Freezer Recipes – Storing the Produce

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Val H

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Freezer Recipes – Storing the Produce
« on: September 27, 2009, 14:34 »
We're looking for recipes that are good for freezing and use up the glut.

The best recipes will be put on the recipe pages of this or our related sites.

The winner can choose between any of our 4 books plus £8 worth of vegetable seeds.

The competition is open to all members and you may enter more than one recipe. The winner will be chosen by Allotment Growing at the end of November.

The Legal Stuff:

By entering you agree to grant to the allotment growing website group including sub-domains and associated sites thereof a non-exclusive licence to publish and use your recipe and extracts from your recipe on the site.

The prize must be taken as stated and cannot be deferred. There will be no cash alternative. Prize(s) unclaimed after 28 days will be deemed to have been forfeited and Allotment Growing reserves the right to offer the prize to another entrant. The winner will need to provide their name and address in order to receive their prize.

Recipes should be in line with the theme of the competition. Entries that do not comply in the sole opinion of Allotment Growing will not be eligible. The decision of Allotment Growing to accept or reject an entry is final. No correspondence will be entered into.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2009, 19:28 by John »
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Re: Freezer Recipes – Storing the Produce
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2009, 14:57 »
This recipe is usable in most dishes! It is great as a 'bedrock' base recipe for a lot of dishes, and great for glut's of toms.


Peel the tomatoes by scoring from top to bottom with a sharp knife and plunge them into boiling water for about 1 minute to loosen the skins.

Drain the tomatoes and peel.

Whizz the tomatoes in a food processor until pulped or push through a mincer.

Pass the pulp through a sieve to remove the pips.

Transfer to a pan on the hob, add salt to taste and bring to the boil.

Simmer rapidly for 30 minutes until reduced to the required consistency. (The longer you simmer, the thicker the passata..)

Transfer the passata to the hot, sterilised jars and allow to cool as you would with Jams, or suitable containers for freezing.

If you want to include other ingredients like herbs, onions, chilli or garlic, add at the cooking stage.



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Re: Freezer Recipes – Storing the Produce
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2009, 15:01 »

1 medium sized courgette
1 small onion
1 medium potatoe
herbs of your choice, I use thyme or sage and bay
chicken stock or cube
milk or cream

1 Peel the onion, chop all the veg and put them in a pan and just cover with the stock, add the herbs.

2 Put on the lid  and cook until tender

3 Liquidise in a blender

4 Add milk or cream to thin the soup to the consistency that you prefer.

5 Season to taste.

If by chance the soup is too thin add some white bread and blitz it again in the blender.

If you are going to freeze this soup I find it best to freeze after stage 3, then add the cream etc after it has been thawed.

« Last Edit: October 02, 2009, 15:19 by gypsy »



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Re: Freezer Recipes – Storing the Produce
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2009, 10:17 »
Spicy Sweet potato butternut squash and parsnip soup. - My first posting in recipies, i got into a gardening to help my love of cooking, i apologise if it is written with to many side comments!)

1 Large Butternut Squash
1 KG of Sweet Potato
A few parsnips you have left over (No more then 300g or it will over power)
1 Large Onion
2 Garlic Cloves
2 red chillies (Hard to quantify, I had to use 4 from this years crop as they were not very hot, play it by ear and on your own taste!)
Coriander powder
Cumin Powder
Fresh coriander (If you have it, don’t buy it just for the sake of it though!)
1 litre of chicken or Veg stock (maybe more depending on size of veg – just enough to cover)
Drop of crème for indulgence!

Ok, this recipe is best made with a good stock, however for simplicity I have found “knorr stock pots” are excellent substitutes.  Almost as good as the real thing and much better then oxo cubes!

Peel and chop the veg into chunks (size isn’t so important as we will blitz later)

1.   In a little butter cook down the onions and garlic in a large pan until soft
2.   Add the chilli finely chopped and stir in half a teaspoon of coriander and cumin powder.
3.   Add the vegetables and coat well in the spices
4.   Add the stock, ensure they are just covered by the stock
5.   Add fresh ground black pepper (Shouldn’t need salt if your stock is good, but season to taste!)
6.   (Again add a pinch of mixed dried herbs – not necessary if you have good home made stock!)
7.   Lid on and simmer over a low heat for about 35min, or until the veg is totally cooked through
8.   When ready, blitz using a hand blender until thick and creamy (there should be lovely flecks of red running through the soup from the chillies)
9.   Add a drop of crème if you are feeling naughty (It doesn’t “make” the dish as the parsnips offer a creamy over tone on there own, but its still very nice!)
10.   Before serving (either fresh of from the freezer) add some fresh coriander if you have some to hand, if not its great any way!

I always have some there and then with crusty bread (It goes very nicely with cheesy bread!)  I then tend to bag it up into food bags and freeze in portions.  Take a bag out, put it in a microwaveable box in the morning and by dinner time you can just split the bag open, pour into the box and microwave.  (This saves on buying a millions boxes – my freezer is always full of “mystery bags” I just grab one in the morning and take when ever accompaniment I think might go based on what it look like it could be rather then labelling everything.  Makes my lunch interesting)
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Re: Freezer Recipes – Storing the Produce
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2009, 18:23 »
Here`s what to do with a glut of Broad beans, and it takes up very little space in the freezer
2lb broad beans weigh after podding
4 cloves of garlic
large handful of parsley, chopped
large pinch of bicarbonate of soda
2 tablespoons olive oil
juice of a small lemon
salt and black pepper to taste.
water or stock

Put the beans in water and simmer for 2 minutes, drain and run under cold water to cool them
Shell the beans,yes I know it is a pain but it is worth it.
Return the beans to the pan and simmer in water or stock for about 8 minutes until soft
Drain the beans and return them to the pan.
Add all other ingredients and blitz with a hand blender, I like the mixture to be very smooth

That`s it, simple.  When cool freeze in portions suitable for your needs.

Once defrosted there are endless ways you can use this pate.
Nice on toast
Add some cream and use as a sauce with fish
Add some milk and use it as a base for a pasta sauce
Add a spoonful to your mushy peas for a change
Add to stews or soups



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Re: Freezer Recipes – Storing the Produce
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2009, 12:38 »
I have this year, had a huge glut of peppers, red peppers by the tonne, and chillies coming out of my ears.  Im not sure where I found this recipie, but it is an adaption  on a classic so I can use more veg!
I have found that one of my faviouite recipies uses lots of both, but freezes very well and makes a perfect reheated dinner for work!.

Spicy pork Goulash.

For this I used a hob proof oven dish (Cast iron type)  Although in the past I have used a frying pan and transferred to a stew pot (when I was a student and couldn’t offord cast iron pans!!)

This is great at the moment, because Pork is so cheap, I use shoulder of pork with the fat on, but you could be healthy and leave it off although it dosnt give such a good flavour!

·   Score the fat of the pork, add salt and pepper and cook in a litle oil for about 10 mins.  This will render out the geletenous fat and give the pan some flavour. 
·   Remove the pork. 
·   Add the onion,  chillies, paprika (Both kinds), fennel seeds, caroway seeds and genelty cook for 5-10 mins untill the onions are softening. 
·   Add the slices peppers, I like to leave some in chunks as well as some finer and the tomatoes (You can use a tin of plum tomatoes if you don’t have fresh). 
·   Add the pork back to the pan and top up with water just to cover the pork.  Add a splash of red wine and the juice of half a lemon.
·   Cover and put in a preheated oven at  350/gas mark 4 and slow cook for ~3 hours.  Give it a mix every hour and you know when its done because the meat will be falling to pieces.
·   Shread the meat up, if its ready there should be no need for a knife just tear it apart with two folks into chunks.

To serve:
Add parsley, lemon zest and sourced crème to a bowl and mix well.

If serving right away, add to the pot and very gently sir in (Like rasberry ripple ice cream!) right before searving.

If freezing, freeze without the crème and add after reheating.

Its best served with something granular like cus cus, rice or bulgar wheat!

1.5kg pork shoulder with no bone, in one piece, skin off, fat left on
2 onions finely chopped
2 fresh red chillies, deseeded and finely chopped (as previous recipies depends on strength of chillies and persanal taste – needs a low back ground heat)
3 tablespoons mild smoked paprika
1 teaspoons ground caraway seeds
half a  teaspoons on fennel seeds
a small bunch of fresh marjoram (if you have this is great, if not its not a disaster!)
6 peppers (This is equivelent to bell peppers, i used about 20 of my little red peppers this year!)
500g of fresh tomatoes stewed down + a squirt of tomato pure’ (or 1 x 400g tin of plum tomatoes)
Splash a red wine
Juice of half a lemon

To serve and make it extra special:
1 x small pot of soured cream
zest of 1 lemon
a small bunch of fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped



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Re: Freezer Recipes – Storing the Produce
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2009, 12:23 »
POTATO CAKES and variations
For all those potatoes that won't store.

Boil/steam your potatoes as prefered and tip hot into a big bowl.  Mash with plenty of butter, milk, salt and pepper to make a nice firm, smooth textured mashed potato.

You can make them into plain potato cakes at this stage by
*  lining a freezer proof tray, oven tray or chopping board with eazileave or if pushed, clingfilm, (don't try it unlined - they will freeze onto the surface)
*  flouring your hands and the worktop generously, taking a small handfull (say a clementine sized ball) of mash and shaping it into a ball.  
*  pat gently into a flat cake and put on the lined tray.  
*  Fill the tray with cakes and open freeze.  Pack into bags with the eazileave or film as separators.
Cook from frozen on the griddle or in the oven in about 20 mins.  Heaven for those days when all are starving and you are exhausted.

However, if you have other gluts or leftovers, try
*  adding some chopped cooked greens (cabbage, kale etc) and a little softened onion for bubble and squeak cakes.  Serve with fried/poached egg for a quick and filling meal
*  adding cooked and mashed apple (fallings are great) with a little softened onion and some chopped sage.  Great with cold pork
*  adding chopped celery leaves and some grated cheese;
*  adding chopped parsley and crushed garlic - the smell is heavenly;
*  adding other mashed veg such as parsnip (with a touch of nutmeg) or swede or turnip.  Be careful it doesn't get sloppy; add a  little flour to stiffen it if necessary
*  using leftover parsley sauce to mash the spuds; parsley potato cakes go well with ham or gammon;
*  likewise leftover cheese sauce with a little softened onion and a touch of mustard powder.

« Last Edit: November 25, 2009, 15:55 by madcat »
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Re: Freezer Recipes – Storing the Produce
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2009, 17:10 »
Sweet and spicey tomato sauce


1lb tomatoes
4 red chilies
2 red peppers
4 cloves garlic
2 medium onions
1/2 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of vinegar
Salt (soy/fish sauce work well too)
1-2 tbls oil

Heat the oil and add the onions, cook (without browning) until soft.
Add the garlic, chilies and peppers, cook for 2/3 mins until soft.
Add the remaining ingredients and simmer for 20 mins then blitz in the blender (you could pass it through a sieve  if you want a smooth sauce) at this stage you can add some water if its too thick.

Adjust the heat/salt/sweetness etc to suit your taste.  I freeze this sauce in portion sizes in ziploc bags lying flat in the freezer which doesn't take up much room although if you are struggling for space you can put in in sterilised jam jars too

I've used it as a marinade for chicken and prawns, a sauce for veggie stir frys, used it instead of creole sauce for jambalaya, added it to curries and used as a dipping sauce.

Roasting the tomatoes,peppers and garlic in the oven first gives more depth to the sauce but i'm a lazy cook.
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Re: Freezer Recipes – Storing the Produce
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2009, 14:29 »
Roast Vegetables

This recipe is VERY variable depending on what I have a glut of:

4 large onions peeled and cut into wedges
4 sweet peppers (any colour) cut into chunks
4 courgettes cut into chunks
12 tomatoes cut into quarters
6-8 garlic cloves, peeled and cut in half
8 tablespoons olive oil
black pepper
2 teaspoons Marigold stock powder
either 2 tablespoons mixed fresh herbs chopped or 2 teaspoons mixed dried herbs

To this can be added up to 500g of any assortment of root veg (cut small)  but it is best to boil them for 5 mins first so they cook quickly, may need a little extra oil to coat everything

stir together spread on 2 large oven trays and cook in hot oven for about 30 mins til veg is just charring at edges.

Freeze in small portions, it can be used as a filling for jacket potatoes, pizza topping, as base for a pasta sauce, great with hummus, to pad out a stir fry, soup base...........etc


Val H

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Re: Freezer Recipes – Storing the Produce
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2009, 12:46 »
Come on, get your recipes in! This competition finishes next week on 30th November. So get your thinking caps on. ;) ;) ;)



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Re: Freezer Recipes – Storing the Produce
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2009, 21:12 »
Chocolate Courgette Cake

4 oz / 115g margarine
4 ½ fl oz / 130ml sunflower oil
4 oz / 115g caster sugar
8oz / 225g soft brown sugar
3 eggs, beaten
4 ½ fl oz / 130ml milk
12 oz / 350g plain flour
2 tsp / 10ml baking powder
4 tbsp / 60ml cocoa powder
½ tsp / 2.5ml ground allspice
1 lb / 450g courgettes, (peeled and) grated
1 tsp / 5ml vanilla essence
8 oz / 225g plain chocolate drops (I find that under 100g is enough in fact)

Preheat oven to Gas 5 / 190C and line a rectangular baking tin (about 9” x 13”) with non-stick baking pape.

Cream the margarine, oil and sugars together until light and fluffy, then gradually beat in the eggs and milk.

Sift the flour, baking powder, cocoa and allspice together and fold gently into the mixture.

Stir in the courgettes and vanilla essence, and spoon the mixture into the tin.

Smooth the top and sprinkle on the chocolate drops.

Bake in the oven for 35 to 45 minutes until the cake is firm and a knife pushed into the centre comes out clean.  Lift out, cut into quarters or smaller squares while still warm, and then leave to cool.

I freeze in quarters, wrapped in greaseproof paper and then a layer of clingfilm.  Doesn't take too long to defrost and tastes just as good  :D
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Re: Freezer Recipes – Storing the Produce
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2009, 15:15 »
Minestrone soup

Couple of rashers of bacon chopped (or any left over meat you have)
Finely chopped onion/shallots/last few grotty spring onions
Couple cloves of garlic
Little chopped celery, lovage or fennel.
Fry all these together very gently in a little oiland a knob of butter/butter type marge.
When softened, add 2 diced carrots
about the same qty of diced swede/turnip/kohl rabbi
a  potato chopped(a dodgy one from store?, cleaned up)
some of those tomatoes that are still ripening, chopped or tablespn of tom paste,
small piece of chopped chilli pepper (make it as hot as you like)
piece of rosemary, thyme and basil (tied up with a bit of string for easy removal)
Some runner bean seeds or barlottis or cheapest tin bakedbeans you can find. If you have a heel of hard cheese add this as well, it really adds a depth of flavour, but fish out before serving.
Add enough water to cover plus an inch or so, salt and pepper to taste. Bring to boil, then simmer.
When veg are softened, add some left over pasta chopped up, or small pasta shapes  Add  4/5 outside leaves of cabbage or kale, cut in about 1in pieces, carry on cooking till pasta is ready., adding more water if pasta is absorbing a lot. But should be a thick soup with not much free liquid. Remove herbs and taste.
Season again if required. (The batch I made today needed nothing else added but according to veg used you may need to add a stock cube or 2 for extra flavour)
I have devided this into 8 generous portions, 1 is for supper the others to freeze :)
Only takes a few minutes in the microwave to defrost and heat through

Traditionally served with greated cheese on top

« Last Edit: November 25, 2009, 15:17 by mumofstig »



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Re: Freezer Recipes – Storing the Produce
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2009, 12:03 »
Final offering!

8 Tbsp Gram Flour
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Cumin
1/2 tsp Coriander
Other bits
Olive Oil
2 Large tsp Tomato Puree
A splash of wostershire source
A little water egg cup full (Use if needed only!!!)

Spices to go with the onions in the cooking pan
10 Small Onions
1 tsp Turmeric
1 tsp Ground Coriander
1 tsp of Paprika
1/2 tsp Cumin Powder
4 chopped and ground mild chillies or 1 Tsp Chilli Powder

Cut the onions in half and then chop into slices, break them up into strips (should be half circles!) Cook slowly in a little oil until they are soft; don’t let them brown too much.  Add the pan spices and stir in well, cook off for another min orso.

Add all the dry ingredients into a bowl and add the onions, stir in well to coat them all with the flour and spice mix.  Add the tomato puree and mix in well, add a little water until the mixture is of the correct consistency.  It should be wet enough to have not dry ingredients left, but not too wet so that there is excess liquid and is sloppy.

At this stage you can do two things!


Spoon the mixture into a large bag or box and freeze.  Defrost before using and add a little more flour/water if necessary.

I like to layer the mixture on baking parchment, a table spoon full of mixture makes a small bhaji, place some paper on top, add another… layer until all is used then freeze.

To cook, place a spoon full of mixture (or frozen pati)  on a greased baking trey and cook on gas mark 6/7 for about 12 mins, after this time run a little oil over the bhajis and return to the oven for another 10 mins.  This makes them go lovely and brown and crispy. 

(If cooking from frozen cook for ~15mins on gas mark 5 then crank upto gasmark 7 add oil and cook for a further 10mins. – times dependent on size of bhajis made, just play with it to get them how you like them)

This recipe is good to freeze and low fat for Bhajis, even without the freezing the bhajis are beautiful!!



Val H

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Re: Freezer Recipes – Storing the Produce
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2009, 13:42 »
This competition is now closed and thank you for your wonderful recipes. After careful consideration the winner is:

Lewjam for his Spicy Pork Goulash and other recipes.

A joint second prize of 5 packets of vegetable seeds each has been awarded to Mumofstig for her Minestrone Soup and Poolfield2 for her Roast Vegetables - and their continual support which is much appreciated.

Could Lewjam please pm me with his real name and address and choice of book.



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Re: Freezer Recipes – Storing the Produce
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2009, 13:55 »
Oooo I won something, thanks Val and congrats to Lewjam and Mumofstig :D :D

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