6x6 Greenhouse Set-up

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6x6 Greenhouse Set-up
« on: June 09, 2012, 22:05 »
Hello  :)

So, its my first year with a greenhouse. I'm growing lots of tomatoes, peppers, chilli's and some aubergines. I'm thinking of planting them on to levington tomorite growbags with growpots.

I suppose my question is how would you organise the floor space?



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Re: 6x6 Greenhouse Set-up
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2012, 22:25 »
I have a 6' x 8' and I have a raised bed on the left (so 2' x 8'), slabs in the middle and benches with capilliary matting, potting and storage on the right. :-)
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Re: 6x6 Greenhouse Set-up
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2012, 23:40 »
I have a 6x8 too and I have currently 4 growbags ont he floor.  I have 2 in a line on the left, with a third set into the middle a little more.  THe 4th is right over on the right.  I think I could easily get 6 growbags on the floor with space to move about.

In the rest of the space I have some shelves, some seed trays with grass sods in for the chooks, an old compast bag with a melon in and my sunflowers that need hardening off too.

If you don't have any shelves, I got some from Tesco in their voucher exchage things this last week and they're great if you're not expecting much.  They're housing my corn (hardening off), brussels (HO), chillis, peppers, basil, water cress, raddish, pumpkin (HO), spring onions, oregano, carrots (some strange kind that are in the shape of balls).  I had no room until I got them this week


the Kergan

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Re: 6x6 Greenhouse Set-up
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2012, 00:09 »
I have a 6x6 two growbags sit nicely down the right hand side end to end and I have bottomless pots on them so the toms can grow into the growbags. 6 toms in total down the righ hand side. I sell a product which is like a plastic grid that you would use to make a base for a shed or driveway and you fill it with pea shingle so I brought some of these home and put them under the growbags so they are up of the concrete floor about 70mm and it allows the growbags to drain well.

At the end of the greenhouse I have a four ft staging that sits to the left of the last two tommy plants and on the left as you go in the door I have 2 cucumber plants in a large tub with holes in the bottom again stood on the plastic grids.

I also have 2 capsicums in a long container on the staging along with some seedlings.

Next year I'm going to buy some guttering and stop ends and hang them above the staging and start veg seeds in them so I can slide them straight into the raised beds at planting out time.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 00:13 by the Kergan »
"Your first job is to prepare the soil.  The best tool for this is your neighbor's motorized garden tiller.  If your neighbor does not own a garden tiller, suggest that he buy one."



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Re: 6x6 Greenhouse Set-up
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2012, 05:58 »
hi there
             in our greenhouse we have old bread crates to the left and right on them we have four growbags. Two to the left and right.. In the growbags we have 8 inch pots with four tomatoe plants on one side and four cucumber on the other.. At the back of the greenhouse we have staging and also a automatic vent opener which is set to about 20c, as well as a louve window opener at the bottom middle pane at the back of the greenhouse. Also the is a paraffin heater on the floor and a thermometer on the back high up.
There is a automatic watering system as well which feeds cucumbers and tomatoes as well as 2 litre cocke bottles bottoms cut off and placed upside down in the pots.

The important thing is that there is space for air to circulate around it is very easy to put everything in the greenhouse and overload the greenhouse so there is no room and no air to circulate.. A small greeen house is very hard to keep at the right temperature and if you leave the door closed when is gets too sunny temp goes up and sometimes you find that the temp is 35c above so you have to open the door!!

Good luck and i hope it helps


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