comfrey dispenser

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Jim T

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Re: comfrey dispenser
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2007, 19:45 »
Quote from: "shaun"
i cant remember where i seen this in a book on the telly or the net but it was drain pipe with a collecting bottle at the bottom.
basically you shove your leaves in the top followed by a weight of some kind to compress the leaves,and out of the bottom comes the black stuff in neat form,has anyone got one of these ?

Hey Shaun,
Driving along today in my van I spied a gang of cable layers. Cheeky as out, I stopped and asked them if they ever get any left over 6ft lengths of 6 in, pipe. The kind gentleman said sure you can have that - a length about 15ft.- and he sawed it up for me into 3 nice pieces. :shock:
Let me know if you want me to save you one.
PS My 20 comfrey plants arrived and are now planted :roll:  8)
Former biochemist, now experimenting and having fun. :-)



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Comfrey Dispenser
« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2007, 10:55 »
I have been reading through all these notes about ways of obtaining the benefits of comfrey, thinking to myself - 'what a lot of effort!!!'
Can I suggest filling an old plastic dustbin (or similar container) with comfrey leaves and then pouring water in until the leaves are covered? Leave this brew for a couple of weeks and you have ready made liquid feed. It smells that bad that it must be good. I have tested the benefits on my spuds by watering some with this brew and some with plain water. The difference proves that comfrey water works.
I am new to the forums so please excuse me if this has been suggested before.


Allotment Gardening

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comfrey dispenser
« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2007, 11:03 »
Hi Spon and welcome to the forum.  I find both methods very useful, the method you describe gives a dilute fertiliser; the drip method gives a concentrate which is easily bottled for early-season use the following year.  Handy for keeping at home if your comfrey patch is down at the allotment.


Jim T

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Re: Comfrey Dispenser
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2007, 16:50 »
Quote from: "Spon"
I have been reading through all these notes about ways of obtaining the benefits of comfrey, thinking to myself - 'what a lot of effort!!!'
Can I suggest filling an old plastic dustbin (or similar container) with comfrey leaves and then pouring water in until the leaves are covered? Leave this brew for a couple of weeks and you have ready made liquid feed. It smells that bad that it must be good.
Hi Spon, Yeah .......... :evil: That is the very reason why I am using Shaun's pipe method. The plot next door but one has the tub and it smells so orrible that my wife would not allow. I am busy designing how to make my comfrey tea air-tight (well, almost) so to be pong-proof.  :wink: Jim



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comfrey dispenser
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2007, 21:04 »
it will still smell jim when you use it on your veg etc i'm getting used to it now  8)

back to the comfrey device i have had 2 500ml coke bottles of it so far and my toms at home are just loving it i swear you can see them growing.
still want to make a bigger one havnt had the time yet but its on my to-do list
feed the soil not the plants
you learn gardening by making mistakes


Jim T

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Re: comfrey dispenser
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2007, 23:22 »
Quote from: "shaun"
i cant remember where i seen this in a book on the telly or the net but it was drain pipe with a collecting bottle at the bottom.
basically you shove your leaves in the top followed by a weight of some kind to compress the leaves,and out of the bottom comes the black stuff in neat form,has anyone got one of these ?

 :D Hi Shaun.
I have 20 strong comfrey plants now and have made my first pipe and piston. I have fitted a cap to keep rain water out,
I cant remember what you said about when to start putting the leavesin the pipe - do I wait until some of the leaves start to wilt or can I start now with the biggest leaves ?........some  are as big as yuor hand.
PS ... Have eaten some of the pak choi and very nice too.
And the toms you gave me have just started to fruit so I have just started to feed them :D  :D
What's growing best down there :?: Jim


Allotment Gardening

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Re: comfrey dispenser
« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2007, 23:46 »
Quote from: Jim T : Thu May 17, 2007
My 20 comfrey plants arrived and are now planted
  :shock: I'd advise against cutting them when they've only been in a month JT.   One light cut later in the season if you can't wait until next.


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