Hi all on this beautifull day. I just wanted to let you know I've not deserted you but my hens have all moved home to my freinds 26 acres of woodlands and pasture with horses, goats, pigs the lot, she is one very lucky girl and so are my hens!
We have been forced to consider rehoming them all of a sudden really due to a change in our circumstances and things will change at the end of the summer for us so all things considered we felt it better for us and the hens to move on.
My friend lost one of her young chickens (she brouhgt on 2 youngters who turned out to be one of each sex) as her friends dog got to it (killed it) after the girls' child opened the pen
so she rang me to take one of our 9 week old Pekin cocks from us. Well she landed up taking the 3 chicks (I believe we had 2 cocks and maybe a hen but??) and our not yet one year old Orpington.
I am so gutted they have gone and it was all so emotional as they really were part of the family. They roamed around our little garden with our dog, rabbit, guinea pigs and children and were so friendly and cuddly (I did this more than the children lol!!) They didn't need to go for a few weeks but it's best as they have not only all gone together but to such an amazing place to free range. I've told her to keep them in for a week so they know where to come back to to roost at night but all looks rosy
she has an a big movable a-frame coop and run.
Well that's it until we get our big place in the country....ok well bigger garden and/or retirement, not sure which I'd like first though! I have a pot of flubenvet 1% wormer which I have only had 2 doses out of for 3 hens which cost £22 less than a year ago I am open to offers and will throw in a small ground water feeder (1.5 litre maybe?) which I bought for the chicks a couple of months ago. PM me if interested please.
This has been a wicked forum for me and our choocks I have learnt so much so thanks to all or you, hopefully this will not be the last you'll hear of us