Hi Aunty Sally - a new photo to add to your collection!
This is a photo of droppings from a chicken suffering from clostridium perfringens. It is an intestinal infection (same family but not the same disease as botulism). It can be caused by an impacted or sour crop, or by the chicken eating food that is off. (Mouldy feed, rotten meat etc)
Symptoms are weight loss, drinking excessive amounts of water, and diarrhea that consists of a lot of watery clear or white fluid, with small amounts of undigested seeds, greens etc. The droppings have a strong, strange smell. (Not horrible enough to make you gag, but different to normal droppings).
The photo is used courtesy of Nambroth, (from BackYardChickens). My chicken had identical symptoms to hers, and I gave her the same treatment - a 10 day course of antibiotics (I used amoxicillin because it was all I had available), and probiotics to help restore the gut flora. I honestly thought I would lose my girl, but thanks to seeing the photo and treatment ideas she's now doing great. Chicken forums are such wonderful things!