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Growing => General Gardening => Topic started by: mrs bouquet on May 27, 2016, 12:40

Title: Day Lillies - Help please
Post by: mrs bouquet on May 27, 2016, 12:40
What is happening to my pot of Lillies.  Last year I planted them in a 12" pot.  They wintered over, and now I have 3 stalks all with buds on the top, and lots of new foliage covering the pot surface. 
However, on one of the flower stalks, the leaves are going brown from the bottom and working their way up the stalk.
Am I doing something wrong, as I shall be disappointed to lose them now.  I have checked for beetle and cannot see any.
Regards, Mrs Bouque
Title: Re: Day Lillies - Help please
Post by: snowdrops on May 27, 2016, 17:16
Are they oo wet?
Title: Re: Day Lillies - Help please
Post by: snowdrops on May 27, 2016, 17:17
Too wet!
Title: Re: Day Lillies - Help please
Post by: mrs bouquet on May 29, 2016, 17:11
thanks for your reply.  I think I must have been watering them wrongly, just half a can full every day from the top, and into a saucer.  I checked the soil and it had shrunk away at the edges,  so I have scraped out some soil and replaced, and given it a good drink standing in a washing up bowl.
In the future, I shall check its weight.  regards,  Mrs Bouquet
Title: Re: Day Lillies - Help please
Post by: Trikidiki on May 30, 2016, 09:49
Jut being pedantic and to avoid possible future confusion. Aren't day lilies, Hemerocallis, which are an outdoor perennial where the blooms only last for one day. Rather than the Lilium that I think you are referring to which grow from a bulb and are generally grown indoors.

As regards your problem half a can of water a day in a 12" pot sounds like overwatering to me, especially for a bulbous plant, but that would depend on the size of your can.
Title: Re: Day Lillies - Help please
Post by: mrs bouquet on May 30, 2016, 10:31
I have just searched for, and found, my gardening enclyclopedia.  Mine are "lilium" it states - must not be allowed to dry out, water thoroughly and regularly in dry weather.  So thanks for pointing that out to me, and as they are listed under Hobby Plants, I shall take a lot more care of them,  regards, Mrs Bouquet