Allotment Gardening Advice Help Chat

Chatting => Chatting on the Plot => Topic started by: mrs bouquet on June 20, 2021, 12:10

Title: A corner of the garden
Post by: mrs bouquet on June 20, 2021, 12:10
A photo maybe
Title: Re: A corner of the garden
Post by: Goosegirl on June 28, 2021, 13:05
MB, is this of your garden? If so, it's gorgeous!
Title: Re: A corner of the garden
Post by: mrs bouquet on June 28, 2021, 16:49
Than you.  I have been trying to do 'photos from my ipad.  I shall try some more tomorrow  !! Mrs B
Title: Re: A corner of the garden
Post by: Yorkie on June 28, 2021, 19:57
Lovely, and what a fantastic palm!
Title: Re: A corner of the garden
Post by: mrs bouquet on June 29, 2021, 12:36
The tree right against the fence is a buddlea.   I noticed when it was very small, presumably dropped by a bird and decided to grow it into a standard.  This is the result and the flowers are fantastic.  Mrs B
Title: Re: A corner of the garden
Post by: Goosegirl on June 30, 2021, 13:37
What a good idea! We inherited one which was cut down in early spring but the ensuing growth got nobbled by the late frosts; however OH did a lower prune than I did which made it put out a lot of new stems but they were rather floppy and some fell down, so he tied them up with some rubber twine and it looks a lot better now.
Title: Re: A corner of the garden
Post by: Aunt Sally on June 30, 2021, 16:43
Lovely, and what a fantastic palm!

I think it’s a tree fern - Dixonia
Title: Re: A corner of the garden
Post by: jaydig on June 30, 2021, 17:44
You have a very pretty garden Mrs B, and it looks like a lovely, calm place to relax in.
Title: Re: A corner of the garden
Post by: mrs bouquet on June 30, 2021, 21:14
thank you.  I try to create corners with plants etc, otherwise it could be a bit boring.  I do love my garden very much.  I am not very good at relaxing, I sit down out there and spot something I should do, and then that leads to somethi   ng else and then I have been there for 2 hours.  But thank you for your kind comments.  There are some more 'photo somewhere.  It was just me learning to send them.   :lol:   I am quite proud of my little corner of the UK :lol:  Mrs B
Title: Re: A corner of the garden
Post by: Goosegirl on July 01, 2021, 12:27
... and so you should be.  :)