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Poultry and Pets => The Hen House => Topic started by: Honeysuckle on May 18, 2011, 19:28

Title: Diatomaceous Earth
Post by: Honeysuckle on May 18, 2011, 19:28
I've been looking online to buy some Diatomaceous Earth however, there's some that's for pests, some that's suitable for animal consumption and even some OK for human consumption!  :ohmy:

Which is the best one to get?  :unsure: 
Title: Re: Diatomaceous Earth
Post by: AL Hathaway on May 18, 2011, 20:43

samething as Diatomaceous earth but half the cost and works just as well i use it all the time just dont use in the wind or ina closed up area i put it in the dirt bath in the nesting boxes make a slurry paste with fam 30 hemexsan and a tablespoon of fairy washing up and paint the inside of the coop helps to stop red mite and lice and keeps the germs down also use with Stalosan F Hygiene powder is a very effective cleansing disinfectant. DEFRA recommended. For use in and around the poultry house and run. Also widely used in stables, farm building and smallholdings.

Broad spectrum, destroys worm eggs, coccidial oocysts, fly eggs and larvae. Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral. Highly absorbent and will help to reduce the ammonia smell created by the chicken's droppings.

love it and the contrast of colours is nice grey and red well pinkish hehe (  :tongue2: )
Title: Re: Diatomaceous Earth
Post by: OpiumEater on May 18, 2011, 20:56
So if it's the same as Ditomaceous Earth, why is it so much cheaper? Is it a lower grade? I was reading somewhere about having to be careful about other additives in the earth, giving it the different grades. Anyone know any more details?  :unsure:
Title: Re: Diatomaceous Earth
Post by: stujem on May 18, 2011, 22:37
Very interested in this topic, I hope more members contribute with knowledge regarding Diatomaccous Earth, as I have used it for all sorts. Wormer in there treats, nesting box, coop and dusted the chickens feathers in the hope they don't get mites etc.
Title: Re: Diatomaceous Earth
Post by: GrannieAnnie on May 18, 2011, 22:44
I've used hemexsan for over 2 years now.  Does the same job as Diatom, and our chooks have never had any problems after I've dusted all over their coops with it.

We got our last 25kgs bag from Bowden and Knights.  It was cheaper than the earlier link, but like I said it was over 2 years ago and I'm still using it!

I sometimes wonder if Diatom is that price because its the most well known??
Title: Re: Diatomaceous Earth
Post by: Lindeggs on May 19, 2011, 04:58
Apparently there are two grades of DE - the only one to ever use around livestock is food grade.  The other is apparently used in swimming pool filters and has other chemicals added and would be toxic if ingested.
Title: Re: Diatomaceous Earth
Post by: OpiumEater on May 19, 2011, 11:38
I'd heard about the swimming pool one, and knew it had to be food grade. Also read somewhere about white and red? Diatomaceous Earth, might have to find more out as I (not me literally) have lice and need to sort it PDQ  >:(