Choose the pictures which represent the essence of "My Veg Plot" (you can choose up to 5 pictures)
- Mumofstig - Plot 18b
5 (5.7%)
- Annen - Plot 53
5 (5.7%)
- Annen - Abundancy
1 (1.1%)
- Wavertree Red - Plot 9
9 (10.3%)
- Nige2plots - Plot 6B from the front
7 (8%)
- Nige2plots - Plot 6B from the shed
5 (5.7%)
- MickyB Plot 23
4 (4.6%)
- Godhelm - My First Year
9 (10.3%)
- Nige2plots - Another of Plot 6B
3 (3.4%)
- Nige2plots - Plot 6B from the other side
1 (1.1%)
- Archintnm - Plot 64
1 (1.1%)
- Archintnm - Plot 64 2 weeks on
- 0 (0%)
- Cadalot - Allotment Security Guards
4 (4.6%)
- Devonbarmygardener - Plot 5
2 (2.3%)
- Devonbarmygardener - This Summer
3 (3.4%)
- Mumofstig - My Sweetcorn
3 (3.4%)
- Mumofstig - March this year
4 (4.6%)
- Beetroot Queen - Plot 65
4 (4.6%)
- Beetroot Queen - Peek a boo
5 (5.7%)
- Beetroot Queen - First Ever Strawberry
1 (1.1%)
- VegGirl7 - View from my shed roof
1 (1.1%)
- VegGirl7 - A month or two later
4 (4.6%)
- VegGirl7 - The bit in the middle
- 0 (0%)
- jmc1947 - Flower boarder
3 (3.4%)
- jmc1947 - Looking down the plot
3 (3.4%)
Total Members Voted: 19
Voting closed: September 26, 2013, 19:43