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Poultry and Pets => Chicken Chat => Topic started by: treecol on July 11, 2015, 21:04

Title: Oh boy, it had to be me!
Post by: treecol on July 11, 2015, 21:04
We've only been in our house a little over 12 months. We are slowly renovating it as funds & work commitments allow. It was a total wreak when we moved in & it was lovely a few weeks back to get our 1st carpet down in the only room we've finished so far - the hall.
DH has secretly been hoping I'd be the 1st to spill something & me hoping it'd be him, not me!
Anyway, I had the hens out on the lawn the other night when I noticed one of them as looking hunched up with her feathers all ruffled. She wasn't joining in scratching & digging for bugs, so I figured she must be the soft shell culprit - who ever is laying them is hit & miss, some firm, some soft & I never caught her in action. As she's one of the only 2 hens I can't tell apart, I scooped her up und my arm & took her inside to ask DH for something to mark her feathers with so I could make sure she got extra calcium every day.
As I'm standing in the hall, asking him for some non toxic paint, & he's trying to work out why I'm going to paint a chicken.......chook chook....SPLAT!!!!!!!!!!
A shell less egg lands on the new carpet! Ooooh the horror!
Anyway, as I beded down that night with the girls in their hen house, I reflected on what I could have done differently!
Title: Re: Oh boy, it had to be me!
Post by: Chrysalis on July 11, 2015, 22:51
Oh,Poop!  One of ours is in the potting shed in disgrace - I'm sure there's room for you, too!  :tongue2:

If you can't get the stain out, do let us know what the insurance claim says! Sorry for your carpet, but  great story.
Title: Re: Oh boy, it had to be me!
Post by: New shoot on July 12, 2015, 06:37
That is a great story  :lol:  Hope the carpet is OK  :)
Title: Re: Oh boy, it had to be me!
Post by: dugless on July 12, 2015, 06:53
It is a thing called S*ds Law.
Title: Re: Oh boy, it had to be me!
Post by: treecol on July 12, 2015, 07:33
Fortunately I have some natural pet stain remover which breaks down any organic matter on contact, so not a trace left. Phew!
mind you, can you imagine the claims dept at out insurance? I bet there's a clause that doesn't cover damage by eggs!
Title: Re: Oh boy, it had to be me!
Post by: Helenaj on July 26, 2015, 12:18
Fortunately I have some natural pet stain remover which breaks down any organic matter on contact, so not a trace left. Phew!
mind you, can you imagine the claims dept at out insurance? I bet there's a clause that doesn't cover damage by eggs!

No doubt it would be under one of their eggemptions! :D