Was trying to saw through a rotten apple tree that we’d been using to fasten an old gazebo to that was my fruit cage. Having had a new fruit cage that was slightly bigger, I kept squeezing between said apple tree and new cage. Decided to remove the apple tree to save injuring myself
I started to saw it with my neighbours bow saw, that he lent me. He was watching (did offer to do it but no I’m ok). Then he said just give it some welly it’ll pull out, so I did, but he wasn’t aware I’d already sawed half way through. Gave it a humongous pull, it broke, flipped up & bonked me on the head as I fell over (luckily I’d moved the big hairy bow saw well out of the way, so didn’t land on that. Talk about seeing stars. All was fine for 4 days. Until in the afternoon I caught sight of myself in the mirror. A classic case of panda eyes. A phone call to the Dr, who wanted to see me, sent me off to A&E & a CT scan later, it was found I did have a brain!
See photos of the damage.