I caught Mr Fox sniffing around on Wednesday night. I had the window open and the ducks started making an almighty noise so I rushed out (3am!) and the fox climbed back over the 6ft fencing
The duck house is about as safe as it can be. It has two locking points on each door - a bolt and a clasp - and is strongly built. I can't wait until the roof is on the run and I know they are even safer. The chicken house needed a little extra securing (in my jimjams at 3am this was a fun task) but they too should be safe at night. I'm careful to lock up before dusk after the last attack.
This also shows how quickly a new fox will move into territory and work out what is good to eat! The fox that attacked last time was caught by another poultry keeper with his ducks and he despatched it and it had a mate that it was hunting with and (s)he was run over on the railway line two days later so this fox is a new arrival. So, as has been said on here many times, shooting/disposing of the fox just leads to another taking up the territory within a matter of months
The only way to be fox/predator safe is good security, making sure they are locked up tight at dusk and it would also seem sleeping with the window open so you can run out in your pj's to chase off the little ***** :blink: