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Poultry and Pets => The Hen House => Topic started by: MellowYellow on August 11, 2011, 17:52

Title: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: MellowYellow on August 11, 2011, 17:52
Hi everyone.

My four girls are 13 weeks old now and are just coming to the bottom of a sack of chick crumb.

All the advice I read tells me they now need to progress to growers.

Can someone tell me the difference between growers and layers pellets as I'm not 100% sure which one to go for.  I realise they should have been on growers about 6 weeks ago but I couldn't bring myself to throw half a sack of chick crumb away so now I'm not sure whether to skip the growers and  introduce the layers.  :unsure:

Also, can anyone explain what it is about my kitchen that chickens love.............they have the run of the garden but I seem to spend most of my time chasing them out of the kitchen :D   :D   :D
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: joyfull on August 11, 2011, 17:54
growers next, layers is not the correct formulation for their needs. You can buy it in 5 kgs bags in some brands but they will need to be on growers for quite a few weeks so you may nedd more than one 5kg bag.
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: arugula on August 11, 2011, 18:24

Also, can anyone explain what it is about my kitchen that chickens love.............they have the run of the garden but I seem to spend most of my time chasing them out of the kitchen :D   :D   :D

But everyone's garden chickens do that! Its quite normal behaviour. :D ::)
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: MellowYellow on August 11, 2011, 19:32

Also, can anyone explain what it is about my kitchen that chickens love.............they have the run of the garden but I seem to spend most of my time chasing them out of the kitchen :D   :D   :D

But everyone's garden chickens do that! Its quite normal behaviour. :D ::)

BUT WHY!!!!!!!!!   :D    :D    :D   
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: MellowYellow on August 11, 2011, 19:35
growers next, layers is not the correct formulation for their needs. You can buy it in 5 kgs bags in some brands but they will need to be on growers for quite a few weeks so you may nedd more than one 5kg bag.

Thanks Joyfull,  I'll buy a sack of growers tomorrow and start mixing it in with their chick crumb.

Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: salt and pepper on August 11, 2011, 21:06
i need to double check this too,  as when i went for my feed the supplier had run out of growers but said if i mix half and half layers pellets and mixed corn, that would be ok and the corn would put the weight on the chicks, he said thats what he did with his chicks and they've been ok.

So thats what mine have been on since i got them,  is that ok or not ?  :unsure:

my chicks are about 15 weeks

thank you
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: Lindeggs on August 12, 2011, 00:34
In part it depends on the breed you have.  My heritage breeds (Light Sussex, Barred Plymouth Rock, Barnevelder) are all late starters, so I could have fed them on growers feed until they were 20-something weeks old with no problems.

If yours are hybrid laying hens, they will be early layers so you will need to start them on layers rations earlier than that.

Just a couple of extra thoughts:
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: Casey76 on August 12, 2011, 08:33
Hi S&P, corn is good for meat birds... but it makes layers fat, and the last thing you want is a fat layer as it makes it more difficult to lay eggs.

A proprietary grower pellet is the best thing for chickens.  It has a lower protein %age than chick crumbs, but still higher than layers, so the chicks will still grow well, without getting fat.

At 15 weeks (if they are laying hybrids) they are just about POL, but you can feed a grower pellet until they lay their first egg if all of your chickens are the same age.  If you also have laying hens at the moment, it will do the 15weekers no harm to start mixing layers pellets in with the chick crumbs now :)
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: MellowYellow on August 12, 2011, 11:17

In part it depends on the breed you have. 

If yours are hybrid laying hens, they will be early layers so you will need to start them on layers rations earlier than that.

Hi Lindeggs

Now I'm confused again.  Mine are 13 week old hybrids so should I go straight to layers - how can I tell when they are POL is it something to do with the brightness of their combs, mine are growing but still quite pale?

Also I have noticed that they are beginning to peck at the crushed cockle shells that I have put out for them.
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: Kenilworth on August 12, 2011, 11:25

In part it depends on the breed you have. 

If yours are hybrid laying hens, they will be early layers so you will need to start them on layers rations earlier than that.

Hi Lindeggs

Now I'm confused again.  Mine are 13 week old hybrids so should I go straight to layers - how can I tell when they are POL is it something to do with the brightness of their combs, mine are growing but still quite pale?

Also I have noticed that they are beginning to peck at the crushed cockle shells that I have put out for them.

 I would just put them on growers till they start laying. Then do a gradual change over, no real harm will occur. A lot of people (myself included) will put their hens back onto growers for example duriing the winter months to give them a little boost.
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: arugula on August 12, 2011, 11:27

But everyone's garden chickens do that! Its quite normal behaviour. :D ::)

BUT WHY!!!!!!!!!   :D    :D    :D   

Because they can. :D Or perhaps for the company....
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: MellowYellow on August 12, 2011, 11:37
Thanks Kenilworth.

I read in Lindeggs post that if they start to lay while on growers, I will need to throw some of the eggs away.  Does that mean the eggs are not edible from chickens on grower?
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: Casey76 on August 12, 2011, 12:01
If the growers contains ACS (a coccidiostat), then there is a 7 day with drawal period.  If your growers doesn't contain ACS, then it's not an issue.
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: MellowYellow on August 12, 2011, 12:06
Thanks Casey   :D
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: salt and pepper on August 12, 2011, 15:26
Sorry mellow yellow for gate crashing, good question as i'm new i'm trying do do every thing right too  :D
thanks for the answers.

Not sure when mine will come into lay there Rhode Island Red Bantams ?  :)
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: joyfull on August 12, 2011, 15:30
what age are they S & P?
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: salt and pepper on August 12, 2011, 15:32
Hi Joyful there about 15 weeks  :D
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: gracie on August 12, 2011, 17:32
All I can say is that my friend and I shared 12 chicks that were hatched at the same time. Her pet supplier told her layers was fine as they didn't have growers. I managed to find growers. Must admit mine free range and hers don't but mine are much bigger chickens but not fat in anyway. Whether this is down to both things or a combination of both I would advise a bag of growers next.
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: MellowYellow on August 12, 2011, 18:24
Just got home from my local farm supplier and he doesn't sell growers, just chick crumb and layers!  :unsure:

Came home empty handed to decide whether to shop around or to take a chance on the layers :unsure:

Oh dear..................................... :unsure:
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: hillfooter on August 13, 2011, 01:32
Hi MellowYellow,

Normally you switch from Crumbs to Growers at 5 weeks and Growers to layers at 16 weeks for hybrids or 19 weeks for pure breeds.  I agree with Lindeggs on her timing advice here.

Basically Layers contains 4% calcium needed for good eggshell quality.  Growers doesn't contain much calcium so won't build up their reserves prior to lay which can lead to problems once they do start.  There's less chance of soft eggs or thin egg shells if you do this than leave it till laying actually starts.  Chickens store calcium in bone called medullary bone in the bone marrow cavities which easily gives up its calcium.  Failure to build up these calcium reserves at lay can cause the calcium to be provided from the skeleton causing growth and other problems.  Providing calcium too early in their diet will result in the excess being removed by their kidneys and can lead to kidney damage and kidney stones which isn't evident until later life.

It's obviously much better to switch to growers at the correct time but really you've passed that point now so whatever effect that will be a done deal now.  At 13 weeks your birds are a little young but I suspect that rather than waste a lot of growers feed I'd just move them to layers now.  Actually I don't think this would be too risky I've raised pure breed chx at 12 weeks onwards on layers without ill effects and in fact one lived to be 10years old so I can't think you'd go far wrong.  I also doubt the size difference reported by a previous post could have been down to the difference between growers and layers because they aren't that much different.  However don't give them extra oystershell as well.  Just use insoluable grit (crushed granite).  

The main difference between Growers & Layers is calcium content (0.8% vs 4% typically)and growers has about 15% more energy.  If you want to go to the bother you can do as you have been advised and mix a little poultry corn (say 25%) with layers for 3 weeks or so to get a better match before feeding excusively on layers.  Make any changes to feed gradually by mixing the new with the old in increasing proportions over a two week changeover.  As long as the corn doesn't also contain vegatable protein such as split peas or soya it won't be high in protein so won't cause them to put on fat (protein of 15% or so won't hurt).  

An alternative strategy would be to use growers and supplement limestone flour or fine (2mm or so) crushed oystershell from 16 weeks to use it up.  You would need to add about 3% by weight to bring the total Ca upto 3.5% or so.   You will only get Growers in 20kg sacks to special order as feed merchants don't stock or won't split a bag to sell in smaller quantities as they will with layers.  This is because it only has a short period use, around 11 weeks in a chx life.


Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: MellowYellow on August 13, 2011, 12:04
Thanks hillfooter   :)

I think I'll buy the layers and introduce it gradually over the next week or so.

I'm a novice at rearing chicks and was working on the assumption that my girls would reach POL at the end of September/early October at around 20 weeks old.

It was only when I read on here a couple of days ago that hybrids reach POL earllier that I began to realise I'd got it wrong  ::)

I did't choose Hybrids for their laying ratio, they were part of a living eggs scheme that my school was running and I was the person who looked after the incubating eggs and brought the chicks home at the weekend to look after them.  When it came to sending them back to the company they said I could keep some if I wanted.  Me and my family couldn't resist!  We could only take the girls as I live in a residential street and I don't think my neighbours would have been happy with 5 cockerels as well.  We have kept chickens before but they were bought POL so life was a lot easier.

Thanks again to everyone for the invaluable advice.   :D    :D
Title: Now they won't eat the chick crumb!!!!
Post by: MellowYellow on August 15, 2011, 15:41
I'm trying to introduce the layers gradually to their feed but they leave the chick crumb and only eat the layers!!!  >:(

Now they only eat the chick crumb when absolutely all the layers, greens, berries and anything else in the garden (if they are out) has gone!

Is that normal   :ohmy:   :ohmy:
Title: Re: Now they won't eat the chick crumb!!!!
Post by: hillfooter on August 15, 2011, 17:57
I'm trying to introduce the layers gradually to their feed but they leave the chick crumb and only eat the layers!!!  >:(

Now they only eat the chick crumb when absolutely all the layers, greens, berries and anything else in the garden (if they are out) has gone!

Is that normal   :ohmy:   :ohmy:

Normal.  If there's a choice they select the item they prefer which is why you shouldn't mix treats with their staple diet.  I just made the mistake of tipping a couple of handfuls of poultry corn in their layers as it was just the dreggs leftover and the little b***ers have chucked out all the pellets to get the corn.

In your case if they are eating it there's nothing to worry about just stop the crumbs.  They obviously don't need to be weaned over.
Title: Re: Growers or Layers Pellets
Post by: MellowYellow on August 15, 2011, 20:07
Thanks HF.