols also to JayG!

 :)  Had to check I could actually see my reflection in the mirror (not a pretty sight!)  :lol:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Zippy on June 09, 2011, 01:50
I know it as Wood Avens. I allow some to grow among the veggies as it attracts bees and it is easy to control by hand pulling and composting.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on June 09, 2011, 05:01
We must have a tougher variety here, as you'd never pull it out by hand, the roots are too tenacious!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JayG on June 09, 2011, 08:49
I find it pulls out fairly easily from open ground but it is also rather fond of growing in the joints between my paving slabs..................... >:(
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Zippy on June 09, 2011, 21:35
We must have a tougher variety here, as you'd never pull it out by hand, the roots are too tenacious!

I think it is more that the soil is very sandy down here and the roots are easier to pull out. If you leave it to go to seed it will take over as it is a pioneer plant - one of the first to populate recently disturbed soil.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Sven The Swede on June 12, 2011, 07:45
What wild flowers is this growing I found down my allotment.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Sven The Swede on June 12, 2011, 07:47
Closer picture of it plus leaves of it
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on June 12, 2011, 19:41
This is a bit of a guess. I think it is an 'escaped' salsify plant, rather than a native plant.  :ohmy:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Sven The Swede on June 13, 2011, 07:03
This is a bit of a guess. I think it is an 'escaped' salsify plant, rather than a native plant.  :ohmy:

You are correct. The roots are edible. Also known as the the Oyster plant. Thanks for that.

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on June 13, 2011, 08:46
We've got a row of salsify in this year - it's lovely to eat, but gets a bit temperamental if it gets bashed...

I've never seen the flowers though...
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on June 13, 2011, 19:18
Flowers come in the second year  ;)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on June 14, 2011, 05:26
Thanks Sunshine, I've never got that far with them...!

A young lass came over to me to ask what I thought a yellow flowering plant was (me - not exactly Monty Titchmarsh...), but luckily, the scent gave it away; it was a previous year's parsnip; which I'd never seen before either...

Made me feel good anyway!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on June 14, 2011, 06:58
Quite often second year plants take people by surprise the first time they see them  ;)

Well done you :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on June 14, 2011, 13:48
That's nice of you Sunshine!

We're still on some (not all) overwintered lettuce that was planted last October/November...
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on June 14, 2011, 18:10
Just wait until they start throwing up a flower head -- the seeds are light and fluffy so you'll have them coming up all over the place  :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on June 14, 2011, 19:46
Just wait until they start throwing up a flower head -- the seeds are light and fluffy so you'll have them coming up all over the place  :lol: :lol:

I've been told by an older chap, that the broccoli I have isn't bolting, it's a summer one...

He's convinced we're having a good feed off it this weekend, and now Mrs Growster is as well, as we've been advised here that it may take a cut down to see if it resprouts...
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on June 14, 2011, 19:48
Whether it's bolting or not, boils down to one question.

What did you sow or plant?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on June 15, 2011, 11:33
Whether it's bolting or not, boils down to one question.

What did you sow or plant?

It was an un-named variety we saw in a reasonably big GC near here DD. There was no official plant name, and as we'd been caught out on timing before - years ago, we decided to get them as plug plants, and bring them on.

We bought them on 24 March as plugs and potted them on immediately. They went into their perm positions on 16 April, and since then it's been very dry. I gave them a good drink once only. They have collars as well.

About 3 are beginning to flower, (one is quite tall and straight, with just the crown spreading into a spray of flowers), the others are looking much more solid in there places.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on June 15, 2011, 11:46
Hard to tell then!

All you can do is harvest them before they do a runner!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Crazycavey on June 16, 2011, 21:11
I've got a old bath I grow some blackcurrents and strawberrys in.  I had a old crumbling chip board at the bottom of my garden so weathered its breacking up (crumbling ) with a little preasure, I thought id crumble some up to mix in the soil in my bath now I'm getting heaps of musharooms (or toadstools)  the stalks dont sit in a cup so although its not a weed persay does anyone recognise this sh-room!

And can I eat them without ending up in A&E?

Pic to follow below.

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on June 16, 2011, 21:27
it would be very foolish for anyone to tell you whether you can eat them or not.
and, I don't wish to offend but...foolish of you to accept the info if someone said they were edible.
You need someone who knows what they are talking about, and can see them, rather than gardeners on an on-line forum!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Crazycavey on June 16, 2011, 21:37
mumo -  I wouldn't take anyones word as gospel, so don't panic, I would have hoped i'd get some reference off any m-shroom expert types.  I'm sure foragers or mushroom enthuesiasts could point me in the right direction to any online sources  -  So I can then clearly identify (the shrooms in question)
I am guess mow the soil is contaminated with the spores of the above then i'll likely get them for some years to come.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: catweazle on June 16, 2011, 21:41
looks like a death cap to me,

but the guys on BCUK would know

i wouldnt eat any fungus, the risk to high and the consequences too high
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: compostqueen on June 17, 2011, 12:03
No, I wouldn't eat them either having fallen victim to magic mushrooms myself- in all innocence.  The guy that picked them had the book and was experienced but I didn't have the book and took his word that they were ok.  Bad move

You don't want to eat them as they could make you very ill indeed. Even with the book it's difficult to know as so many of them look alike.  Go on a course and learn this stuff, or better still join a local foraging group with an expert.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: daviddale on June 17, 2011, 14:31
Hello all, my Father worked for the local council and one of his tasks was digging graves in the local cemetery, one day he showed me a bindweed root that was half an inch thick, he found it at 6 feet down!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on June 17, 2011, 14:41
Scary  :wacko:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: whiskywill on June 17, 2011, 16:14
And can I eat them without ending up in A&E?

Have a look at this site. Then throw them in the bin because you will still not be sure.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Gandan57 on June 21, 2011, 21:40

How about this one? The roots go down very deep.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on June 21, 2011, 21:51
looks a bit like comfrey to me
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on June 21, 2011, 21:55
I think the leaves look too smooth & the stem too woody for that, however, I don't know what it is!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Gandan57 on June 21, 2011, 22:00

Another angle.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on June 21, 2011, 22:05
I think it's Redshank, note the similar dark patch in the centre of the leaf:

Redshank (,r:2,s:0&biw=1366&bih=579)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Gandan57 on June 21, 2011, 22:28
Certainly fits the description DD, although the ones I have appear to have perrenial roots when I try to dig them out. It is listed as an annual, growing from seed, but also a member of the dock family.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on June 22, 2011, 06:30
From this, it appears to be a very tenacious weed, with seed remaing viable for up to 45 years!

I wouldn't be suprised if the roots appear to be perennial. (Assuming I've hit on the correct I.D.).
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on June 22, 2011, 07:47
Yes it is Red Shank/Red Leg

The roots go on and on and are also red!! Digging it out everytime you see any seems the only way to get rid of it
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: muckyboots on July 07, 2011, 20:06
HI, would salmo,s remedy for bind weed work on horsetail? sounds like a great idea if it would.Cheers
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Sven The Swede on July 12, 2011, 15:40
Took this pix down allotment growing down a side of the walkway/carpark. What wild flower is this? Small round flowers really yellow. Like little suns.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on July 12, 2011, 16:12
It's Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) some forms are more double than others....that's a nice one though  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: ermck1 on July 12, 2011, 21:41

Don't eat them! They have a sac at the bottom which is a fair indicator of "oh dear, why did want to do that" after you have given them a try.

I am a fairly experienced forager and there is only one rule - 99% is NOT good enough. You must be certain.

Happy foraging.


Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on July 12, 2011, 22:08
I think comment ^ must be about the fungus on previous page, rather than the tansy  ::)

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Ice on July 12, 2011, 22:15
I was rather confused by that mum, thanks for clearing it up.  I think Mike's warning is very wise indeed.  If in doubt......don't.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: PrincessJelly on August 24, 2011, 21:33
I have been digging my plot and under my parsnips and carrots (all six foot of them!), I have found this weed. It is low lying, and seems to have runners like strawberries. I dig it up and then it reappears (must have left a little bit of it in the soil). I would quite like to know what i am up against...
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on August 24, 2011, 21:51

Creeping Buttercup.

Keep digging.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on August 24, 2011, 22:02
Agree.  I've got it, and have a suspicion it likes acidic soil, so will be pH testing that part of my plot when it becomes empty.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Gandan57 on August 24, 2011, 22:09
It`s actually quite easy to get rid of, the soil around the roots needs to be loosened so the growing point comes away with the leaves. Then turn the plant upside down to wither and die.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: PrincessJelly on August 24, 2011, 22:19
After being pressured by my parish council we have sprayed it with gyphosate. I have only had the site for six or seven weeks but they don't think I am clearing it fast enough. I just wanted to know what it is as I am sure that it will reappear at some point!

Thanks for your help.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Gandan57 on August 24, 2011, 22:28
I was a little confused as the photos show very established plants, now I remember your carrots and parsnips were from last year!

The buttercups will return as seedlings if they have set seed but they do not have deep roots so the spray should kill them.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: PrincessJelly on August 24, 2011, 22:35
Fab about the seedlings. I have already found some in my cleared areas but I am sure I will be able to keep on top it the weeds using a hoe now the worst offenders have been glycophated.  Can't wait to have a nice clear plot  :)
Title: Is this Comfrey??
Post by: Stratts on August 30, 2011, 08:12
Noticed this on the way into the allotments and was wondering if it was a Comfrey plant?


Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on August 30, 2011, 08:14
Looks like it is  :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Stratts on August 30, 2011, 08:17
I thought so I have 2 little plants and the leaves are similar but hard to tell as they are much smaller.

Gonna get some root cuttings now then  :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on August 30, 2011, 08:18
Just chop it up with a spade (downwards I mean  :lol: ) and it'll grow away really quickly  :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: farmerGiles on September 22, 2011, 17:11
First time I have seen this type of weed. Any ideas what it could be?

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on September 22, 2011, 17:28
Hairy Bittercress:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on September 22, 2011, 18:39
That's the bane of my life............... it's coming in from the next door plot, which is just left  :mad:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on September 22, 2011, 20:32
I can't seem to get rid of it from our garden --- it keep just reappearing despite my efforts  :tongue2:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on September 22, 2011, 23:44
Bittercress flowers and seeds most months of the year. One minute they are too tiny to bother about, the next they are in flower. When you go to pull them out or hoe them the tiny pods fling seeds fly out in all directions. They smell of cress when crushed.

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on September 23, 2011, 10:31
get your own back by eating them....they are edible ;)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: barbarella on December 03, 2011, 20:23
First time I have seen this type of weed. Any ideas what it could be?


You are lucky it's the first time you've seen hairy bittercress - it certainly won't be the last.  It seems to be the no.1 weed hitching a lift to your garden in a pot from the garden centre. 
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on December 04, 2011, 06:28
Reminds me of the time when some bright spark from Merrist agricultural college, had a clover lawn at Chelsea Flower show. It looked superb!

We got to chat with the chaps there, and they told me that the Queen Mum commented on it, but wasn't really understanding what it was all about.

So, why not a bitter cress lawn then? Every time I stand on it here, it leaps up again, so I might as well just let it cover the paths...

On the other had, both Pete and Dennis (patch neighbours), would also leap onto me brandishing implements of Growster Destruction...
Title: Help with this weed
Post by: AlistairMcLennan on December 19, 2011, 13:13

I am hoping someone can help with telling me which weed this is.  It is so prolific and at times I am struggling to control it.

Can people suggest the best course of action to get rid of it or at least keep it at bay.


Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on December 19, 2011, 13:19
I've merged your post with a sticky in existence set up for this type of query, Al.

Unfortunately the picture is quite small and doesn't get any bigger when you click on it.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: arugula on December 19, 2011, 13:19
I can't get the picture to enlarge at all, but it might be chickweed. Its no growing right now, is it?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: AlistairMcLennan on December 19, 2011, 13:25
Sorry DD, in my haste to post I did not see the wood for the trees  ;)

I have tried to get the biggest size possible and re attached.

No its not really growing right now.  It looked like a blanket of green at one point.


Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: AndyRVTR on December 19, 2011, 13:38
I would deffo go with chickweed... looks like it has same shape leaves  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on December 19, 2011, 13:46
I'm not so sure. How about "Mind  Your Own Business"?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: AndyRVTR on December 19, 2011, 13:50
I'm not so sure. How about "Mind  Your Own Business"?
:D :D :D

I think that in the pic that AMc posted, the leaves are quite pointed at the ends, which matches Chickweed, saying that, they are both remarkably similar..
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Ice on December 19, 2011, 13:57
Whatever it is I would give it a nice drink of Resolva24h when it shows its face. :blink:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on December 19, 2011, 14:03
If it's chickweed, it makes good green manure - so no need for weed killer  :lol:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: AndyRVTR on December 19, 2011, 14:14
If it's chickweed, it makes good green manure - so no need for weed killer  :lol:
and chickens love it....  :lol:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: engineer on December 23, 2011, 15:12
I hate to be a fly in the ointment but looking closely at the foto, it looks very much like aplant that invaded my garden when given to me as a rockery plant, it is called Babies tears, mother of thousands or mind your own business. it is one of the most invasive plants i have come across, any piece of it will regenerate, leaf, root or stem. It grows only about 2" high but it's spread is indefinate.

have a look here

i may be wrong but without a better photo, who's to know, if it is chickweed just dig it in
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on December 23, 2011, 16:38
Is that not what I said about 5 posts back?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on December 23, 2011, 21:03
Is that not what I said about 5 posts back?

Deja vu m'dear, deja vu  ;) :nowink: :nowink:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: engineer on December 24, 2011, 11:49
Digger dave, you did,  at least 2 of us agree
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Katejs on January 01, 2012, 16:43
I think this isn't so much 'Name that Weed' as 'Name that Previous Plot-holder's Crop', but I'd like to know for planning what to grow there next.  Is it peas? 

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: arugula on January 01, 2012, 16:44
Can't really tell with the pic at that size....  :unsure:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on January 01, 2012, 16:49
All I can say is that it's not peas!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Katejs on January 01, 2012, 16:55
Sorry - trying to get it as near the size limit as possible, but the limit is so tiny.  Any better?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on January 01, 2012, 16:59
what sort of leaves does it have kate?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Katejs on January 01, 2012, 17:08
Sorry, I've re-cropped the photo to show them - I thought the top bit would be more recognizable.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on January 01, 2012, 21:07
Looks like possibly radish seed pods, or mustard seed pods

(both brassicas  ;) )
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Katejs on January 01, 2012, 22:00
Aahhh - from google images it does look like mustard, which got me thinking that it could also be rape that happens to have landed more or less in a row (there are usually fields of it not too far away).  Either way it's a brassica - they get flippin' everywhere ::)

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on January 01, 2012, 22:47
If it's in a row then it won't be self-sown as you suggest.
Title: What are these?
Post by: Geordie on January 02, 2012, 16:50
See pics below...

I seem to have a lot of these in my lottie.

Any ideas what they are and how to get rid please?

Thanks in advance  ;)
Title: Re: What are these?
Post by: compostqueen on January 02, 2012, 17:14
They look like broad beans

Congratulations  :)
Title: Re: What are these?
Post by: Yorkie on January 02, 2012, 17:22
The second one doesn't look like a broad bean - it's an annual weed whose name I forget.
Title: Re: What are these?
Post by: New shoot on January 02, 2012, 17:28
I agree Yorkie.  I think the second one is Scarlet Pimpernel and I must admit I thought the first was Sun Spurge rather than broad beans  :unsure:

Both annual weeds that self sow year round more or less so need regular hoeing off  :)
Title: Re: What are these?
Post by: Aunt Sally on January 02, 2012, 17:47
Bill and Ben could tell you what they are  :lol:

Title: Re: What are these?
Post by: seedman on January 02, 2012, 18:25
Yes definitely weeds seen them on my lottie, don't know the name come on Bill & Ben tell us mortals then :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: savbo on January 03, 2012, 10:22
My suggestion for the second pic is a bedstraw (goosegrass and its relatives) - pimpernel has opposite leaves where this has whorls of several leaves

Don't think number one is a spurge, though I can't really explain why!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on January 03, 2012, 10:48
the top one does look like Petty Spurge to me
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on January 05, 2012, 10:49
I think the top one is a spurge. The bottom one is almost certainly cleavers, also called goosegrass.

Both are common annual weeds. Both have a simple seasonal solution

 :D :D :D Ho! Ho! Ho!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: rich24uk on March 10, 2012, 18:04
Anyone got an idea of what this might be? The leafs look and feel quite waxy to the touch (almost like a fake plant). Last year I think it had small red flowers on (although my mind isn't what it used to be and I could be talking rubbish.

It's popped up next to last years garlic, not sure if a bird might have dropped it as seed as we have loads of doves and sparrows nearby.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: rich24uk on March 10, 2012, 18:05
And another..
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on March 10, 2012, 18:07
I'm not convinced I'm right, but perhaps cerinthe major purpurescens (

I think the leaves may be too tightly spaces, and without enough paler flecks on them, for this to be correct, but you can check the picture of the grown plant on the rhs website against what you recall from last year.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on March 10, 2012, 19:01
not cerinthe  :( It looks like Euphorbia (griffithii has red flowers) ...............  :unsure: that will be sending up flower heads about now.

Lucky you if it is :) If you cut it is there a white milky sap? The sap is an irritant so be careful :wacko:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: rich24uk on March 13, 2012, 17:08
Yep, I took a bit off earlier and there was a milky sap, I think you are right thanks :)

I've lifted them and put them in a more prominent position :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on March 16, 2012, 17:39
Mrs Growster has been busy hoiking out yards of this from a neglected raspberry bed.

It runs for some way and interferes with the raspberry roots more than somewhat.

Any ideas anyone please, as there is enough to keep us in extended-exasperated-hoik-mode for several days if it's a nasty...
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on March 16, 2012, 17:50
Looks like a dead nettle.

And I don't mean a nettle that's dead.

Compare it with this:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on March 16, 2012, 17:57
Thanks DD, that's exactly it!

Also, it looks pretty useful as well - especially the tea bit for the gardening mug or three...

Mind you, you'd need the diuretic qualities after that...;0)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: teabelly on March 18, 2012, 20:39
Easiest way to identify dead nettles are by their square stems (that and they don't sting!)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on March 19, 2012, 17:17
Easiest way to identify dead nettles are by their square stems (that and they don't sting!)

That's interesting tea!

We took on the 'Patch' last year, long after they'd died down, and although the rasps have been cut back (they're autumn fruiting), there is a huge scrunge of growth to clear at the base, and this stuff is all over the place!

I don't mind it being there actually, as there are loads of flowers to come later!
Title: Weed identification please
Post by: Sassy Lassy on March 26, 2012, 14:02
Hi guys, what a lovely day, really enjoying the weather 

Wondered if I could call you your expertees out there.  I am weeding with gusto and came across this little darling!  Before I rip them out I thought I should try to identify it in case I am removing a potential beauty.

Thanks a bunch.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Catalpa on March 27, 2012, 03:30
Hi there, I hope this is the right place to put this.  My mom found this plant in her garden... I think it might be the arugula I tried to grow last year(which never sprouted), but am not completely sure.  Any thoughts? 

(She wants an "expert" opinion before she risks eating it)  :wub:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on March 27, 2012, 08:30
Sassy Lassy it looks like Corn Salad vit (Lamb's Lettuce)) to me, have a look at the pic in the link.           

What do you reckon?

Catalpa it certainly looks like wild Rocket (Arugula) to me. A nibble will confirm as it has a destinctive peppery taste  ;)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Schubunny on March 27, 2012, 10:52
I pick dead nettles for my rabbits. I usually look for ones with flowers first and then identify via the stems.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on March 27, 2012, 12:12
Sassy Lassy it looks like Corn Salad vit (Lamb's Lettuce)) to me, have a look at the pic in the link.           

What do you reckon?

Catalpa it certainly looks like wild Rocket (Arugula) to me. A nibble will confirm as it has a destinctive peppery taste  ;)

If it helps, I agree with MoS on both of these --- tasty additions  :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Sassy Lassy on March 28, 2012, 15:16
Thanks for your opinions and the link.  It certainly does look like the picture - I just didn't have any salad crops in that flower bed last year but that's the fun of gardening.  I will give it a bit of a chew and so what it tastes like.

Thanks again
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Catalpa on March 31, 2012, 03:34
Thanks all   :) 

She will be tasting some tomorrow to confirm.

It appears that the trick to growing arugula/rocket in Ohio is to let it sit through a mild winter before eating...      :tongue2:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: rich24uk on April 05, 2012, 12:47
Got another one here, growing freely in semi shade around my office. Theres loads of the stuff next to huge holly bushes.

I like it so much I wonder if I can take a cutting from it.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on April 05, 2012, 12:54
That looks like this:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: rich24uk on April 11, 2012, 16:08
And another very odd visitor next to my peony! It sounds like seed pods if i tap the 'bud'. it also kicked up something powdery when i tapped it. Any ideas????
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on April 11, 2012, 16:11

Mare's or Horse's Tail!!!!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: snowdrops on April 11, 2012, 16:12
Oh that would be the dreaded Mare's tail,the powder it released would be spores for more. Put a plastic bag over it & pull it up & then see if you can dig all of the root out. Good luck

Snap DD
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: rich24uk on April 11, 2012, 16:35
I've just had a read up on this stuff, nasty! I've pulled both of them (there were two stems about 5 foot apart from eachother. I could only get about 6 inches up and could find no more root???

Will have to keep checking as it's quite well camouflaged :( Aside from being relentless are they going to cause any damage to other plants in the garden?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on April 11, 2012, 17:01
They're more than a nuisance than anything. They don't respond well to your average weed killers and roots go down miles.

The old adages of "never let it see a Sunday" and " keep the hoe moving" certainly ring true in this case.

I've got it, but pleased to say after 9 years of hoeing, it's not so prevalent.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mafro on April 11, 2012, 21:01
I know to gardeners they are 'orrible things, but horse tails are wonderful things.  They are prehistoric plants that as they develop turn to a brittle silicone.  Really useful for pot scourers when out camping.

And even better, in this young stage you can eat them.  Great fried in butter and covered in cheese sauce.  Just don't eat them every day as they can deplete you of some vitamins.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: zestymordant on April 13, 2012, 16:55
And another very odd visitor next to my peony! It sounds like seed pods if i tap the 'bud'. it also kicked up something powdery when i tapped it. Any ideas????

I found I had tons of that weed today. Went to plant the carrots in the one raised bed I do have, that was nicely prepared two weeks ago,  and found a couple of heads sticking up.

Digging to pull that one up I found one, then another, then three more, then another one, and so on until by the end of today I had dug a third of the plot up! So much for turning soil over to a spade's depth!! I only stopped when I cut my finger on a sharp of glass and was bleeding everywhere (I had no plasters :( )

And now I go on here to find out the head releases spores... well at least I know better now. Going to go back to the allotment in a few days time with some plastic bags and finish the job off...
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: rich24uk on April 17, 2012, 19:10
Does this look like couch grass? Got a fair bit but i won't compost if it is.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on April 17, 2012, 19:36
Yes it does look couchy

You can drown in in a barrel of water and add it to the compost (plus the water) when it is slimy

Werked a treat fer me when I had loads, and sooooo satisfying too  :D
Title: The "W" word (weeds)
Post by: rookie1 on April 23, 2012, 18:05
Hi everyone
This is my first posting and apologies if you've heard it before, but having checked through this afternoon, I can't see an answer. I've recently dug over a neglected veg patch, pulling out as many weed roots as I could find. I was feeling pretty proud, I can tell you, then lo! some little devil has started colonising my lovely bare earth (knew it would happen). It's a very small leaved (two leaves actually) plant, with bright white stems - quite thick under the surface. Looked like someone had sprinkled cress on the ground. Anyone know what it is and what's going to happen next - do I just keep hoeing it? Very poor picture taken with my phone attached.
Title: Re: The "W" word (weeds)
Post by: DD. on April 23, 2012, 18:08
Welcome to the forums.

It's a bit hard to tell, but it looks a lot like a "Fat Hen" seedling.

Just keep the hoe moving.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on April 23, 2012, 18:12
I've merged your post with the existing "What weed is this" sticky.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: moose on April 24, 2012, 16:23
My wildflower patch which is in a shady area under plum trees has been overrun by this stuff and I don't know what it is. Any ideas?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on April 24, 2012, 16:45
Look like dead nettle.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: moose on April 25, 2012, 18:51
Thanks for that DD. As it is a wild area I think I'll just let them grow, assuming they are not as invasive as real nettles.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on April 25, 2012, 19:21
Not quite as - they'll attract the insects of course, which won't hurt!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mafro on April 27, 2012, 13:35
I agree it looks like a dead nettle.
Not actually form the nettle family, but the mint family.  Easy to tell as it will have a square stem.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on April 27, 2012, 19:33
We used to be overrun with Fat Hen, and it seemed to go away several years ago.

It's returned in a big way, and gets a clobbering of course, but I can remember it being totally rampant back in the eighties, so perhaps it's listening to the BBC about globule worming...
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mafro on April 27, 2012, 19:41
Not all bad, fat hen is another you can eat.  Nice too :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Bach in the DHSS on May 09, 2012, 12:07
I turned and sowed one of my beds a few weeks back. You can see the rows where little carrot seedlings should be appearing along with lettuce, calabrese and courgette, but all I've got are these suspicous looking tiny weeds.

This happened last year too I think and mistaking these 'weedlings' for young vegetables all I grew was a bed of nasty weeds.

Pushing the hoe through these hundreds of little guys is bound to upset the seeds I recently planted.

Advice please?!


Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on May 09, 2012, 12:13
Let both grow, but not too far.

As soon as you can identify the carrots from the weeds, I'm afraid it's a hand and knees job and painstaking weeding.

You may be able to run the hoe in between the rows, but close weeds will need careful attention.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on May 09, 2012, 21:06
This is how I weed my carrots and parsnips -- very therapeutic it is too, sat there in the sun sorry that was last year. Sat there in my nice warm fleece, in between the showers more like this year

But it still is worth it  :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: compostqueen on May 09, 2012, 22:25
The red stemmed "weeds" look like beetroot seedlings
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: zestymordant on May 19, 2012, 19:36
This is growing in my potato plot, any ideas?


Thanks :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on May 19, 2012, 19:56
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: zestymordant on May 20, 2012, 13:15
I should have realised, there's tons of them all over the allotment borders. In one corner of the allotment behind the greenhouse there's a bathtub shaped container for growing that I haven't used yet, hadn't noticed it in weeks, looked yesterday and it was full of MASSIVE dandelions!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Casey76 on May 22, 2012, 16:20
Dandelions are very good to add to a salad ;)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: rich24uk on May 22, 2012, 17:01
Any ideas on this one? Can it go in my compost bin?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on May 22, 2012, 17:15
Chickweed - makes a good green manure!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mafro on May 22, 2012, 19:33
Makes a nice soup too :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JayG on May 23, 2012, 10:52
My least favourite weed, because it's never obvious where the main stem is and when you do find it it breaks off when you try to pull it out! 

Stems also seem a bit "rubbery" or something as it's the weed that's most likely to get re-buried rather than decapitated when hoed!  :nowink:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: zestymordant on May 25, 2012, 08:09
While we're on the subject of carrot plots, here's mine:


Oh dear!

I was wondering if anybody could identify this for me. I doubt it's a weed because I've seen some people in the allotment who look like they know what they're doing with small beds with this in:


Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on May 25, 2012, 08:19
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: zestymordant on May 25, 2012, 11:14
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: zestymordant on May 26, 2012, 20:07
Can I get some ID for these please? I think the bottom left is horsetail in the more advanced stage but I don't know what the others are. My hand is to show the size of the massive leaves in the bottom right. Thanks :)

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on May 26, 2012, 20:41
Nettle, (could be a dead nettle, my poor old eyes can't tell at that distance), Willow Herb, Horse's (Mare's) Tail, Dock.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on May 26, 2012, 21:34
It is stinging nettle DD (I have new glasses  :D )
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: arugula on May 26, 2012, 21:36
It is stinging nettle DD (I have new glasses  :D )

I don't have new glasses but I thought that. :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on May 26, 2012, 21:40
It is stinging nettle DD (I have new glasses  :D )

I don't have new glasses but I thought that. :D

You  must have younger eyes than me and DD  :lol:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on May 26, 2012, 22:19
Having thought to do ctrl+, I agree!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on May 26, 2012, 22:25
Having thought to do ctrl+, I agree!

 :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's handy  ;)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: zestymordant on May 27, 2012, 08:50
If you have a scroll wheel in the middle of your mouse, moving that up and down makes things bigger/smaller when you press CTRL too :)

Thanks for IDing, all!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: zestymordant on May 28, 2012, 23:29
I'd like more things IDing please, this is all from my carrot plot. I've noticed some carrots coming through today (hooray :) ), they are quite tall already so it's time to really get rid of everything else so they can be seen more clearly.

Sorry if they're not much bigger than last time (although if I right click over the picture and select "view image" it makes them bigger). On the first one I have: something with wide leaves, what appears to be a potato growing in here for some reason, couch grass maybe?, and some unknown thing.


On the second: The long thing with the hexagonal base of leaves and a flower on top, next to that is the most prevalent weed here, and at the bittom something that slightly resembles potato (to me anyway) but isn't.


Thanks everybody!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: amurdin on May 30, 2012, 15:27
Please can you help with this its growing with my spuds and coming out from everywhere, what can i do?
sorry here is pic>

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Casey76 on May 30, 2012, 15:48
Do you have a pic?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: amurdin on May 30, 2012, 15:59
 ooopps ...sorry. edited my post to show pic!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: arugula on May 30, 2012, 16:00
Its a bit hard to see, tbh, but it looks as though it might be a dock.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on May 30, 2012, 16:11
I think it's bindweed.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: amurdin on May 30, 2012, 16:45
sorry cant get the ppicture any bigger, it shooting out  with the spuds and has green and purple leaves and stem?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on May 30, 2012, 18:12
looks like bindweed to me as well.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: amurdin on May 30, 2012, 18:15
anything you can reccomend anything as they seems to like my potatoes a little to much for my liking!! :mad:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on May 30, 2012, 18:36
If you can give the leaves a squirt of weedkiller (one of those small 500ml bottles) without any spray getting on the spuds' leaves then that would be worth a try.

But if you don't want to risk that, then I would cut the stem of the weed as near to the soil as possible - this will stop it growing further and strangling the spuds.  If you can pull the root out, then also do that.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on May 30, 2012, 18:37
glyphosate applied carefully to the tips  ;) you wouldn't want to get it on the spuds!

snap Yorkie
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: amurdin on May 30, 2012, 18:47
thank you luckily i already glyphosate  so will give it a go
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: snowdrops on May 30, 2012, 18:48
Can you put a cane in so that it can grow up it,then let it get more leaves & then paint it with some of that paint on weedkiller rather than a spray. Those types of weed killer work best on larger surface areas of greenery.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: amurdin on May 30, 2012, 19:01
Can you put a cane in so that it can grow up it,then let it get more leaves & then paint it with some of that paint on weedkiller rather than a spray. Those types of weed killer work best on larger surface areas of greenery.

will the spuds be affected by the weed if left to grow for longer? i will let i grow a little more on the parts away from them
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on May 30, 2012, 20:53
Tbh it won't really hurt the spuds much, but by not dealing with it, the bindweed gets stronger and is then harder to get rid of later down the road
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: amurdin on May 30, 2012, 20:56
thank you
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mafro on May 30, 2012, 22:28
Anyone got any idea what this is?  My plot is absolutely covered in it.

They start off with two tiny leaves, and then the leave begin to look carrot like.

And this is a mature weed

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: surbie100 on May 30, 2012, 22:39
Please can you help with this its growing with my spuds and coming out from everywhere, what can i do?
sorry here is pic>

Amurdin, you have my sympathy - I've got loads of bindweed too, mostly in my strawberries now i've got rid of the couch grass. It grows from the tiniest bit of root. I've got it coming up in beds I've dug over and I can't believe the scraps it's generated from!  :mad:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: amurdin on May 31, 2012, 08:01
Please can you help with this its growing with my spuds and coming out from everywhere, what can i do?
sorry here is pic>

Amurdin, you have my sympathy - I've got loads of bindweed too, mostly in my strawberries now i've got rid of the couch grass. It grows from the tiniest bit of root. I've got it coming up in beds I've dug over and I can't believe the scraps it's generated from!  :mad:

tell me about it can never seem to be on top of it  :(
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on May 31, 2012, 08:11
Anyone got any idea what this is?  My plot is absolutely covered in it.

They start off with two tiny leaves, and then the leave begin to look carrot like.

And this is a mature weed


Common fumitory.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mafro on May 31, 2012, 08:31
Thanks DD

Now to get rid of all the little blighters
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: wneva on June 01, 2012, 09:10
This, whatever it is, is under our back lawn.  It's everywhere - root system about half and inch below the surface.  The little shoots are easily cut off with the mower, but they regrow a few months later.  When I dig anywhere, I come across the roots.  Some are quite thick - for a few years I thought they were tree roots.

What is it, and will glyphosate fix it?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on June 01, 2012, 09:19
I would have said ground elder, but mine never gets roots as thick as that!............they look like tree roots which are suckering :unsure:

Is there a tree possibly a cherry/plum in the area?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: wneva on June 01, 2012, 17:50
Yes, there's an old cherry, well-established.  It's one of the last Prestwood cherry trees - many yearsago, I'm told, there were a lot of cherry trees in Prestwood.

But can this sprouting roving weed be connected to that? 
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on June 01, 2012, 18:14
From the initial photo I'd have agreed ground elder, but the leaves in the 2nd pic look perhaps slightly too jagged for it, and I agree that the root is very thick  :ohmy:  GE root looks a lot like bindweed - about 1/4" thick and white / brittle.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on June 01, 2012, 18:56
Speaking from experience  :( - what happens is the cherry roots grow near the surface and get damaged over time, they often get shaved by the mower, and then they start to sprout from everywhere that has been damaged  :ohmy:

All you can do is keep mowing the lawn, if you want to keep the tree ???

I decided to have the tree cut down a couple of years ago, and still get the occasional sucker coming up from bits of root that are still alive, but the problem is a lot less this year :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: becs on June 10, 2012, 19:00
Can anyone help me identify this weed please?
It has taken over the carrot patch and its taken me most of the afternoon to dig it all out!

Would also appreciate any help in getting rid of it!

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: chrissie B on June 17, 2012, 10:08
i had a plant in the front garden that i thought was like a primula plant but it grew to about 18 inches then sent out some flower heads i wanted to see what the flowers looked liked but a friend who gardens said it was a weed , hubby showed him a pic i wish he had left it till it hd flowered lookes quite impressive
chrissie b
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on June 17, 2012, 10:28
Can anyone help me identify this weed please?
It has taken over the carrot patch and its taken me most of the afternoon to dig it all out!

Would also appreciate any help in getting rid of it!

sorry, I missed this.
it looks almost like a self seeded brassica, what sort of roots does it have, compact or creeping?

It's probably best just to hoe it off, while it's small, between the rows of carrot
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: digger1 on June 17, 2012, 12:47
Can someone identifiy this weed. It clings to your gloves when weeding
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on June 17, 2012, 13:39
It may be bristly ox-tongue  :unsure:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: digger1 on June 17, 2012, 13:52
Thanks You are right just like all ladies lol
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: becs on June 21, 2012, 12:45
Can anyone help me identify this weed please?
It has taken over the carrot patch and its taken me most of the afternoon to dig it all out!

Would also appreciate any help in getting rid of it!

sorry, I missed this.
it looks almost like a self seeded brassica, what sort of roots does it have, compact or creeping?

It's probably best just to hoe it off, while it's small, between the rows of carrot
The roots are quite shallow and it pulls out by hand with a little tug,
there are lots of them covering the whole bed!
I have pulled out as many as I can see, I just wondered if they would keep coming back!


Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on June 21, 2012, 12:51
It sounds like an annual weed, so just keep pulling or hoeing it off. Whether more keeps growing depends how many seeds are in the soil, I'm afraid.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: zestymordant on July 02, 2012, 14:27
Here's another weed I'd like identifying.

The picture isn't from my plot thankfully but I do get it growing there, mainly in the strawberry patch at the bottom.

It shoots up pretty much vertical in a tube and has one grass type leaf coming off it.

Thanks all
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on July 02, 2012, 14:52
If it's got running roots then it's couch grass  :( You have my sympathy ::)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Goosegirl on July 02, 2012, 15:41
I'm not sure - looking at the pink-ish bits, I wonder if it is an aggressive ornamental grass - like Gardener's Gaiters (which it isn't). Are the little flower heads in the pic part of it?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: zestymordant on July 02, 2012, 23:17
If it's got running roots then it's couch grass  :( You have my sympathy ::)

Yeah, it's couch grass. I thought the bloke who runs the allotments told me couch grass was something else, I guess I was mistaken!

Cheers also goosegirl for your comment - the flowers were part of a different plant.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: zestymordant on July 04, 2012, 16:04
Just a couple more weeds I was hoping for ID on. The first one with all the little flowers on I have to pull up a lot from my carrot plot, the second I find on the onions.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: engineer on July 04, 2012, 20:37
The first one, not sure, but the second one is speedwell, a garden escapee, hard to eradicate, best to hand weed and get all the root
Title: Please help to identify this weed.
Post by: Shandy on July 08, 2012, 12:19
I have this weed growing quite prolific in my garden and I can not identify it anywhere.

Can someone please help?

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Goosegirl on July 13, 2012, 14:12
Can you do a pic taken further back so we can see the leaves properly?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on July 13, 2012, 15:26
I think it's Corydalis
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Wavertree Red on July 14, 2012, 16:38
This thing probably accounts for 90% of the weeds on my plot.  It's a flat variety and the root is long and thin. Does anyone know what it's called please?  Apologies for the lack of picture focus.  Thanks.

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on July 14, 2012, 16:47
looks like ragwort to me  :unsure:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Wavertree Red on July 14, 2012, 17:21
looks like ragwort to me  :unsure:

After googling ragwort I'm not convinced neither.  Ragwort seems more leafy than this stuff.  Plus ive never seen ragwort in flower anywhere on the plot. I'll let a bit flower and take a better picture.  Cheers.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on July 14, 2012, 17:28
Might be tansy  :unsure:  It is sometimes planted as a companion plant and would self seed everywhere.  Could the previous plot holder have sown this or one of your plot neighbours?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Wavertree Red on July 14, 2012, 17:47
Is tansy ragwort........? Anyway.  After looking at the first ever picture of my plot from 3 years ago there does indeed seem to be a tansy outbreak  :).  The yellow flowers in the background look tansy like to me.  Cheers.

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on July 14, 2012, 17:58
Tansy and ragwort are different plants.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Wavertree Red on July 14, 2012, 18:09
Tansy and ragwort are different plants.


Wiki - "large plant may produce 150,000 seeds".  Yes and I've pulled about that many to date!!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on July 14, 2012, 19:51
Can anyone help me identify this weed please?
It has taken over the carrot patch and its taken me most of the afternoon to dig it all out!

Would also appreciate any help in getting rid of it!


Annual sow thistle. Keep pulling it out. Never let it seed.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Shandy on July 14, 2012, 22:48
I think it's Corydalis

Looking at images on google I think you are right, never heard of it before.

Thank you mumofstig
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Raven50 on July 28, 2012, 16:28
Can someone identifiy this weed. It clings to your gloves when weeding

It looks like a teasel seedling to me  ;)
Title: A stranger in my plot
Post by: Hillbillypop on September 05, 2012, 13:00
Here is another stranger to appear in my plot.
I did 3 raised bed this year and imported 3 tonne supposed top soil and 1tonne graded top soil which i must say was like silk .
however the other looked as though it had been scraped off a railway embankment.
Anyway long story short i sewed a run of mixed Italian leafs and this appeared can you tell me what it is.

Its heght at present is 4feete stem is ruhbarb like purple in colour the leaves are dark green Christmas tree shaped and the flowers are silver dock like


Additional info.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: zestymordant on September 17, 2012, 12:40
Hi, can anybody identify this? It's very tall, a few feet I would say.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on September 23, 2012, 06:41
Found this while clearing out carrot pots yesterday! (Beat the blasted fly for once this year), and thought at first it could be Marestail, but now I'm not too sure.

The head is about half an inch across, and from top to tip of the root, it is about 5 inches. The stem is pretty wiry, and the greenery is also quite hard as well!

Any ideas anyone please, it's the only sighting I have on 'The Patch'.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on September 23, 2012, 09:32
oh dear  :( looks like the dreaded to me............
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on September 23, 2012, 09:35
Hi, can anybody identify this? It's very tall, a few feet I would say.

Dock, in seed, I'd say.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on September 23, 2012, 11:00
oh dear  :( looks like the dreaded to me............

I wonder if it is Mums, but it seems to have come from a seed, because there is no sign of any rhizome on the root!

Luckily, it is the only one I've seen since we took on the plots, and I wonder if it could be a stray even...

Dobtless I'll be peering at every weed we pull from now on, but as it was growing in a 10" pot, and came out very quickly, I'll just be vigilant!

(Apols for the awful pic BTW, if we need to re-do it, I'll get onto Truprint pronto...)!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on September 23, 2012, 11:39
I think that's a yew seedling Growster.  I get them on the plot as we have yews planted on the boundary and the birdies leave the seeds as little pressies  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on September 24, 2012, 06:33
Hey, News - that sounds about right, although I've never actually had the (dis)pleasure of seeing Horsetail, we have a lot of yew round here and the wiry stem does remind me of a a young yew branch!

I'll be extra-vigilant when we get down there again - many thanks!
Title: Re: A stranger in my plot
Post by: savbo on September 25, 2012, 15:23
Here is another stranger to appear in my plot.
I did 3 raised bed this year and imported 3 tonne supposed top soil and 1tonne graded top soil which i must say was like silk .
however the other looked as though it had been scraped off a railway embankment.
Anyway long story short i sewed a run of mixed Italian leafs and this appeared can you tell me what it is.

Its heght at present is 4feete stem is ruhbarb like purple in colour the leaves are dark green Christmas tree shaped and the flowers are silver dock like


Additional info.

this looks like Mugwort to me - is it quite aromatic when crushed? Common weed esp of disturbed ground
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: stephent on November 24, 2012, 16:11
Any idea what these are?

The first picture, all I have seen is the root and the 'canes' as it has all been strimmed down. But its also infested with bind and couch.

Second picture, these are quite common on the plot, although most of it is covered with a sheet at the moment.

Third picture, I have no idea what this is?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on November 24, 2012, 16:21
First one looks rather like my old raspberry roots that I've just dug out! They were also infested with bindweed and couch.

Second I think is creeping buttercup.

Third - pass.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on November 24, 2012, 20:48
First one looks rather like my old raspberry roots that I've just dug out! They were also infested with bindweed and couch.

Second I think is creeping buttercup.

Third - pass.

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: snowdrops on November 24, 2012, 21:09
3rd looks like some montbretia,see link below
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: ThatsNice on January 08, 2013, 22:45
Can anyone tell me what this is? Got a few clustered together.[/img]]  (    (http://[img width=640 height=477)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on January 09, 2013, 09:06
Looks like Water Dock

Dig 'em out rather than pull.... them will have tap roots that grow quite long  :ohmy:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: ThatsNice on January 09, 2013, 09:08
Thanks sunshine. I'm guessing they're as bad as the regular kind of dock then?!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on January 09, 2013, 09:16
Thanks sunshine. I'm guessing they're as bad as the regular kind of dock then?!

Very similar in habit and worth removing when small if you can. Never let them flower  :lol:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: ThatsNice on January 09, 2013, 09:32
They will get dug out this afternoon then! Sadly I have inherited a big patch on the other side that have flowered and seeded .. Guess i'll be digging their offspring out for a few years... :(
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Sparkyrog on January 28, 2013, 20:24
Glyphosphate It may of been mentioned before and I missed it ! But is good to add some washing up liquid to your mix for this ,it acts as a wetting agent so it sticks to the leaves better ,I have found it very successful , I have also heard parrafin  works as well but have not tried that :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on January 28, 2013, 20:59
Glyphosphate It may of been mentioned before and I missed it ! But is good to add some washing up liquid to your mix for this ,it acts as a wetting agent so it sticks to the leaves better ,I have found it very successful , I have also heard parrafin  works as well but have not tried that :)

Paraffin is not licensed for weedkiller use so cannot be advocated or endorsed on here.  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Sparkyrog on January 29, 2013, 15:13
Glyphosphate It may of been mentioned before and I missed it ! But is good to add some washing up liquid to your mix for this ,it acts as a wetting agent so it sticks to the leaves better ,I have found it very successful , I have also heard parrafin  works as well but have not tried that :)

Paraffin is not licensed for weedkiller use so cannot be advocated or endorsed on here.  :)

I doubt we can red lead as a seed dressing for peas and beans now either :D
Title: Weed ID please
Post by: Dantheman on March 03, 2013, 09:59
Hi guys, i have notices some weeds/plants coming up on my allotment which wasn't there last year.  I was wondering if you great folks on here could ID it for me.   :) :) :)

And if it's a spreader plant the best way to deal with it.

Thanks Dan.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Thrift on March 03, 2013, 10:08
It looks a bit like celandine to me.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on March 06, 2013, 22:20
Glyphosphate It may of been mentioned before and I missed it ! But is good to add some washing up liquid to your mix for this ,it acts as a wetting agent so it sticks to the leaves better ,I have found it very successful , I have also heard parrafin  works as well but have not tried that :)

Paraffin is not licensed for weedkiller use so cannot be advocated or endorsed on here.  :)

There is a recommendation for mixing glyphosate with mineral oil, which parafin is, for controlling cut stumps and brambles.

Water dock is quite uncommon and usually only found in wet ditches or by streams. I may be wrong but I think this weed is willow herb which is controlled with glyphosate.

The glyposate manufacturers spend millions on researching the best wetters for their products, which they include in the mix, and then some clever dicky thinks they can improve on it with washing up liquid?

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on March 06, 2013, 22:25
It's not willow herb - I've seen enough of that!

I'd go with celandine, of which I've also seen enough!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on March 07, 2013, 08:12
Can anyone tell me what this is? Got a few clustered together.[/img]]  (    (http://[img width=640 height=477)

I am talking about this one. Always a bit behind, that's me!

The latest one is certainly celandine.
Title: Weed identification
Post by: Mark's Sussex Allotment on April 02, 2013, 14:25
Hi all,

My allotment is covered in this stuff towards the bottom of the plot.

What is it, and what is the best way to deal with it.

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on April 02, 2013, 14:30
Looks like Speedwell to me! Hoe, hoe, hoe. (or dig it well in).
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mark's Sussex Allotment on April 02, 2013, 14:34
So it'll die quite easily then?

You don't need to get the whole root out?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on April 02, 2013, 14:47
It's a gonner if you slice though it!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mark's Sussex Allotment on April 02, 2013, 15:20
That's what I like to hear!!

Thanks Dave
Title: Re: Weed ID please
Post by: rowan57 on April 06, 2013, 20:10
Hi guys, i have notices some weeds/plants coming up on my allotment which wasn't there last year.  I was wondering if you great folks on here could ID it for me.   :) :) :)

And if it's a spreader plant the best way to deal with it.

Thanks Dan.

Celandine, very pretty, has nice yellow flowers. Wouldnt weed it out, you may get a purple variant if lucky. Dies down during late summer.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Beetie on April 13, 2013, 18:26
These have grown out from under some slabs. Didn't recognise them so thought I'd ask. Thanks
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on April 13, 2013, 18:30
The first one looks like comfrey leaves, to me  :unsure:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: snowdrops on April 13, 2013, 18:52
1st one definitely looks like comfrey,don't know about the 2nd one.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: superpete on April 13, 2013, 20:05
first one may be comfrey - or it may be alkanet (which is just as difficult to dig out) --- I think the other one is greater celandine - the sap was used to treat warts way back and I believe it works - although my sis in law got rid of her wart problems with the Bach Homeopathic Remedy "Thuja"
Title: Re: Weed identification
Post by: superpete on April 13, 2013, 20:23
I have difficulty with speedwells - if you get down to look, their little flowers are really lovely - I leave some if I can

Hi all,

My allotment is covered in this stuff towards the bottom of the plot.

What is it, and what is the best way to deal with it.

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: superpete on April 13, 2013, 20:38
Christopher Lloyd once told us he'd found a bit of celandine underneath a hedge, that had got instead of the usual green, - a bronze leaf - and he subsequently introduced it onto the market as "Brazen Hussy" - I don't know how these things work but I guess he made a few shillings off it -- another one that without weedkiller is nigh on impossible to eradicate... quite nice in the right place..

It's not willow herb - I've seen enough of that!

I'd go with celandine, of which I've also seen enough!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on April 22, 2013, 21:19
I have recently started coming across this weed in the back half of my plot. When I got the plot in November this whole area was covered in waist high nettles, brambles and the floor was absolutely covered in ivy. I have roughly dug it over and pulled out loads and loads of weeds but now I have this starting to appear everywhere. I wonder if it is the ivy trying to regrow or my bigger fear is bindweed? I don't know what it looks like but I know the roots go on forever as does this weed (when I was originally digging I thought these roots were ivy roots).

I want to be chemical free as much as much as possible so if it is bindweed what are my options?

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on April 23, 2013, 09:05
If you prefer not to use chemicals your only option is to keep digging it out wherever you see it  :(

Smothering with cardboard/weed control fabric doesn't work - I tried it and the roots just spread under the cover and came up around the edges! I gave up in the end and just used glyphosate everywhere it poked through. It's all gone now - except one small corner where it comes in from the next plot - but that's another story  >:(
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: crh75 on April 23, 2013, 12:09
I dug it out.  It probably took a few years to eradicate it but it was not difficult.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: allotmentann on April 23, 2013, 16:38
I agree, if you are persistent bindweed can be eradicated by hand.  It is all about being thorough the first time, then removing any little new ones that try to start. :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on April 23, 2013, 19:06
Ok - but it is definitely bindweed? How far down do the roots tend to go? (They seem to be shallow but wide spreading but want to check if I need to dig down deeper.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: allotmentann on April 23, 2013, 20:01
It looks like bindweed to me. I have found that the roots rarely go more than a spade and a half deep, and most are nearer the surface than that, you just need to make sure you that you get all of the root.  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on April 23, 2013, 20:27
Ok, definitely sounds to be what I am finding. I shall look forward to digging that up for years to come then.....
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on April 27, 2013, 16:23
Ok, me again. I am starting to find these seedlings all over some of my beds - any idea what they are? I haven't got round to weeding these beds today as I have been concentrating on the nettles and bindweed at the back...



Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GreyScales on April 27, 2013, 16:41
I don't suppose anyone knows this one?

Amazingly it came out of a packet of tomato seeds :blink: it sprouted the same time as my tomato seedlings, in the same row and spacing for a seed, in compost that hadn't been handled outside. So it must have gotten in the packet somehow... initially mistook it for a very weak seedling, but then allowed it to grow out of curiosity.

Now the seedlings have been long transplanted I stuck it in a trough outside until I can identify it. Any thoughts?

edited to show pic rather than link
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on April 27, 2013, 17:03
I don't suppose anyone knows this one?

Amazingly it came out of a packet of tomato seeds :blink: it sprouted the same time as my tomato seedlings, in the same row and spacing for a seed, in compost that hadn't been handled outside. So it must have gotten in the packet somehow... initially mistook it for a very weak seedling, but then allowed it to grow out of curiosity.

Now the seedlings have been long transplanted I stuck it in a trough outside until I can identify it. Any thoughts?

edited to show pic rather than link

Chickweed. A very common garden weed. The seeds are tiny and could well have come in stuck to a trowell or dibber
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on April 27, 2013, 17:07
Ok, me again. I am starting to find these seedlings all over some of my beds - any idea what they are? I haven't got round to weeding these beds today as I have been concentrating on the nettles and bindweed at the back...



I think it is fat hen, or closely related orache. Do the backs of those first true leaves have a silvery look. Now is the time to run a hoe through and kill them. Leave them to get bigger and they will be hard work.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on April 27, 2013, 17:19
Doesn't matter what it is - just hoe it off quick, before it gets bigger  :lol:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GreyScales on April 27, 2013, 17:38
Chickweed. A very common garden weed. The seeds are tiny and could well have come in stuck to a trowell or dibber

Thanks! I cannot imagine how it got in. I used a dibber but it was a new one straight out of a sealed packet.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on April 27, 2013, 17:54
Ok, I will hoe them off tomorrow - I just didnt want to do that and find out that by hoeing them off I helped to spread it about! I don't know if they are silvery on the back - I will have a look more closely tomorrow.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mark's Sussex Allotment on April 27, 2013, 18:01
Evening guys. What what is this and what is the best way of dealing with it?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on April 27, 2013, 20:22
Evening guys. What what is this and what is the best way of dealing with it?
I wonder, could it be a verbascum?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: agapanthus on April 27, 2013, 21:16
If it hasn't been planted then I would suggest a mullein, which is of the same family but can grow like a weed.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Aunt Sally on April 27, 2013, 21:36
Looks a bit like a potato to me  :ohmy:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mark's Sussex Allotment on April 27, 2013, 22:46
Definately not a spud. Has a 2-foot tap root about the thickness of a pack of polo's.

There are quite a few of them around my plot unfortunately.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: agapanthus on April 27, 2013, 23:00
Sounds even more like mullein.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on April 27, 2013, 23:40
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mark's Sussex Allotment on April 28, 2013, 07:20
OK, I'll try and get a better picture.

What's the best way of dealing with mullein or burdock?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on April 28, 2013, 10:14
I agree with agapanthus, it looks like a mullein, vebascum seems to be the name for the cultivated varieties.
 Don't know how to deal with it as I haven't had any, and if I did I would probably try to move it to somewhere out of the way because I think it is quite pretty.
I would have thought just digging it out would work, it isn't terribly invasive is it?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JDGen on April 28, 2013, 10:21
I had to dig a piece of this out as it was next to a plant, and the roots were enormous - I'm hoping it's not a weed but is comfrey......

Thanks for any help,

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: agapanthus on April 28, 2013, 10:26
I agree with agapanthus, it looks like a mullein, vebascum seems to be the name for the cultivated varieties.
 Don't know how to deal with it as I haven't had any, and if I did I would probably try to move it to somewhere out of the way because I think it is quite pretty.
I would have thought just digging it out would work, it isn't terribly invasive is it?

No, not at all which is unfortunate...I love 'em!!! Even tried to dig them up and transplant them to no avail :( Must have just cut the end off.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mark's Sussex Allotment on April 29, 2013, 22:14
Here is another picture if this helps at all....
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: dmg on April 30, 2013, 20:15
I found this out behind the shed. Does anyone know what it is ?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on April 30, 2013, 20:26
That has to be a lesser celandine:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: taytors on April 30, 2013, 20:35
I found this out behind the shed. Does anyone know what it is ?
Think its aconite,an alpine :) :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on April 30, 2013, 20:46
Have you looked at the link I gave to lesser celandine? It could almost be the same photo!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on May 01, 2013, 07:12
Have you looked at the link I gave to lesser celandine? It could almost be the same photo!

That'll be because it is the same plant ---lesser celandine  :lol:

Pretty, but very invasive and difficult to get rid of as it sheds tiny bulbils when you dig it out, which all grow again.

Nice behind the shed though  :D
Title: Can anyone tell me what this is please??
Post by: Lisa23081 on May 04, 2013, 17:01
I've recently been given an allotment and have started to clear it. I found it was mostly covered in black plastic sheeting and carpet once I'd cleared the top weeds, but seem to have a lot of this plant growing out from under the carpet.

Any ideas please?  :D

(I did try to post in the "general growing" forum but there was no "new topic" button?)

Thanks  :)
Title: Re: Can anyone tell me what this is please??
Post by: Salmo on May 04, 2013, 23:46
It could be bindweed. Does it have white curly roots.

Any chance of a close up of the leaves?

You should have posted it under the "Which weed is this" topic. Perhaps one of the kindly moderators will move it?
Title: Re: Can anyone tell me what this is please??
Post by: Yorkie on May 04, 2013, 23:48
The leaves look to be an elongated oval from enlarging the photo, so not bindweed / ground elder / marestail / dandelion / creeping buttercup.

Not sure what it actually is, though.
Title: Re: Can anyone tell me what this is please??
Post by: Lisa23081 on May 05, 2013, 09:44
The leaves look to be an elongated oval from enlarging the photo, so not bindweed / ground elder / marestail / dandelion / creeping buttercup.

Not sure what it actually is, though.

Thank you Salmo & Yorkie - am going to allotment again today so will try & get a better photo.  :)

Title: Re: Can anyone tell me what this is please??
Post by: Lisa23081 on May 05, 2013, 17:28
It could be bindweed. Does it have white curly roots.

Any chance of a close up of the leaves?

You should have posted it under the "Which weed is this" topic. Perhaps one of the kindly moderators will move it?

Salmo - took a close up of the leaves today - plus a picture of what was also under the black plastic.........any advice gratefully received  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on May 06, 2013, 00:09
Still not sure. The plant in the middle almost looks like coltsfoot, but there again the leaves are not quite right. Does it flower?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: smellykipper on May 06, 2013, 05:40
these are what is covering our plot, any ideas or do we need to worry  :wub:

( (

http://( (

http://( (

the plot with my daughter stood at the end  :)

http://( (
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on May 06, 2013, 06:02
Still not sure. The plant in the middle almost looks like coltsfoot, but there again the leaves are not quite right. Does it flower?

It looks a bit like Fat Hen.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on May 06, 2013, 06:13
Smellykipper - the first two look like Willow Herb, not a great problem, however the others appear be ground elder. The latter you'll find to be a mass of roots underneath and right pain to fork out.

I'm not sure what your stance is on such matters, but I'd be reaching for the gylphosate.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: smellykipper on May 06, 2013, 06:17
for the whole plot or just the last one ?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on May 06, 2013, 06:20
The last one.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Lisa23081 on May 06, 2013, 08:40
Still not sure. The plant in the middle almost looks like coltsfoot, but there again the leaves are not quite right. Does it flower?

I don't know if it flowers as I've literally started working on the allotment in the last few weeks - sorry!

I suppose the best thing would be to dig as much as possible out and then keep an eye on it the hoe?  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on May 06, 2013, 09:28
Still not sure. The plant in the middle almost looks like coltsfoot, but there again the leaves are not quite right. Does it flower?

It looks a bit like Fat Hen.

Fat hen does not have creeping roots. It could be a garden plant that has gone wild.

Roundup it before you do any cultivation.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on May 06, 2013, 11:06
Is this comfrey that I have heard so much about? We have lots of it growing round our water tray/tap and. I have noticed some people seem to have patches of it on their plot.

If it is comfrey how would I get some onto my own plot - does it seed?


Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: rich24uk on May 06, 2013, 12:01
Any ideas on this one which has overran my aquilegia  :mad:

is it perennial geranium?

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Lisa23081 on May 06, 2013, 12:13
Still not sure. The plant in the middle almost looks like coltsfoot, but there again the leaves are not quite right. Does it flower?

It looks a bit like Fat Hen.

Fat hen does not have creeping roots. It could be a garden plant that has gone wild.

Roundup it before you do any cultivation.

Will do - thanks for the advice  :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: snowdrops on May 06, 2013, 19:56
Is this comfrey that I have heard so much about? We have lots of it growing round our water tray/tap and. I have noticed some people seem to have patches of it on their plot.

If it is comfrey how would I get some onto my own plot - does it seed?



Yes that is comfrey,just dig up some roots if nobody minds & replant where you want it.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on May 06, 2013, 21:52
Ooh, perfect :) Thanks!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on May 07, 2013, 09:05
Comfrey seeds like mad and can be a real pest. That is why people plant a sterile strain, the name of which escapes me.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: simonwatson on May 07, 2013, 11:29
Comfrey seeds like mad and can be a real pest. That is why people plant a sterile strain, the name of which escapes me.

Bocking 14
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: snowdrops on May 07, 2013, 13:39
There were tests on the Bocking 14 done by Henry Doubleday I think that gave evidence it was a superior strain to use for fertiliser etc. Check out Garden Organic for more info.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on May 07, 2013, 20:09
Ok, so is there any way of me telling if this is Bocking 14? I don't want to plant something that will end up being more hindrance than help (especially if it isn't all that good as a fertiliser).
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on May 07, 2013, 20:38
Ok, so is there any way of me telling if this is Bocking 14? I don't want to plant something that will end up being more hindrance than help (especially if it isn't all that good as a fertiliser).

Any comfrey is good as a fertiliser, and if this is a flowering version, which only time will tell, you can stop it from spreading like a weed by cropping off the plant tops and using them to make liquid feed, or adding to the compost bin  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on May 07, 2013, 20:49
Ok, so is there any way of me telling if this is Bocking 14? I don't want to plant something that will end up being more hindrance than help (especially if it isn't all that good as a fertiliser).

Any comfrey is good as a fertiliser, and if this is a flowering version, which only time will tell, you can stop it from spreading like a weed by cropping off the plant tops and using them to make liquid feed, or adding to the compost bin  :)

Thanks for this :) it is flowering at the moment so probably not the Bocking 14 then but now I know I can think about the best place to plant some
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on May 07, 2013, 21:32
Bocking 14 will flower, but the seeds are sterile.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on May 07, 2013, 21:36
Oh, I see!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on May 08, 2013, 07:08
Bocking 14 will flower, but the seeds are sterile.

I never knew that   ???

I have always had the 'normal sort' and really like the flowers. Perhaps I might treat myself to some roots of Bocking 14 then.......

... as it has flowers
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: snowdrops on May 08, 2013, 09:27
Do you get seedlings popping up all over the place? If so not Bocking 14,but of course there will be offshoots from the other plants nearby.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on May 09, 2013, 06:19
It isn't on my plot - but all round the communal water tank and tap. I have also seen clumps of it on other people's plots but hard to see if there are seedlings or not - I will keep an eye out
Title: What plant (weed) is this?
Post by: Lesleyk on May 18, 2013, 09:03
See attached photo:   This plant is extremely invasive, very fast growing and spreads quickly.  It is not shy about popping up in grass or borders and is almost impossible to get rid of by hand weeding as the root system is a tangle mass that goes very deep, not unlike ground elder.  I would love to know what it is and any tips about how to get rid would be gratefully received!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JayG on May 18, 2013, 09:10
Looks like coltsfoot to me, although I don't find it that difficult to dig up in otherwise clear soil (obviously more difficult imbedded in a lawn or amongst other plants, where you might be better using a spot-weedkiller.)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Lesleyk on May 18, 2013, 10:21
Thanks - it does indeed look like coltsfoot.  I am encountering well-established stands of it with long rhizomatous (is that a word?) root systems mixed with other plants.  Can you recommend a spot weed killer in particular?  Also, does it get rid completely?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JayG on May 18, 2013, 10:41
Not used it myself but possible options have been discussed in a recent thread:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: lazza on May 20, 2013, 16:59
OK, I don't have a picture, but one part of my garden has been taken over by a weed with small white flowers. The leaves grow close to the ground, and the flowers on taller stalks, but the most notable and peculiar thing is that the small thin seed pods seem to explode when touched - even very gently, sending out a small, coiled spring (which I think is one side of the seed pod)! There were a few of them last year, but hundreds this year.... :mad:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on May 20, 2013, 17:04
Hairy Bittercress  >:(
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JayG on May 20, 2013, 19:17
On the whole I've no objection to "hairy"  ::) but the bittercress plant version is a different subject altogether!  :mad:

Never saw it in my garden until about 5 years ago (I'm guessing it came in with a bought pot plant - only good news is that it pulls out very easily.)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mr B on May 20, 2013, 21:38
Any ideas on this one, I thought I was digging out coutch but I have never seen it like this before?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: snowdrops on May 20, 2013, 21:44
Bluebells? Montbretia? Or do they smell oniony/garlicky?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on May 20, 2013, 22:53
I've been digging stuff like this all afternoon and it is montbretia. Lots of bulbs clustered together with grass roots intertwined.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on June 01, 2013, 17:06
So digging out my jungle still and finding all sorts in it! Some treasures (rhubarb crowns), lots of junk (rusty metal, plastic bags and bits of packaging) but mostly nettles, ivy and bindweed. I have found 2 plants of this though. Any ideas if it is friend or foe before I pull it out?



And I think this is the same but smaller:

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mark's Sussex Allotment on June 01, 2013, 19:42
Looks a bit like burdock and if so definately foe with a 2 foot tap root!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on June 01, 2013, 19:50
I've just looked at burdock images online and I don't think it is that - but if that ends up being people's best guess l Will get it pulled up this week
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mark's Sussex Allotment on June 02, 2013, 17:03
Give it a bit more time, there a many more experienced than me.....
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on June 03, 2013, 15:43
Any ideas on this one, I thought I was digging out coutch but I have never seen it like this before?

What you have there is Onion couch. Instead of spreading by creeping rhizomes onion couch form chains of corms that break off when you cultivate. They are not killed by drying out and can stay dormant in the soil for a couple of years. It also seeds prolifically if you leave it to flower. I think it in fact a sub species of tall oat grass.

Difficult to eradicate by cultivation but glyphosate kills it. The trick is to get them to sprout.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Aramintha on June 06, 2013, 11:28
It could be Clary Sage??
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Paulj on June 06, 2013, 23:02
I've been away on business for the last week and a half and my plot has gone nuts with weeds. I can hoe it easily, but want to know what I'm dealing with. I think there maybe a some veg in there leftover from the previous years tenant:

No 1 - is this a veg? Just above this I can see one of my bean plants popping through):

No 2 - really for context:

No 3:

No 4:

No 5:


Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on June 07, 2013, 07:29
1 Looks like borage. Are the leaves very rough?

3,4,&5 have lots of fat hen. You can eat it but most people don't. Pull it up and straight into the compost before it flowers again (It's the one with the slightly glaucous leaves that have wavy edges) Grows really fast

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Paulj on June 07, 2013, 07:50
Thanks.  I'm going to be down there tomorrow, so hopefully will be able to clear this all up.  I cannot believe how fast all this came through.  The plot wasn't well looked after by the previous owner and it was left to go to weeds/seeds, so I'm assuming there was little I could do but wit for all of this to come up to deal with it now?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on June 07, 2013, 10:36
Weeds are not something you deal with once and that's's an on-going job, worse luck  :nowink:
Hoe them off as often as you can - but definitely before they set seed and make yours and everybody else's problem worse.

If you mark all your seed rows it's fairly easy then to hoe everything that isn't in a row. Hand weed the rows when it is obvious which are veg and which are weeds. Good luck with the plot  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Paulj on June 07, 2013, 10:49
Thanks Mum - that's really what I meant.  I realise they will come back - particularly as my plot neighbour has done nothing to their plot and there are 2 foot high weeds now.  I'm thinking of asking the committee if they mind if I take my strimmer to it in order to minimise the damage from it.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: superpete on June 10, 2013, 11:27
If a weed is something troublesome then this isn't one - not sure I've seen it for sale anywhere though - can someone say what it might be please?

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on June 10, 2013, 11:40
Could it be a Thorow-wax? (
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Jon Gale on June 10, 2013, 12:01
Could be. I was going to suggest marsh marigold based on the leaf shape, but the flowers are wrong.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GreyScales on June 12, 2013, 01:01
There is an 'incredible edibles' scheme operating behind a charity shop I volunteer in, at least I'm told it is operating back there as I never see any work done on the area. There is a lot of questionable decisions going on, such as soil that looks like it was just dug out of an allotment sitting in a container with no drainage... But there are signs something went on last year, such as the dried remains of runner beans on a trellis.

Since nothing is happening I've been given permission to do what I want back there, and the first task is weeding.


There are a few identifiable plants still there such as some neglected strawberries, but I keep seeing these large leaves with reddish stems in pots. Before I rip them out, I just wanted to check if they're actually anything or just a weed if possible?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on June 12, 2013, 07:02

It'll have a very deep root!

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on June 12, 2013, 08:30
Just as well that it's in a container then  ;)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GreyScales on June 12, 2013, 11:43
Ah good, lucky for me it's in a pot then  :D

Thank you for the identification.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on June 14, 2013, 17:51
Good luck - we have lots of edible york beds around the city and they are really well supported, in the main!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: HilaryG on June 15, 2013, 22:52
If a weed is something troublesome then this isn't one - not sure I've seen it for sale anywhere though - can someone say what it might be please?

I get this appearing randomly in flower pots sometimes. It is called Montia perfoliata, from the caryophyllaceae order. Pretty little thing with its flowers coming out of the centre of the leaves.

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: superpete on June 23, 2013, 11:36
HilaryG said - I get this appearing randomly in flower pots sometimes. It is called Montia perfoliata, from the caryophyllaceae order. Pretty little thing with its flowers coming out of the centre of the leaves.


Thanks HilaryG – wiki says it's a native american and the gold rush miners ate it, hence common name 'miner's lettuce' - and I found it in 'Wild flowers of Britain' where it says a rare introduced annual of sandy soils called 'Spring Beauty' --- this one is underneath a big (sort of) giant redwood
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Sparkyrog on June 23, 2013, 18:31
Bocking 14 is the sterile version and root cuttings are cheap as chips on fleabay :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: carlotta on June 26, 2013, 14:50
Can anyone help identify this as it matures it produces a red plume like thing.... sorry am a newbie to this allotment stuff.

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on June 26, 2013, 16:36
Look like one of the many variants of Willow Herb.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Beetie on June 30, 2013, 14:15
I have quite a lot if this and it's a * to pull out. Don't know what it is though.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Jamboian on June 30, 2013, 15:50
Hi all! Hope your all well and enjoying the weather, OK can anyone tell me what this is, I've gotten quite attached to it but it does look very weed like, if it is a weed I better kill it before it seeds.  8)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on June 30, 2013, 15:57
Hi all! Hope your all well and enjoying the weather, OK can anyone tell me what this is, I've gotten quite attached to it but it does look very weed like, if it is a weed I better kill it before it seeds.  8)
It's Borage - it's a pretty wildflower.

I have it on my plot and just hoe most of the seedlings off in spring  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Jamboian on June 30, 2013, 16:14
Thanks Mum! In that case it can stay.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Beetie on June 30, 2013, 16:19
Try again... With the right photo this time :-)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on June 30, 2013, 18:15
I have quite a lot if this and it's a * to pull out. Don't know what it is though.

Looks like a currant bush to me.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Sparkyrog on June 30, 2013, 18:22
Doesn't look anything like a currant to me !
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on June 30, 2013, 18:30
Looks like some sort of persicaria to me.   If you google persicaria weed for images, it brings up a lot of pics for you to compare to :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Beetie on June 30, 2013, 18:58
Not sure it's a persicaria. The pics of those all look more upright than what I have has numerous 'stems' that grow out along the ground from the centre.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on June 30, 2013, 19:16
Doesn't look anything like a currant to me !

You're looking at the second photo.

The first one, here, even has currants in sight.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Beetie on June 30, 2013, 19:26
Ye that was me being a dope and clicking the wrong photo. The first pic is me black currant bush. :-)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Beetie on June 30, 2013, 19:39
I've found it. My weed is knotweed. Anyone have experience of it and advice for getting rid?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on June 30, 2013, 19:42
I've found it. My weed is knotweed. (; Anyone have experience of it and advice for getting rid?
Thanks for that, I've got that but didn't know what it was called  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on June 30, 2013, 21:38
That's not KnotWEED, it's KnotGRASS - the former is a very nasty plant  :ohmy:  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on June 30, 2013, 22:14
It looks like knotgrass to me. If left it can grow 8 ft across. Local name of ironweed. Very tough stems and hard to hoe out. It is better controlled on farms these days but it used to be a weed that would wrap round root harvesters and cause them to bung up.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on June 30, 2013, 22:24
That's not KnotWEED, it's KnotGRASS - the former is a very nasty plant  :ohmy:  :)

An alternative name is Prostrate Knotweed. It fortunately not Japanese Knotweed, which no doubt rang your alarm bells, Yorkie!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on July 01, 2013, 17:55
Phew!  :D

By just posting that it was 'Knotweed', I wanted to avoid members replying re. Japanese variety!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: rowe1311 on July 01, 2013, 22:06
I am hoping this is not Japanese Knotweed.  When it first started appearing the leaves looked like nasturtiums. It is the first year it has come into the garden, and we don't have Japanese knotweed nearby so I am hoping it is something else.  Could it be buckwheat as we have grown buckwheat as a green manure crop before and it is very easy to pull up?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Garryac on July 09, 2013, 12:16
Can anyone help identify this as it matures it produces a red plume like thing.... sorry am a newbie to this allotment stuff.


My wife calls it 'ladies thumb print'
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Baldy on July 09, 2013, 20:45
Dug up a row of Red Duke of York this evening - they'd stiffled most weeds but there were a couple around that I didn't recognise - a quick scan of images in this topic hasn't helped.

Any ideas - the first is a ground level spreader, second is maybe 2-3 inches high - the 'pods' go brown as they age (I guess)

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on July 09, 2013, 21:45
The 2nd is hairy bittercress - get rid of it quick before those seed pods split and the seeds go everywhere  :ohmy:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Beetie on July 09, 2013, 21:57
I think your first may be the same weed I recently queried - knotgrass.  Google for pictures to see if it fits.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on July 09, 2013, 22:48
The first one looks a bit like bindweed to me.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on July 10, 2013, 17:28
The first one looks a bit like bindweed to me.

Me too.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: PupStar on July 20, 2013, 17:47
does anyone know what this weed is?

Its the biggest pest in my garden at the minute no matter how many of them I remove or spray urgh


Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: maloneranger on July 20, 2013, 17:59
does anyone know what this weed is?

Its the biggest pest in my garden at the minute no matter how many of them I remove or spray urgh



It looks like spurge to me.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: PupStar on July 20, 2013, 18:05
does anyone know what this weed is?

Its the biggest pest in my garden at the minute no matter how many of them I remove or spray urgh



It looks like spurge to me.

thanks, is there any sure fire way of getting rid of it for good.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: maloneranger on July 20, 2013, 18:14
I've not seen it as a persistent weed.

Is it a newly cultivated piece of ground?

I'd just pull it all out, before it flowers, and it should eventually disappear.
[However, use gloves for this because the sap can be an irritant].
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: PupStar on July 20, 2013, 19:10
I've not seen it as a persistent weed.

Is it a newly cultivated piece of ground?

I'd just pull it all out, before it flowers, and it should eventually disappear.
[However, use gloves for this because the sap can be an irritant].

the ground where that photo was taken is not cultivated at all. The pesky blighter just keeps coming back  :wacko:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: maloneranger on July 20, 2013, 19:25
If you Google “spurge + weed” or “spurge + weed + persistence” you will get many hits.

Most are from the US. The species may differ, but the principle would be the same.

The gist appears to be to uproot early and / or use weedkiller [Roundup].

However, one website suggests that the seeds can persist for 8 years, so you may be in for long haul. 
I hope your area is not very big.

A US video
One US website

Hope this helps!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: PupStar on July 20, 2013, 19:49
If you Google “spurge + weed” or “spurge + weed + persistence” you will get many hits.

Most are from the US. The species may differ, but the principle would be the same.

The gist appears to be to uproot early and / or use weedkiller [Roundup].

However, one website suggests that the seeds can persist for 8 years, so you may be in for long haul. 
I hope your area is not very big.

A US video
One US website

Hope this helps!

glyphosate has helped and once the new lawn is down then hopefully it will get suppressed, until then glphosate has and always be my best mate lol

a quick google brings up a well known supermarket selling it arrgghhhh
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: maloneranger on July 20, 2013, 20:11

glyphosate has helped and once the new lawn is down then hopefully it will get suppressed, until then glphosate has and always be my best mate lol

a quick google brings up a well known supermarket selling it arrgghhhh

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup - so that should be fine.

Also, the plants won't have much chance to flower in your lawn, provided you mow it often.

Good luck!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: PupStar on July 20, 2013, 20:19

glyphosate has helped and once the new lawn is down then hopefully it will get suppressed, until then glphosate has and always be my best mate lol

a quick google brings up a well known supermarket selling it arrgghhhh

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup - so that should be fine.

Also, the plants won't have much chance to flower in your lawn, provided you mow it often.

Good luck!

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: allotmentann on July 20, 2013, 20:23
I can assure you that spurge is very persistent! I have two types in my garden and one at the plot (probably transported from my garden!), sun spurge pulls out easily and that is all I do with it. That is enough to keep it under control. Petty spurge has a fragile tap  root and it  can be difficult to get the whole thing out without it breaking, fortunately the taproot is not too long, so as long as you use a daisy grubber rather than just hand pulling you will get the root. The seeds explode from their little seed pods, so never let them go to seed, but the seed can remain viable for many, many years (gardenorganic suggests that seeds from archeological digs may germinate after 20- 100 years!). So, if the seeds are there in the soil you are likely to have a persistent problem however much you do to remove what you can see! But I have really never felt the need for the use of chemicals, it is easily removed if you just pull them up as you see them. :)
Title: What is this weed please.
Post by: kathrose on July 23, 2013, 17:55
I have looked where I can post this and will be blowed if I can find it again.

I saw a place on here somewhere with photos of weeds.  I have this one all over my garden and lawn, lawn not a problem as it is made up of couch grass and I am slowly taking the grass off.  Seems every time I take this blessed weed out loads come in it's place.

I just hope I have loaded it properly.
Title: Re: What is this weed please.
Post by: devonbarmygardener on July 23, 2013, 18:00
Looks like creeping buttercup - little devil if it is!
Regenerates from the tiniest bit of root left behind.

The thread for this is in 'Grow your Own'  :) :)
Title: Re: What is this weed please.
Post by: DD. on July 23, 2013, 18:01
I'll merge it.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: devonbarmygardener on July 23, 2013, 18:17
Merci beaucoup DD :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: kathrose on July 23, 2013, 18:24
Thanks for putting it where it should be.

It's not buttercup, I have some of that.  This thing has a single root about two inches long and thin.

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on July 23, 2013, 18:35
Could be some sort of cranesbill:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: kathrose on July 23, 2013, 18:44
Yeah,,thats it,,,, everywhere it is.   I do have some cranesbill plants that I like, do you think they will pop up everywhere too, I hope not.

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: kathrose on July 25, 2013, 22:09
I have got three pics here, two are of the same plant/weed.  The green one I am not sure, is it foxglove or comfrey or none of them, hope some one can tell me, thanks.

ps:  hope it is ok to post back to back on here.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on July 26, 2013, 20:41
Absolutely fine to post back, though I don't know the answers!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: kathrose on July 26, 2013, 22:04
Thanks Yorkie, maybe someone will be along soon that can tell me what they are.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Sparkyrog on July 26, 2013, 22:13
I suspect the taller plants at the back of the third photo are a form of japonica ! other than that can't help sorry
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: kathrose on July 26, 2013, 23:13
Sparkyrog.  The tall plant it what I call sailors buttons, it's tall and has just finished flowering, small yellow round flowers like sailors buttons.  It's the broad leaf plant I am trying to find out.  Thanks all the same.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Brambles on July 28, 2013, 17:54
I am not 100% sure but I think the broad leaf plant is Borage...  If it has tiny blue flowers then that is what it is.. Comfrey flowers can be white, blue or lilac in colour, the flowers grow in clusters of bells on a long stem.   I have both Borage and Comfrey and my Comfrey has hairier leaves than the Borage and are longer and more pointed.... though quite similar.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: kathrose on July 28, 2013, 18:04
Thanks Brambles, I will wait and see what flowers come and then I should know.  I would still like to know what the small read leaved one is.  I didn't see it before, it's growing along the house wall.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: smellykipper on July 29, 2013, 15:33
any ideas ?

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Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on July 29, 2013, 18:03
It's a weed  ;) :tongue2:

(No, I've no idea either  :lol: )
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: kathrose on July 29, 2013, 18:56
I still have no idea what this is, I have searched the net with no luck.  +It grows close to the ground and deep red underneath.  Oh it grows fast too.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on July 29, 2013, 22:19
any ideas ?

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Jerusalem artichoke
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on July 29, 2013, 22:56
I still have no idea what this is, I have searched the net with no luck.  +It grows close to the ground and deep red underneath.  Oh it grows fast too.

I think it is a persecaria of some sort. Common weeds in this family are pale persecaria, knotgrass and willow weed but this looks like an ornamental form. Most persecarias have small pink flowers. Many of them have the distinctive dark chevron on the leaves. Some are annuals and others perennials. It may be Perecaria capitata (try google images).
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: kathrose on July 29, 2013, 23:20
Salmo, thank you thats the one.  I Googled as you said and it is not really a weed,,,is it??  It will have pretty flowers.  The only worry I have is that it is growing along the house wall, so hope it doesnt make any problems.  Thank you again. :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: smellykipper on July 30, 2013, 06:53
any ideas ?

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Jerusalem artichoke

Title: name that weed!
Post by: Eightball on August 03, 2013, 23:06
anyone know what this is? (
Title: Re: name that weed!
Post by: BabbyAnn on August 04, 2013, 04:38
no idea but it looks like a mutated strawberry plant - would be interested to also know what it is!
Title: Re: name that weed!
Post by: barley on August 04, 2013, 08:03
not sure of the name but get rid ASAP

it goes nuts and spreads by seed and runners

as babbyann said it grows just like strawberries and has small yellow flowers
Title: Re: name that weed!
Post by: allotmentann on August 04, 2013, 08:42
I don't know the name of it either and I have spent ages searching google in the past trying to identify it, so hope that someone knows. I have it around the edges of my plot where it comes through from neighbouring plots, so I can't dig the root out completely. It is horrid stuff, it produces a smallish, but difficult to remove if you can't  get a fork under it, tap root, and it spreads as Barley said like mad.  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Eightball on August 04, 2013, 11:04
i've been informed it is Creeping Cinquefoil which tends to grow in neglected grass/lawns aka my allotment paths :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on August 04, 2013, 11:18
I am sure that is correct.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: allotmentann on August 04, 2013, 17:30
Thanks for identifying that one. I have no neglected grass areas, but my neighbours plots are both  huge neglected grass areas and nothing else!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GrowinGrowinGone on August 15, 2013, 20:17
Can anyone identify this please? It's popping up everywhere on my plot, it has a white root...but i spose most weeds do lol.  When it flowers, I think it has white flowers if I recall.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: allotmentann on August 16, 2013, 08:29
Is it a white tap root? Or a mass of shallow tiny roots? It doesn't look a leaf which has tangly, spaghetti like, creeping roots? Have any produced any flowers at all? I am not sure from your photo what it is, the leaves look a little bit like calendula, but I don't think it is that. I am sure someone will know.  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GrowinGrowinGone on August 16, 2013, 09:37
It's not calendula, I have just googled it.   The root on it is 1 single white root, looks kind of like couch grass root, and i'd say probly just as fragile, and it's not a tap root.  It has not produced any flowers yet cos i keep pulling them out before it gets chance.  I will pull 1 up today and take another picture with the root.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Goosegirl on August 16, 2013, 13:34
It's not pachysandra is it? That has white flowers. Now having goggled it - probably no. Creeping cinquefoil is you best bet to date, but that has yellow flowers, not white.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GrowinGrowinGone on August 16, 2013, 14:02
I have just google imaged those you mentioned. It's neither of those, Goosegirl, thanks for the suggestions.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on August 16, 2013, 14:53
They look a bit like daisies tbh  :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GrowinGrowinGone on August 16, 2013, 17:18
Deffo not daisies  :nowink:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on August 16, 2013, 17:41
probably have to wait for a flower  ;)

Take a photo before you pull them off, next time  :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GrowinGrowinGone on August 16, 2013, 17:44
I will take another photo tomorrow, and see if I can find 1 that's flowering  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on August 16, 2013, 22:53
Could well be willowherb.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GrowinGrowinGone on August 16, 2013, 23:42
nope not willowherb.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on August 17, 2013, 00:22
My guess is either Thale cress or common whitlow grass.  Its not that I know anything about these things I just like browsing through the wild flower book.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GrowinGrowinGone on August 17, 2013, 01:59
Neither of those two either, Annen.  Thanks for having a guess.  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on August 17, 2013, 09:45
I'll wait for the new photos I think  ;)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Goosegirl on August 17, 2013, 11:12
Just had another look at your pic and I agree with sunshineband as I am also stumped as to what it is. Do the roots creep or are they all seedlings?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: greenhead on August 18, 2013, 16:28
What is this pretty weed growing on my allotment?

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on August 18, 2013, 16:56
It's not very clear, but it may be Orange Hawkweed  ;)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on August 18, 2013, 20:09
If it is the orange flower you are talking about it looks like what we call fox and cubs, which might be orange hawkweed for all I know! ;) It is very pretty but very very invasive.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on August 18, 2013, 20:11
It is the same thing  ;)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: diospyros on August 21, 2013, 19:35
It's not very clear, but it may be Orange Hawkweed  ;)

I went to great lengths to get some seed off this and get it growing in my back garden, then one popped up on the front drive.  I encourage it to grow in the lawn along the base of the raised bed where the mower doesn't reach.  I just love the bright orange colour!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: STEVEN62 on August 21, 2013, 20:16
it's not a weed but there's hundreds of small mushrooms about the size of a pea brown then going grey any help would be gratefull
Title: What weed is this
Post by: archibtbm on August 26, 2013, 20:40
A lot of this was sprouting up in between the sweetcorn.  OH was wondering what it was, I thought it was hairy bittercress.  I was quite tall, about 5'

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( (
Title: Re: What weed is this
Post by: Sparkyrog on August 26, 2013, 20:41
Looks like fat hen to me , an annual that comes out quite easily :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on August 26, 2013, 23:38
Or it may be Orache, a close relative of Fat Hen. Orache sprawls, Fat Hen is upright.

Whichever it is, remove it before the seeds ripen or you will have masses of it next year.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: archibtbm on August 27, 2013, 07:54
Or it may be Orache, a close relative of Fat Hen. Orache sprawls, Fat Hen is upright.

Whichever it is, remove it before the seeds ripen or you will have masses of it next year.

Looks like fat hen to me , an annual that comes out quite easily :)

Thanks Salmo, sparkrog, I find it rather Ironic as I had a weeks of work on 64 clearing up a chicken coop and this weed is on 65 :lol:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GrowinGrowinGone on August 27, 2013, 20:04
My mystery weed has started to flower at last.  Could anyone tell me what it is please?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: allotmentann on August 29, 2013, 07:40
It looks like some sort of plantain to me? Not sure if the flowers are spikes enough.  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on August 29, 2013, 08:11
It may be pennycress. It develops round flat seedpods, hence pennycress.,r:70,s:0,i:298&tx=71&ty=102 (,r:70,s:0,i:298&tx=71&ty=102)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GrowinGrowinGone on August 29, 2013, 09:08
I don't think it's plantain or pennycress, whatever this mystery weed is, it's a pain cos it's spreading lol.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: diospyros on August 29, 2013, 18:50
Definitely brassicaceae. Looks like field pennycress to me, a close up of the seed pods would help.  They should be broad and winged "with the style persisting in a deep notch".  Does it smell of garlic it could be garlic pennycress!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GrowinGrowinGone on August 29, 2013, 19:49
I will get some more pictures of it tomorrow, along with the root showing.  I've not smelt it, but Googling imaging brassicaceae, it don't appear to be that.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on August 29, 2013, 19:53
Looks like something I used to see at the beach up on the shingle bar. I'll have a think.

I've remembered, but it is not quite the right answer: Crambe maritima (Sea Kale) but it is definitely something similar ie one of the brassica family as diospyros said imho. It is an extensive family  :D

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: diospyros on August 30, 2013, 21:28
I think they can hybridise, which is one of the problems with GM, that the genes from the tame plants can get out into the wild populations. So we might have to satisfy ourselves with "a member of the brassica family, possibly a hybrid between one of the pennycresses and an unknown cultivated variety"!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: paulsa on September 08, 2013, 22:32
Is this a weed - the seed came out of a parsnip seed packet.  Looks like a lettuce sort of thing.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on September 08, 2013, 22:40
Is this a weed - the seed came out of a parsnip seed packet.  Looks like a lettuce sort of thing.
Looks a bit like a spinach beet
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on September 15, 2013, 19:41
Found this in my newly acquired weed half plot. It looked pretty and not really like a weed so I dug round it for now. The flowers are actually a pale yellow. Any ideas? Also will it return next year (meaning I need to dig it up and move it) or will it have seeds I can save and sow in my wild flower area for next year?

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on September 15, 2013, 19:55
Calendula. (pot marigold)

Come in all sorts of colours from orange  to yellow to cream.

It's a goody, not a baddy  :D :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on September 15, 2013, 20:34
:D will it return next year or do I need to save seeds?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on September 15, 2013, 22:38
That one will die over Winter but, from experience, next Spring will see lots and lots and lots. They hoe out easily and a few left will attract bees and hoverflies.

Seed save easily but the seeds on that plant may not have time to ripen.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on September 16, 2013, 08:16
Looks like the seeds to the bottom of the photo are browning now, so when they are really dark you can sow them straight away this Autumn up to the end of October really.

Saves storing them  :lol:

You probably will get lots of colours next year from them
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on September 17, 2013, 21:06
Best decide where my wildflower area will be asap then :) thanks
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: AK9 on October 20, 2013, 21:48
Hi All!
Spot the weed(s).
Is the plant in the middle a weed? Any idea what it can be?

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on October 20, 2013, 22:12
It looks a bit like a perpetual spinach (or chard) plant that has bolted /is running to seed.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: snowdrops on October 21, 2013, 08:03
Looks like that weed with pink/red flowers I get,don't know it's name though. Wait & see if flowers appear,then stop it seeding.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on October 21, 2013, 08:11
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: snowdrops on October 21, 2013, 09:16
Might be, not good on weed names,lucky I know which ones to pull out :lol:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on October 21, 2013, 10:06

That does have pink and white flowers indeed.

The leaves on this plants look far too shiny to be one of the willowherbs, more like perpetual spinach as MoS said, although I would have expected much larger leaves near the base.

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: AK9 on October 21, 2013, 22:46
Thanks all for your help! I was planning to remove this during weeding but probably I need to keep it.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on October 21, 2013, 22:48
No, dont keep it - weed it out before it sets seeds  :blink:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: rich24uk on November 24, 2013, 22:14
Any idea on this one?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: snowdrops on November 24, 2013, 22:17
Looks like Buddlea or a perennial wallflower
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on November 25, 2013, 09:03
It is toadflax, probably the tall purple one, as the yellow sort usually has slightly paler leaves
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on November 25, 2013, 09:10
Another vote for toadflax - seeds like anything around here  ::)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: peedee555 on February 09, 2014, 19:08
OMG you got one of them.....dont touch them they will eat your fingers dont take any pets bear them they will get eaten to ...not sure what it is think its a dandelion lol
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on February 09, 2014, 19:11
OMG you got one of them.....dont touch them they will eat your fingers dont take any pets bear them they will get eaten to ...not sure what it is think its a dandelion lol

Are you feeling OK, dear?  :wacko:  :lol:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: peedee555 on February 09, 2014, 19:21
lol anything growing in this weather is not normal well maybe rice i believe if i didnt put it in it dont belong  ;)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on February 09, 2014, 20:29
lol anything growing in this weather is not normal well maybe rice i believe if i didnt put it in it dont belong  ;)

I'm amazed that anyone from The Fens is still afloat, bless you all!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Alifink on March 14, 2014, 19:03
Is this a dock coming through or something worse?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on March 14, 2014, 19:10
It's a dock.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: maloneranger on March 14, 2014, 19:18
Yes, its' a dock.

They are usually deep-rooted, so try to dig it all out.

I hope that you haven't got many.

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Alifink on March 14, 2014, 19:30
Yes, its' a dock.

They are usually deep-rooted, so try to dig it all out.

I hope that you haven't got many.


I've dug them out, can't believe how long the root was, didn't get all the root from some so they will just keep getting pulled every time they surface.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: maloneranger on March 14, 2014, 20:43
Yes, its' a dock.

They are usually deep-rooted, so try to dig it all out.

I hope that you haven't got many.


I've dug them out, can't believe how long the root was, didn't get all the root from some so they will just keep getting pulled every time they surface.

If you have the patience, and it won't disturb other plants too much, it is better to dig again if they re-surface, going as deep as possible.

Just pulling the tops, means that the tap root can keep on putting out more shoots.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JimS on March 15, 2014, 13:24
Anyone have any idea what this is?

It's growing in an old paddock area, which I was hoping to turn into a Meadow.

It grows in large patches and seems to smother anything else, even though it is low growing.

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on March 15, 2014, 14:48
Creeping buttercup.

It's a pain!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on March 15, 2014, 14:51
Was just going to say something similar  >:(

Not got it on the plot, but it runs all through my rose bed - I have all the scratches and thorn holes to prove it after an assault on it this week  ::)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on March 15, 2014, 15:38
It's worthy of it's name.

It keeps creeping in from the paths.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JimS on March 15, 2014, 17:30
Aah, Thanks DD, Mumofstig,

It truly is invasive. Meadow grass, which is tough in itself, just gets totally smothered and killed off by this stuff.

Well, there's too much to dig out, so it looks like I'll have to zap it to get it under control then hope the meadow grass grows back..
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on March 15, 2014, 18:16
Ah, that's one of my unidentified weeds now identified. I will take a photo of the other one tomorrow as I forgot my phone today. It is a big flat leaf that unfurls (like a fern but horizontally). Each leaf gets to about hand size if I let them. Under the ground it has blanched white stems and a few I have pulled up seem to have grown from small bulbs....  :wacko:

I thought that having 2 half plots next to each other that have amalgamated to make 1 I would have found the same weeds but this half has it's own set of weeds  :mellow:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on March 16, 2014, 18:44
Ok, so this is the weed I was talking about above:


This is one I let grow at the back of my plot near my compost heap etc to see what it is. I have been pulling lots of it up! As I say, sometimes it looks like mini leeks when pulled up and sometimes there is a very small brown bulb on the end
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on March 16, 2014, 19:13
Looks like Cuckoo-Pint or Lords and ladies (Arum maculatum) to me.

All parts are poisonous!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: RJR_38 on March 16, 2014, 21:12
Oooer.... I will look it up.

You are right - that is definitely what it is. I will leave it at the back where I don't grow anything as it will  brighten up the area. I will definitely be removing it everywhere else (while wearing gloves!)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on March 17, 2014, 22:07
Cuckoo Pint looks rather nice at this time of year, and it develops into a gorgeous flower/seed!

We have loads round here, and they don't seem to hurt anyone, but that's probably because we leave them well alone..;0)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: chris172 on April 03, 2014, 01:32
Does anyone know what this is... weed or what?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on April 03, 2014, 05:49
Looks like our old "friend" Creeping Buttercup again - see a few posts back.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: chris172 on April 03, 2014, 09:35
It does... although mine has purple stems  8)

will set the fork on it
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: barley on April 04, 2014, 07:42
Chris I'm sure that is common hog weed

we get it in the lanes round here

it grows  quite tall - also known as Heracleum sphondylium, cow parsnip, common hogweed.
 A common and much less troublesome
 relative of giant hogweed
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on April 08, 2014, 17:42
Do I keep this? Or bin it?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: jondav14 on April 08, 2014, 18:32
well, if its in the wrong place get rid of it, I've seen something similar to this and it spread everywhere. Does it have a long tap root?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on April 08, 2014, 18:41
well, if its in the wrong place get rid of it, I've seen something similar to this and it spread everywhere. Does it have a long tap root?
Don't know without digging it up  :nowink:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on April 08, 2014, 20:04
Looks a bit like horse radish. Scrape a bit of root and see if it smells like it. It can be an invasive weed.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on April 08, 2014, 20:11
Looks a bit like horse radish. Scrape a bit of root and see if it smells like it. It can be an invasive weed.
I would be good if it was horseradish or wasabi as it seems to be called all of a sudden.  I haven't got any of that.  But where would it have come from? I grew squashes there last year and it was a new hugelkultur bed before that.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: jondav14 on April 08, 2014, 20:29
nope not horse radish, HR looks a bit like doc only the leaves are thinner and I have plenty of HR growing in my lotty
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: diospyros on April 08, 2014, 21:16
Have to say it looks very like the horseradish pointed out to me today at the church plot by someone who had planted it, and about the same size.  It is very distinctive how some leaves have those very wavy edges, and others not, even on the same plant.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: jondav14 on April 08, 2014, 22:15
looks to me like its has a tap root, my HR always comes up looking like dock leaves, not seen leaves like that on the site I'm on, but cut out a bit of root, smell it, and boy does it smell good !!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on April 09, 2014, 17:18
The mystery deepens!
I have found some more in my garden at home.  So it is obviously a plant that I have put in last year, but I have no recollection of what it might be.  The only one I can remember is scabious, but these leaves don't look right for that. 
So I will just have to wait and see what comes up. :unsure:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: snowdrops on April 13, 2014, 08:28
Looks a bit like horse radish. Scrape a bit of root and see if it smells like it. It can be an invasive weed.
I would be good if it was horseradish or wasabi as it seems to be called all of a sudden.  I haven't got any of that.  But where would it have come from? I grew squashes there last year and it was a new hugelkultur bed before that.

Is that wasabi is? I didn't know that
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on April 13, 2014, 17:03
Looks a bit like horse radish. Scrape a bit of root and see if it smells like it. It can be an invasive weed.
I would be good if it was horseradish or wasabi as it seems to be called all of a sudden.  I haven't got any of that.  But where would it have come from? I grew squashes there last year and it was a new hugelkultur bed before that.

Is that wasabi is? I didn't know that
:D :D  I just discovered that myself recently!  Not that I like either of them, but my family do..

I'm surprised nobody has come up with a definite id for the plant, though. 
 Perhaps I have beaten the panel :D :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Beetie on May 18, 2014, 19:13
Hi. Anyone know what this is? Seem to have a lot of it around and I didn't notice it last year. I quite like the flowers so if it's not a bother will likely leave it around the edges of the plot.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: joyfull on May 18, 2014, 19:16
looks like Vetch (Vicia) to me  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on May 27, 2014, 20:13

I'm surprised nobody has come up with a definite id for the plant, though. 
 Perhaps I have beaten the panel :D :D

I discovered what it was...scabious, I had forgotten I had put some there last year
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on May 28, 2014, 08:55
And very pretty it is too

 :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Oliveview on July 29, 2014, 12:55
Scabios is a weed here, a very pretty weed it is too :D

Title: What weeds are these
Post by: colin120 on August 03, 2014, 18:42
This weed is winding me up I am constantly removing this weed  grows before I get to remove them all, what weed is it ?

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on August 03, 2014, 19:45
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on August 03, 2014, 20:27
Could be Oxalis.

Does it have long pointed seed pods that explode when you touch them when ripe?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: ocalld on August 12, 2014, 22:40
I took a small allotment over in June. This is my first time growing so learning as I go along.

I need help to identify these plants.
They are popping up on a section of the allotment. I've walked around the site, other plots don't seem to have this plant.

Is it veg or weed ???

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on August 12, 2014, 22:45
They are mostly annual weeds, just hoe them off - but the spiky plant is marestail :ohmy:
A horrible perennial weed, you can only hope to keep that one under control, as it's all but impossible to get rid of it  :(
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: ocalld on August 12, 2014, 22:50
They are mostly annual weeds, just hoe them off - but the spiky plant is marestail :ohmy:
A horrible perennial weed, you can only hope to keep that one under control, as it's all but impossible to get rid of it  :(

Thanks Les for the quick reply
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Baldy on August 26, 2014, 15:25
This has come up in what was the onion bed... almost looks like it might be something worthwhile. Any ideas? Its about a foot and a half high.

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: robinahood on August 26, 2014, 15:59
Looks like a Buddleia to me, nice for the butterflies but might attract the white ones too!!!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: maloneranger on August 26, 2014, 16:50
Is it a bit woody?

Maybe a buddleia seedling?

[Or is it a sage-type]
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on August 26, 2014, 18:10
Is it a bit woody?

Maybe a buddleia seedling?

[Or is it a sage-type]
I agree, I have one just like that in my plot
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Baldy on August 26, 2014, 18:47
Woody - hmm not sure, didn't think to touch it. But there are a number of buddleia on the site and it does look like one.
I've got two enormous ones in my front garden but don't think I want one on my plot. Foreign invaders and whatnot...  ;)
I shall hoik it out.

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GreyScales on October 08, 2014, 19:11

This has quite a presence on the plot I'm clearing, it has very small flowers that are pink when closed. It seems to have a greater presence underground than above, however I'm not sure if that's an aspect of the plant or if it was dug in when the beds were turned over before I arrived.

My main concern is whether it will grow from pieces as there is more small bits about then I would like.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on October 08, 2014, 19:27
I think it's Scarlet Pimpernel.

Garden Organic advice here:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: robinahood on October 09, 2014, 18:35
I wonder if its a type of Knotweed? Not Japanese, Common variety.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on October 10, 2014, 08:13

Polygonum aviculare -- Common Knotgrass

I get lots of this on my plot and the top growth dies down to the scrubby state you show in your photo Greyscales.

I find pulling/digging it out as I go keeps it manageable, but seeds from the part come by every so often  :ohmy:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on October 16, 2014, 10:09
I agree with knotgrass. It is also known locally as ironweed. Try breaking the stems or hoeing it and you will see why.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GreyScales on October 16, 2014, 16:02
Definitely looks more like the Knotgrass than Scarlet Pimpernel, so long as it's not a perennial I'm happy  :tongue2:

Thank you for the analysis.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: fatbelly on March 20, 2015, 17:58
Hi All,
What Weed is this little Rascal. It has survived the whole winter!!!!!

( (
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on March 20, 2015, 18:31
Looks like Willow Herb.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on March 20, 2015, 18:43
Yes, it does  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Sparkyrog on March 20, 2015, 20:37
And it can be a pain  :(
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: devonbarmygardener on March 21, 2015, 08:07
Hi All,
What Weed is this little Rascal. It has survived the whole winter!!!!!

( (
It's a right royal pain in the rear!!!  That's what that is!!! :mad:
I suffer it everywhere!!  In pots, in the garden, it springs up in the greenhouse and on the allotment uninvited!! >:(
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on March 21, 2015, 08:43
and any that you miss flower away and quietly seed everywhere all over again  :mad:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JayG on March 22, 2015, 16:29
..........and worst of all it's one of those weeds that 9 times out of 10 snap off rather than come out cleanly when you pull on them (even in my sandy soil.)  :nowink:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: devonbarmygardener on March 22, 2015, 16:32
and any that you miss flower away and quietly seed everywhere all over again  :mad:
This is the thing - I've never sen it in flower!! ??? ??? ???
I grab them all as soon as they're spotted - they still flippin' well come back ::)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Audy70 on April 03, 2015, 13:51
What is this? It's everywhere on the allotment, there is a lot on a disused compost heap.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Norfolkgrey on April 03, 2015, 14:15
What is this? It's everywhere on the allotment, there is a lot on a disused compost heap.

Looks like sticky weed to me also known as velcro plant or cleavers  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on April 03, 2015, 14:23
Or Galium aparine! Goosegrass is a very common name for it.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Audy70 on April 03, 2015, 14:32
Thanks, just did a search and it's edible and medicinal. Don't think I'm going to try it though  :nowink:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on April 03, 2015, 14:41
Yes, looks like Sticky Willy to me  :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: devonbarmygardener on April 06, 2015, 22:02
Or Galium aparine! Goosegrass is a very common name for it.
We know it as Goosegrass in these parts too :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: al78 on April 11, 2015, 20:33
Anyone know what this is?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on April 11, 2015, 20:44
It looks like horseradish to me  :unsure:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: al78 on April 13, 2015, 23:13
Thanks, I've heard that horseradish is a good companion to potatoes, convenient as it is in one of the potato beds.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on April 18, 2015, 18:30
Be warned, it is a very invasive thug in the open ground :mad:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: al78 on April 18, 2015, 21:11
Be warned, it is a very invasive thug in the open ground :mad:

In what way is it invasive?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on April 18, 2015, 21:15
It spreads quite rapidly and is difficult to get rid of once planted, as the smallest bit of root left in situ will regrow.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on April 18, 2015, 21:17
Indeed.  I had a small amount, and it took me 2 years to get rid of it through weedkiller and deprivation of light.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: BumbleJo on May 02, 2015, 20:55
There's loads of this in the hedge bottom at the back of our allotment and some has seeded into the bit of meadow we've created.  Should I be pleased or get out there with the weed killer? It looks a bit nettle-ish but not sure what it is...
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: maloneranger on May 02, 2015, 21:05
It looks very much as though it's Jack-by the- Hedge (Alliaria petiolata)
It's quite common in hedgerows.

See this link, it can have culinary uses, but it may be a problem.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on May 02, 2015, 21:27
If it is garlic mustard the garlic smell of the plant gives it away  ;)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: BumbleJo on May 02, 2015, 22:11
It looks very much as though it's Jack-by the- Hedge (Alliaria petiolata)
It's quite common in hedgerows.

See this link, it can have culinary uses, but it may be a problem.

Oh thanks for that, looks like you are right.  It's definitely not garlicky. It's been driving me mad wondering what it is.  Thank you!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: BumbleJo on May 02, 2015, 22:16
Oh correct that it does smell garlicky when you tear the leaves, apparently Jack by the hedge is also known as garlic mustard so you are both right.  I find it really interesting reading up on the old uses and names for wild flowers/ weeds.  Thanks folks!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on May 02, 2015, 22:18
Jack-by-the-hedge. Other common names include Garlic Mustard,[2] Garlic Root, Hedge Garlic, Sauce-alone, Jack-in-the-bush, Penny Hedge and Poor Man's Mustard. The genus name Alliaria, "resembling Allium", refers to the garlic-like odour of the crushed foliage.

If it's Jack by the hedge aka garlic mustard then it should smell garlicky  ;)

oops, sorry posts crossed  :blush:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: devonbarmygardener on May 03, 2015, 14:17
It looks like the herb Mallow to me  :unsure:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on May 03, 2015, 14:42
I was just wondering if it was white honesty, after I saw the purple one this morning  :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: LotuSeed on May 03, 2015, 14:54
Looks like garlic mustard to me too. There's lots of it in the park across the street from me. I pull it up and put it in the garbage as it's invasive here.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on May 03, 2015, 16:40
It is the primary food plant for caterpillars of the orange tip butterfly so leave some for them.

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: BumbleJo on May 03, 2015, 22:42
Yep will leave plenty in the hedge bottom but whip it out of the meadow!  Don't want it taking over in that bit as we are trying to encourage a wide range of perennial wild flowers and grasses for the birds and bees among the fruit trees.  It's all looking good so far, it's only a year since we first sowed it and we are hopeful it will look lovely by the summer. :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JaniceB on May 13, 2015, 23:16
Here is a very pretty weed that has been out a few days here (Kent). The leaves look like small nettle leaves and the flowers are 5mm (3/8ths inch) diameter with two stamens(?). The don't grow very high and the buttercups heads are 10 cm (4 inches) above them.

They are very pretty and would like to know what they are if anyone has any ideas.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mattgregory27 on May 14, 2015, 04:11
After a quick search on tinternet it looks like Speedwell to me!! Have a look at this link!!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JaniceB on May 14, 2015, 07:17
Thank you very much indeed for your swift reply - it is indeed speedwell. I was going to transplant a bit, but it appears to be rather invasive! I shall admore it in the wild instead.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: BumbleJo on May 15, 2015, 08:38
This is at least 3 foot long and I have several popping up. Little yellow flowers at the end of the branches and at the top.  Any ideas anyone?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on May 15, 2015, 09:05
I think you'll find that it's Hedge Mustard, Bumblejo.

Although it's a relative of watercress, I don't think it's edible!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: BumbleJo on May 15, 2015, 12:21
I think you'll find that it's Hedge Mustard, Bumblejo.

Although it's a relative of watercress, I don't think it's edible!
Cheers Growster, yes that's it!  Been puzzling over that one for ages...thank you!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on May 18, 2015, 09:27
I found this lurking in a tray of dianthus seedlings, but it was obviously different and more vigorous than the others.  It is familiar but I can't put my finger on what it is, I'm pretty sure it is a weed/wild flower.

Any ideas?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on May 18, 2015, 09:30
Looks like fat hen to me  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on May 18, 2015, 09:34
Of course it is!  I knew that...just testing you all... :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on May 18, 2015, 09:38
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: caroline800 on May 25, 2015, 23:16

Is this marestail?   :ohmy:

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Flowertot on May 25, 2015, 23:20
Yes. Absolutely. I spent most of my morning pulling it up  :(.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: caroline800 on May 25, 2015, 23:24
thanks for confirming   :(  was trying to deny it, but thought it probably was  :wub:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Annen on May 26, 2015, 03:06
According to my book it is properly called horsetail.  Marestail is the aquatic version which lives in ponds.  Doesn't make it any easier to get rid of though  >:(
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on May 26, 2015, 08:28
According to my book it is properly called horsetail.  Marestail is the aquatic version which lives in ponds.  Doesn't make it any easier to get rid of though  >:(

Yes, not even a related species but quite similar in appearance. Both names are used for the garden species. We know what you mean, not a good weed to have. (
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Goosegirl on May 26, 2015, 10:34
Unfortunately I have both in my garden.  :( Horsetail in my flower beds, and marestail in the dyke next to my veg plot which found its way into one of my raised beds.  :( :( I dug down and hoicked it out and the roots were like a soft tube - ugh - but haven't seen it there since so was quite easy to eradicate. "Never let it see a Sunday" is the motto.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: surbie100 on May 26, 2015, 14:32
I spent the weekend trying to get as much of it as possible out of my strawberry bed. Annoying stuff -  but it's very satisfying to get some out with a good bit of root on it. Or to find the orangey young roots and get those out too.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mybackaches! on June 06, 2015, 16:03
Hi All.  Anyone know what this please, friend or foe?
No idea if it flowers yet.
Many thanks
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Sparkyrog on June 06, 2015, 17:16
Hi All.  Anyone know what this please, friend or foe?
No idea if it flowers yet.
Many thanks
looks suspiciously like young willow herb to me ,in which case is a certain Foe.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: robinahood on June 06, 2015, 22:09
I think it could be a Shasta Daisy or similar?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DD. on June 07, 2015, 07:33
I'll second Willowherb.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mybackaches! on June 07, 2015, 07:42
Thank you for replies, I'm going with willow herb and it's coming out!!!!!!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GreyScales on July 11, 2015, 18:09
I've been finding these all over any ground that I've worked on, it seems to prefer lighter soil compared to the compacted paths between my beds. I know it looks kind of like a carrot, which made weeding them out of the carrot bed a fiddle. Plot owners who have been here for years say this is the first season they've seen them on the site.

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Aunt Sally on July 11, 2015, 18:40
Definitely a member of the carrot family, GreyScales.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on July 12, 2015, 08:20
Or it could be a poppy. Leave a few to grow and flower.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Aunt Sally on July 12, 2015, 11:52
Oh, yes.  It could be.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Aunt Sally on July 12, 2015, 11:58
Also remind me of Feverfew
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: devonbarmygardener on July 14, 2015, 00:41
Also remind me of Feverfew
Me too
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: ptarmigan on July 14, 2015, 09:30
That looks like a poached egg plant seedling to me.  It self seeds everywhere, but is very bee and hover fly friendly and is very good at smothering out other weeds...
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Aunt Sally on July 14, 2015, 10:04
Do let one grow so we can see what it grows into  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GreyScales on July 14, 2015, 11:55
I've weeded them quite a bit but I'm sure I can fine one somewhere :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mjg000 on July 29, 2015, 15:13
This has appeared on my plot this year, lots come up in a defined area. Just wondering if it could be the remnants of corn planted in this area a couple of seasons ago which squirrels decimated and scattered around.  Or is it just a grass seed that has blown in?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: snowdrops on July 29, 2015, 21:09
Certainly looks like corn / maize
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on July 30, 2015, 06:24
Certainly looks like corn / maize

Sure is, Snowy!

We have an identical one growing about a yard from last year's crop!

What I can't understand is how just one seed actually got there, as we used the entire crop last year...

In fact, I'm amaized;0)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on July 30, 2015, 06:42
In fact, I'm amaized;0)

Groan  ::)  :lol:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on July 30, 2015, 08:02
Or it could be something like millett or sorgum that has grown from bird seed. Leaves and tillers at the bottom do not look right for sweetcorn.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on July 30, 2015, 08:49
Actually, you have a point there, Salmo, as we have a bird feeder close by...
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: sunshineband on July 30, 2015, 09:21
It reminds me of the ornamental millets that I have seen in garden centres, so maybe this is millet. Let it seed and you can feed it to the birds, Growster, or have enough for a small crop to sow next year perhaps?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on July 30, 2015, 20:26
It reminds me of the ornamental millets that I have seen in garden centres, so maybe this is millet. Let it seed and you can feed it to the birds, Growster, or have enough for a small crop to sow next year perhaps?

Good idea, KC, I'll do that - it is definitely a mystery plant which just looks like a sweetcorn, and we all like those don't we!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Gardener and Rabbit on July 30, 2015, 21:24
Good idea, KC, I'll do that - it is definitely a mystery plant which just looks like a sweetcorn, and we all like those don't we!

We all like a mystery plant causing cornfusion.... ;)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on July 31, 2015, 19:52
Good idea, KC, I'll do that - it is definitely a mystery plant which just looks like a sweetcorn, and we all like those don't we!

We all like a mystery plant causing cornfusion.... ;)

As said elsewhere, G and R - I'm amaized...

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mjg000 on August 01, 2015, 12:52
Sure is confusing!  definitely not actual, real, sweetcorn it sort of flattens out and is much squatter, the seeds are also looser and more brown, a bit like the tassels on sweetcorn rather than a cob ....
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Aunt Sally on August 01, 2015, 12:59
This has appeared on my plot this year, lots come up in a defined area. Just wondering if it could be the remnants of corn planted in this area a couple of seasons ago which squirrels decimated and scattered around.  Or is it just a grass seed that has blown in?

I would say it looks like a sedge (Carex)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GreyScales on August 03, 2015, 00:45
Mystery weed hasn't been too happy with the pot I put it in. However I found a more developed one with some flower buds, maybe they can aid in identification?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GreyScales on August 03, 2015, 22:24
I noticed this one today, stood out from the surroundings. Initially I was thinking potato but I'm not sure, the stem feels too woody for that.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on August 04, 2015, 08:07
It looks like a spud to me as well.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on August 04, 2015, 08:10
Mystery weed hasn't been too happy with the pot I put it in. However I found a more developed one with some flower buds, maybe they can aid in identification

The look more like seed pods than buds, to me  :wacko: did we miss the flowers?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GreyScales on August 04, 2015, 12:51
If it has flowered already I missed it.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Comfreypatch on August 04, 2015, 13:17
Greyscales, is this weed a ground cover type, spreading out? I think it might be swine cress,  if so those are seed pods the flowers are much smaller and insignificant. If you google it you will get some pictures to compare.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on August 04, 2015, 13:27
A new one to me, but it does look like the photo for Lepidium didymum Lesser Swine-cress

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Comfreypatch on August 04, 2015, 13:30
Most definitely I have had a lot of it on the butterfly conservation area that I am developing. The soil has been disturbed and thrown this up and other interesting weeds! So I am becoming expert on identifying them! Son is an ecologist so that helps.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: GreyScales on August 04, 2015, 18:12
Think we have a winner here, that looks like it. Apparently it has edible leaves but I'm not trying it :tongue2:

Thanks for the identification.
Title: Weed
Post by: mdjlucan on December 17, 2015, 12:45
Anyone know what type of weed this is
Title: Re: Weed
Post by: Goosegirl on December 17, 2015, 13:03
I think it's creeping buttercup. Dig a bit up and see if it has long white roots like a leek.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on December 18, 2015, 09:58
Agree with creeping buttercup. Usually found in damp areas. It can soon choke everything else out.

Roundup, or any glyphosate weed killer, will kill it. Choose a dry day.

The alternative is to carefully dig each root out.
Title: Re: Weed
Post by: Annen on December 19, 2015, 12:36
Anyone know what type of weed this is
The first one looks like buttercup, the second one looks like a spring onion surrounded by something I've got loads of too, so I'd be interested if you find out  :unsure:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Trikidiki on January 11, 2016, 19:52

The second one could be a sedge of some sort. The seed can arrive peat based compost if the 'peat' is taken from the upper layers and not the truly 'composted' lower layers. Seems to appear when the compost/soil is very wet.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: engineer on January 27, 2016, 17:17
Hi Annen,   The second one that looks like a leek is Cotton Grass, found in very boggy areas, and yes, could have come in a bag of peat based compost, if you have it just dig it up and burn.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Audy70 on June 04, 2016, 16:50
Any idea what this is, this is the centre of a much bigger plant, a foot or more across, the leaves are fuzzy.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on June 04, 2016, 17:03
Could be mullein...
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on June 04, 2016, 17:45
I think it is that as well.  It is quite attractive with a tall spike of yellow flowers, but it seeds around quite freely.  Whip the fading flower head off quickly if you decide to keep it :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Audy70 on June 05, 2016, 18:17
Thank you, I might just leave it, the pictures I've seen of it in bloom are impressive.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on June 07, 2016, 22:04

The second one could be a sedge of some sort. The seed can arrive peat based compost if the 'peat' is taken from the upper layers and not the truly 'composted' lower layers. Seems to appear when the compost/soil is very wet.

I think it is a soft rush.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on June 07, 2016, 22:08
Any idea what this is, this is the centre of a much bigger plant, a foot or more across, the leaves are fuzzy.

Almost certainly mullien. As it grows you may find the leaves are eaten. That will be caterpillars of the mullien moth. The flower spike can reach 6 ft.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Marston on June 26, 2016, 20:26
I first saw this on my plot last year and I weeded it as normal, it was only in a few places. This year some areas are covered in it. I was weeding today and it was easier to get out which probably means I'm spreading 1000's of seads with every handful I get out. It is more like some kind of moss. Anyone know what it is?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on June 26, 2016, 20:45
I don't know but it's blummin' invasive, I'm afraid to say!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on June 26, 2016, 21:41
Is it Pearlwort?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Marston on June 26, 2016, 22:15
Is it Pearlwort?
That looks the one. Thanks
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Trikidiki on June 26, 2016, 22:33
Use a blow lamp/weed wand on it.
Title: What weed is this
Post by: blackberryjam on March 25, 2017, 12:10
Hi this weed if it is a weed comes up in my garden every year any ideas what it is.
Title: Re: What weed is this
Post by: AussieInFrance on March 25, 2017, 12:27
Looks like arum lily to me.
Title: Re: What weed is this
Post by: mumofstig on March 25, 2017, 13:22
Hi this weed if it is a weed comes up in my garden every year any ideas what it is.

Need to see a pic of the flowers when they arrive to be sure, but could be any of the Arums, my Zantedeschia looks like that, but if it has self seeded it is probably 'Lords & Ladies' the berries of this are poisonous!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Eblana on March 27, 2017, 20:55
Would anyone know what this weed is.  I never noticed it before this year but now it is popping up all over the place
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on March 27, 2017, 20:58
Looks like Rosebay Willowherb to me.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Blewit on March 28, 2017, 07:05
I'd agree with that, AKA fire weed, looks like the short variety.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Eblana on March 28, 2017, 09:00
Thanks folks I didn't realise that there were different forms of willowherb. 
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on March 29, 2017, 06:46
It's funny what goes around comes around!

The very first post on this subject was exactly that - willowherb!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Jackypam on April 11, 2017, 18:46
Low growing (about 12 inches) very healthy bushy plants. Leaves grow from the centre at ground level. Is it a weed? Or did I plant something and forget!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: robinahood on April 14, 2017, 05:44
This one is tricky! The only thing that comes to mind is some sort of Senecio, (the ragwort family) - I wouldn't want to keep it if so. Perhaps wait for a flower spike though, it may not be that!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on April 15, 2017, 10:22
Or it could be a poppy.

Any chance of a picture of the whole plant?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: snowdrops on April 16, 2017, 21:01
I thought it looked a bit like rocket!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on April 17, 2017, 07:19
Same here, Snows! Last year's maybe!

Perhaps just a small taste would be in order...
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: gobs on May 04, 2017, 23:10
Thistle? Artichoke?

Indeed, any chance of a photo of the plant?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Jackypam on May 08, 2017, 15:12
Def not rocket, leaves too coarse.  As no-one suggested anything edible I dug them all up and composted.  Another of life's little mysteries...  Thanks all
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: peter and jean on September 18, 2017, 06:33
Can any kind folks tell me what this little devil is. It is all over our new plot. The roots are long and white and really thick. Ta very much
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on September 18, 2017, 08:00
That looks like ground elder.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: greenjay on September 18, 2017, 19:54
yes my thought was ground elder
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: peter and jean on September 21, 2017, 15:41
That looks like ground elder.
silly question but what is the easiest way to get rid of the pesky blighter as it is everywhere on our plot. Thanks.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on September 21, 2017, 16:11
It spreads from the tiniest bit of root, so a glyphosate based weedkiller is the easiest way.  You can dig it out, but you will have to be meticulous about clearing the roots.

Glyphosate kills all plants, so you will have to work around any crops you have in.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: jambop on October 06, 2017, 17:01
Look a bit like a globe artichoke but could be a cardoon ? Better to see the plant in its entirety. Does it die back in the summer to re-appear in the autumn? If it does my guess is artichoke :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: cc on October 30, 2017, 11:29
Its growing in a terrace wall. I put some plants in the wall some time ago but I am not sure what and wherever it was these. Thank you
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: robinahood on October 30, 2017, 17:53
I think this maybe Pellitory Of The Wall, a weed which grows in walls, per the name!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: cc on October 30, 2017, 19:53
I think this maybe Pellitory Of The Wall, a weed which grows in walls, per the name!
Does it cause any problems?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: robinahood on October 30, 2017, 20:00
Not that I'm aware of,  it seems well behaved.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: cc on October 30, 2017, 20:17
Not that I'm aware of,  it seems well behaved.
Thank you. I looked it up, it looks very much like it. Its a herb
Of not much use!!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: cc on October 30, 2017, 20:19
You never know, I might have actually planted it!!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mr Dog on May 04, 2018, 15:17
Something I inherited with the plot. It lives in a corner of the greenhouse and happily climbs up a bamboo stick (in the way beans do). It gets to just short of 3ft tall and doesn't flower, dies back in the winter and then comes again very early spring.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on May 04, 2018, 20:29
That looks like a kiwi plant.  As it is well behaved and hasn't taken over the greenhouse, I would guess at the variety being a dwarf one.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Plot 1 Problems on May 04, 2018, 22:20
At first I thought Tomatillo, but I think you're right with Kiwi plant.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mr Dog on May 05, 2018, 13:26
That looks like a kiwi plant.  As it is well behaved and hasn't taken over the greenhouse, I would guess at the variety being a dwarf one.

Thankyou - I suspected it was something 'useful' given how it had been given some support. This is my 3rd year on this plot and it hasn't flowered in the last 2 but as it doesn't get in the way of anything I grow I'll leave it in and see what happens.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: whiskywill on August 08, 2018, 12:51
I have tried long and hard to identify this weed but have failed. It is fairly common on our allotment site but, fortunately, is easy to deal with as it is rather shallow rooted.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Aunt Sally on August 09, 2018, 10:43
Could be 'fat hen'.'s_Quarter.jpeg
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Salmo on August 10, 2018, 16:46
Looks like a close relative of Fat Hen which we call "Mother of thousands" . Has reddish colour and is low growing with lots and lots of seeds.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: jezza on March 03, 2019, 18:00
Hi if you know any one with a couple of pigs and aren't bothered about the crop pen them on your plot best root remover there is jezza
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Auntiemogs on May 28, 2019, 20:08
I noticed this in my ericaceous bed a few weeks ago.  I didn't inspect it in any detail, and it looked very much like chives, so I wondered if I'd stuck them in last year (to see what happened) and forgotten!   ::)

It's now about 30" tall, and definitely not chives!  It doesn't smell of anything, and is hollow in the middle with small 'tufts' part way up the stems -  I've noticed that I now have another 2 clumps growing.

 I'll hoik them out, but if they're nothing to worry about I'll pot them up as they're quite nice (like an ornamental grass).  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: greenjay on May 28, 2019, 21:47
I think that it is a type of rush. is the inside white spongy like?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Auntiemogs on May 28, 2019, 22:00
Yes, it is.  :)  The closest I've found (after a lot of Gurgling) is a soft rush? 
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: greenjay on May 28, 2019, 22:03
rushes often like it wet and acidic.
the "furry" type thing on the stems are were the seeds are produced helping spread plants about.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Auntiemogs on May 28, 2019, 22:05
Thank you.  :)  I shall pot them up and keep my eyes peeled!  :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: VegGirl7 on June 08, 2019, 14:39
Hello, wondering if anyone can help identify what these are? 
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: jaydig on June 08, 2019, 14:57
The first picture looks very much like a teasel, loved by goldfinches, but I don't know what the others are.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on June 08, 2019, 15:40
#3 - some poppies have leaves like that.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: VegGirl7 on June 11, 2019, 19:02
thanks mumofstig & jaydig.  think I'll leave them b for now and see what they turn into
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: WeavingGryphon on August 10, 2019, 14:46
Can anyone identify our mystery plant?
Photo taken two weeks ago and there was no flowers or fruit on it, it's over 6 foot tall and it has 5 leaves to a stalk as well as looking a bit like an Elder, not quite the same as the ones where I grew up. It's really common in this area.

For some reason (stuuupidityyy) I didn't photograph the old mini sized blackcurrants in front of it. By the black sticks in the shot are it.

Thank you.

Edit for more details.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: jezza on September 17, 2019, 22:55
Hello a good way of getting rid of deep rooted weeds (mares tale bind weed couch grass )is a couple of pigs they root down and do a good job,when I worked in a market garden the farmers pigs got in to a green house that had 2 bays 140 feett ×10 feet full of mares tail after 3 days it was clear and dug down to 2 feet  jezza
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: phelantank on October 28, 2019, 21:58

First time posting and would really appreciate some help as I am a little naive!

I have just taken over an allotment and I am really looking forward to making a start. The plot is covered in these weeds and I am unsure what they are and what is the best method to remove them. Any help or advice would be awesome thank you.

Many thanks
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on October 29, 2019, 09:54
That looks like willowherb, which is not too bad to get rid of.  Dig it out and make sure you get the roots, although these are fairly shallow and in a clump, so not too difficult.

If it flowers, it seeds everywhere, so it is one to keep on top of.

Congratulations of getting your new plot  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: phelantank on October 29, 2019, 21:53
That's fabulous, thank you so much for your help and advice! And really looking forward to the allotment adventure, lots to do but hopefully come the summer it will be my little paradise 😁
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Mstevo21 on May 05, 2020, 10:16

Have been an allotment holder for a year now, took ages to clear. These weeds keep growing back though and roots are really deep. Anyone have an idea what they are so I can find best way to get rid?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on May 05, 2020, 10:42
That looks like marestail to me.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Plot 1 Problems on May 05, 2020, 11:38
Yep marestail. I've been pulling the stuff out for the last 2 weeks...
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DanielCoffey on May 29, 2020, 12:40
Any ideas about this? It has appeared in fairly large numbers scattered across some "Flowing Lawn Mix" but is not in the official list of included species. I like it and want to encourage it.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on May 29, 2020, 13:28
Looks like pink evening primrose to me  :unsure:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Growster... on May 29, 2020, 20:30
What a wonderful flower!

Never seen one before - lucky you!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Aunt Sally on May 29, 2020, 23:06
Could it be Ladies Smock/ Cuckoo Flower ?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: DanielCoffey on May 29, 2020, 23:09
I think you have it. The leave match too. Cheers!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Aunt Sally on May 29, 2020, 23:14
It’s a delightful meadow flower  :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JayG on June 16, 2020, 09:32
I've had enough of these and for long enough you'd think I'd know what they are by now, but I don't!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on June 16, 2020, 11:46
I've always known that as Fox and Cubs, but I think it is one of the hawkweed family.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JayG on June 16, 2020, 12:06
Well done New Shoot, you've managed to get two correct identifications for the price of one - Orange Hawkweed or Fox and Cubs will do for me!  ;)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mrs bouquet on June 16, 2020, 13:54
At the risk of making myself look silly, are they not Potentilla ?    Mrs Bouquet
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on June 17, 2020, 12:59
At the risk of making myself look silly, are they not Potentilla ?    Mrs Bouquet

They are a bit smaller than Potentilla Mrs B and the flowers cluster together at the top of the stems.  They are great for insects but do spread like mad, so usually get classed as weeds, rather than wild flowers.  They are pretty though  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: al78 on June 17, 2020, 23:59
Not a weed as someone originally planted it, but I don't know what this shrub is. Does anyone know?

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on June 18, 2020, 08:14
Pittosporum tenuifolium
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: al78 on June 18, 2020, 09:50
Pittosporum tenuifolium

Thanks. It needs to come out, as it is blocking late afternoon/evening sunlight to the greenhouse.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Russell Atterbury on June 19, 2020, 08:09
I would like to find out this weeds name, in the last 2 years it has spread low and rapid in one part of the garden.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on June 19, 2020, 08:24
Looks a bit like creeping buttercup to me.  Is the area quite a damp part of the plot?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Russell Atterbury on June 19, 2020, 09:05
It is damp, and very shaded except for about 1-2 hours. But on the top of that, last year I managed to grow a few of those really small orange colour pumpkin through and on top of it, the ground is so poor quality in general, with stone and brick parts and rubbish it quite surprised me that they grew.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on June 19, 2020, 15:03
It is a ranunculus, but it is a big family of plants.  Creeping buttercup is Ranunculus repens, but the leaves don't look right for that.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Russell Atterbury on June 19, 2020, 15:25
It's stubborn, whatever it is. If the pumpkin do ok this year, I will stop trying to control it, just move the plants around a bit and hope for the best.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: basketcase on June 23, 2020, 23:09

I've just taken on one part of a newly split plot.  Mine used to be the 'flower garden' area.  So I'm not sure if these are weeds or a plant I'd regret binning!

Please could someone tell me what they are?

PS: Apologies, but the picture's upside down!  Not sure why, because it's the right way up when I load it...
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on June 24, 2020, 09:18
It looks like Borage to me, which has pretty blue flowers - but seeds around like crazy!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: basketcase on June 24, 2020, 14:39
It looks like Borage to me, which has pretty blue flowers - but seeds around like crazy!

Thanks, Mum!

I never thought of borage - I wondered about comfrey.  At any rate, I don't have to dig a big nasty out immediately.  I can leave it be for the moment.

Another up-side is I won't need to plant any borage seeds  :D Well, unless I decide to see if some old ones  I found for white flowered borage germinate...  (I already have the Pimms!  :lol: )
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: greenjay on June 24, 2020, 22:07
They look like foxglove seedlings to me. not sure mind.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: basketcase on June 25, 2020, 07:06
There are foxgloves around there...

As long as they're not something that causes a sharp intake of breath because you can't grow anything there for the next 10 years (or the tap root comes out in Australia  :D)  I think I'll just see what the flower is!  And maybe put a pic on here for info?

Thanks for the replies.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on June 25, 2020, 08:16
They look like foxglove seedlings to me. not sure mind.
That was my 2nd option, the leaves are quite similar  :D comfrey leaves are usually a bit longer, so didn't think it was that. Won't be 100% 'til it flowers though, will we?  ::)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JayG on June 25, 2020, 08:21
PS: Apologies, but the picture's upside down!  Not sure why, because it's the right way up when I load it...

I think I'll just see what the flower is!  And maybe put a pic on here for info?

You didn't do anything wrong - iphones actually take and save landscape pictures upside down (Apple decided that having the 'volume' button at the top made it feel more like using a real camera.)

Unfortunately, although the phone's software (and some other non-Apple software) knows this, and displays the image the right way up, the software which runs this forum doesn't.
'Easiest' solution, without resorting to image editing software, is to take the picture upside down in landscape mode (if you take it in portrait mode, it will display sideways on here!  :lol:)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on June 25, 2020, 08:25
'Easiest' solution, without resorting to image editing software, is to take the picture upside down in landscape mode (if you take it in portrait mode, it will display sideways on here!  :lol:)

Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: basketcase on June 25, 2020, 18:23
'Easiest' solution, without resorting to image editing software, is to take the picture upside down in landscape mode (if you take it in portrait mode, it will display sideways on here!  :lol:)


Excuse me, Mum, but I think that's my line!  :lol:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: blackberryjam on June 25, 2020, 21:33
Can any one tell me if this is a weed or a plant my husband thinks it's a plant and weeded around it.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on June 25, 2020, 21:36
Can any one tell me if this is a weed or a plant my husband thinks it's a plant and weeded around it.

 :unsure: a pic would help  :nowink:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on June 25, 2020, 21:37
Can any one tell me if this is a weed or a plant my husband thinks it's a plant and weeded around it.

Did you mean to add a photo, blackberryjam?  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: blackberryjam on June 25, 2020, 21:59
Can any one tell me if this is a weed or a plant my husband thinks it's a plant and weeded around it.

 :unsure: a pic would help  :nowink:

 :unsure: a pic would help  :nowink:
Can any one tell me if this is a weed or a plant my husband thinks it's a plant and weeded around it.

 :unsure: a pic would help  :nowink:
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on June 25, 2020, 22:13
If it has small pale pink flowers then think it's a Willowherb (not the common Rosebay one - that has larger flowers) but I'm not sure which one - only that it is a weed  ::)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Longshanks on July 12, 2020, 19:15
Any idea what these weeds are? There's two weeds in one photo and one in the other.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: basketcase on July 12, 2020, 19:44
I think the red flower in the 2nd picture's Scarlet Pimpernel.  IIRC, they close if it's going to rain.

I recognise the 2 in the first picture, but I'm blowed if I can remember what they're called.  Sorry...
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on July 12, 2020, 20:41
There is field bindweed and annual euphorbia in the first one. 
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: greenjay on July 12, 2020, 21:24
Yes I agree with you new shoot.
I don't have any idea about the second except when I was weeding the veg plot I came across the same plant.
I left it be thinking it was quite a pretty colour. will be interested in the id.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on July 12, 2020, 21:34
annual euphorbia in the first one.

aka spurge, which seeds itself around like anything, so hoe it off asap.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Longshanks on July 13, 2020, 08:26
Thanks very much. I've been meaning to ask for ages.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: jaydig on July 13, 2020, 09:02
Is the second weed scarlet pimpernel?
Title: what weed is this
Post by: amiman on July 13, 2020, 18:33
My allotment seems to be suddenly over run with a type of weed. I have weeded a bed today and the roots seem to be prolific. no other allotments near me seem to have it dont know where its come from.
See images
Thanks in advance
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: greenjay on July 13, 2020, 20:41
Looks like chickweed to me. An annual lots of growth from just one stem.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: dayxday on July 13, 2020, 21:00
Looks like a little cruciferate, bittercress/hairy bittercress.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: amiman on July 14, 2020, 09:20
Looks like chickweed to me. An annual lots of growth from just one stem.

OK thanks for your answer
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: cc on July 17, 2020, 16:16
I think I grew a weed instead of Cape gooseberry?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on July 18, 2020, 11:24
Unfortunately you are right. That is a weed  :(
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: CSChris89 on July 20, 2020, 14:11
Amiman - that’s a speedwell

CC - I think that’s a fringed willowherb
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: greenjay on July 20, 2020, 21:24
I thought speedwell has blue flowers?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: CSChris89 on July 20, 2020, 22:03
It certainly does greenjay, I don’t think it’s flowered yet and I think those white flowers in the picture are from a different plant
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Enfield Glen on August 06, 2020, 10:45
Though this was going to be a self seeded Sunflower but now looks nothing like one, any ideas?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mrs bouquet on August 06, 2020, 10:54
Hi Glen,   It might be a poppy !   Mrs Bouquet
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: bobbyt on February 16, 2021, 14:33
These are growing in my ' Wild Flower Section' of my plot. Not sure what they are, just wanted to check they weren't a flower of some kind first before pulling them up. Any thoughts please? Thanks.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: bobbyt on February 16, 2021, 14:35
This one too, or it may be sane one?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Hungry Caterpillar on February 16, 2021, 15:48
They look like oxeye daisies to me, but it's hard to say for certain till they get a bit bigger!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: bobbyt on February 16, 2021, 15:56
They look like oxeye daisies to me, but it's hard to say for certain till they get a bit bigger! leave them for a while then :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: greenjay on February 16, 2021, 18:57
yes agreed ox eye daisy
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: bobbyt on February 16, 2021, 19:44
yes agreed ox eye daisy
Thanks Greenjay, come to think of it, I had them last year, do they self seed or perennial?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Goosegirl on March 09, 2021, 11:44
I was going to say celandine but they do look like daisies.
Title: Re: What is This?
Post by: bobbyt on July 03, 2021, 14:26
Not sure what this is, hoping someone can enlighten me. The one with the stalks I believe is the same but mature plant, as it has same leaves at the bottom. It's growing in my wildflower bed, along with literally loads of oxeye daisies, and both seem to be spreading everywhere at an alarming rate! I'd rather some prettier insect attracting wildflowers, but both of these seem to be smothering everything else, are they any use to bees, insects etc? I don't particularly want them to appear again next season, do I just pull them now. I plan to revamp the area, it's about 3x1 metre, and lay a wildflower seed roll there. Thanks for any info/advice.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Aunt Sally on July 03, 2021, 14:32
Looks like plantain.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Aunt Sally on July 03, 2021, 14:34
Could be ribwort plantain.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Yorkie on July 03, 2021, 21:50
Looks like plantain.

That's what I thought too  :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mrs bouquet on July 03, 2021, 22:28
and me, Mrs Bouquet
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: bobbyt on July 04, 2021, 16:48
Thanks for the replies everyone. Know what i'm dealing with now
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JayG on July 04, 2021, 17:17
Just on the subject of the oxeye daisies you mentioned earlier, I agree they are very invasive (seed like crazy up to 2-3 metres away!)

Also noticed that bees appear to ignore them (can't speak for butterfly appeal as alas, they are a rarity round here these days.  :()

My single gifted plant a few years ago is now dozens over a few square yards, many more elsewhere having been weeded out.
I think that when they've finished flowering this year (and hopefully before they set seed again  :ohmy:) I'll do my best to get rid of them, and settle for enjoying seeing them flowering in profusion on roadside verges and embankments.  ;)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Enfield Glen on August 09, 2021, 08:54
Found this under my Blackberry, suspect its  been grown as while but first time its produced fruit, hazard a guess by the color its not nice<
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on August 09, 2021, 09:10
It looks like Cuckoo pint, the berries are poisonous..
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Enfield Glen on August 09, 2021, 09:24
Thanks, AKA Lords and Ladies and according to the RHS website should not flower until Autumn which aligns with the thread on the chat board that is say it feels like Autumn.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JoyPegs on September 04, 2022, 09:29
Not sure if this is a weed or not - no others appear to be growing nearby and have a nagging memory of seeing something similar with red tipped leaves that was some form of  Asian or Caribbean greens?

Anyone recognise it?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: jaydig on September 04, 2022, 13:10
I have heard of something called callaloo, which is related to the amaranth plant, but I've no real idea if this is what the picture shows.  I'm sure someone on this site will be able to enlighten you.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on September 04, 2022, 14:15
The leaves remind me a bit of Thorn Apple (aka Datura) do check it out because if it is that it's a poisonous plant..
Hopefully I'm wrong.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Aunt Sally on September 04, 2022, 22:22
Red Goosefoot.

I’ll try to find some info.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Aunt Sally on September 04, 2022, 22:27

More pictures HERE (
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: JoyPegs on September 07, 2022, 07:59
Thank you Lesley & Aunty - I think red goosefoot most likely from the way flower buds are forming, but I‘ll heed Lesley’s warning and wait for the flowers to come out to be sure. 

From what I’ve now read about goosefoot, like other greens once it bolts the leaves turn bitter so it won’t be a useful leaf crop now, if that’s what it is.  I got excited that the seeds can be harvested as wild quinoa, but the difficult extraction process hardly seems worthwhile.  Interestingly the seeds are also said to contain a lot of saponins though, so if it turns out to be this maybe a home made soap or cleanser might be possible  :)

Thank you again for responding.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on October 22, 2022, 19:52
It’s groundsel - Senecio vulgaris if you want the proper name and yes it self seeds everywhere.  Very prone to rust as you say.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: chumpy7 on April 03, 2024, 12:19
wouldn't really call this a weed but it's got me baffled, looks like some sort of fungus. I built 5 raised beds end of last season  for this year and this one has some wierd fungussy stuff growing init, none of the other 4 have it.I've got logs in the bottom covered by garden soil and topped off with bought in top soil. Nothing planted in this one yet. The logs came out of the local woods, birch , hawthorn and some unknowns.
Any ideas ?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: snowdrops on April 03, 2024, 12:35
Might be a fungi called jelly ears from what I’ve gleaned from a foraging group I’m on, but don’t take my word for it!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: bobbyt on April 06, 2024, 16:41
Hi, anyone know what these are, they have been appearing on my plot for ages, but seem to have more this year. Also, can I just hoe them off, or do roots need removal to stop them i.e. are they perrenial or annual. Thanks. they pop up everywhere on my plot, if I catch them small, they are not too hard to pull out, or hoe. Any advice appreciated!
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: New shoot on April 06, 2024, 19:11
Looks like Rosebay willow herb.  The seeds could be blowing in from other plots.  If you leave even tiny bits behind in the soil, it can regenerate so hoeing will work so long as you are vigilant and persistent. I usually weed it out.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: bobbyt on April 07, 2024, 10:53
THanks NewShoot, I've looked at the leaves in pictures on line, and they look different, the plant you mention has quite distinctive pattern on the leaves, which isn't on mine. also I've never seen flowers like that on my weeds.

Anyone else have any suggestions, I'll try plant id app, but never had much success with that as they need to be quite distinctive for app to recognise. Thanks everyone.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: bobbyt on April 07, 2024, 12:27
Here are the two photos of leaves together, I think they are different ? Anyone help with ID. First one is Rosebay Willow. Thanks.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: mumofstig on April 07, 2024, 15:51
Is it a speedwell, maybe either veronica  longifolia or veronica longifolia?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: bobbyt on April 07, 2024, 16:15
Hmmm.......not sure, I've never seen one in flower, assumed they didn't, maybe should let one grow fully and see what happens so there can be a positive id.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: greenjay on April 07, 2024, 19:38
It's a type of rosebay. I forget it's proper name. Pops up regularly on my patch. If you leave it seed you will definitely see it's a type of rosebay willow herb. Feathery seed heads.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Alank on April 07, 2024, 20:11
I also get them on my plot they blow in from other unattended plots.
They are an absolute nightmare and can put down roots anywhere sometimes forming a matt of tiny green plants early in the year.
When they mature they resemble a very small willow herb but instead of the long stem with the pinkish flowers these have side stems also and produce a profusion of floating seed the same way as the willow herb.
I agree with New Shoot that the only way I've found to control them is hand weeding.
I would not let them take over an area because then you would have to deal with the roots.
I've had allotments for a long time in the same area and have only noticed these over the last five years but they are everywhere on our site now.
Good luck  :D
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: bobbyt on April 09, 2024, 16:23
They are a nightmare as you said, seem to be a lot more now than previously. I have a 3 x 2 M patch which I covered with plastic to clear the couch grass with patches of these under there, will this kill them off?
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Alank on April 09, 2024, 20:32
Covering with black plastic should do it.
If they are the same as the ones on my plot if you cover them before they a mature plant then they should die off.
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Alank on April 13, 2024, 08:41
As you can see from the old stem they don't grow as tall as willow herb but they are just as troublesome  :)
Title: Re: What weed is this ? Please post your pics of your weeds here!
Post by: Richard Yates on August 28, 2024, 20:34
Parsnip like leaves and orange roots.

Well, sort-of parsnip-like if you have a squint. Orange roots, often forked. Would not be surprised if it's poisonous/inedible.

It's on what looks like a piece of bread, but that's in fact a brick weighing down my compost bin lid.

What? No! BRICK!