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Growing => General Gardening => Topic started by: cheshirecheese on May 24, 2020, 15:44

Title: Day Lilies
Post by: cheshirecheese on May 24, 2020, 15:44
I have an ever-expanding and well-established area of day lilies of several varieties, and this year it seems as though they're all coming up blind.  I'm sure they're usually starting to come into flower at about this time, but there's absolutely no sign of any buds at all, just a mass of leaves.  Has anyone else had this problem, and if so, is it likely to be some sort of disease or simply a case that they need dividing?
Title: Re: Day Lilies
Post by: mumofstig on May 24, 2020, 16:08
They may need dividing, but my bet, this year at least, would be that they are too dry.. everything here seems struggling for lack of rain :(
Title: Re: Day Lilies
Post by: cheshirecheese on May 24, 2020, 16:19
Oh, OK - thank you. Do you reckon it would help to drench the whole patch with buckets of water, or do you think it's too late?
Title: Re: Day Lilies
Post by: mumofstig on May 24, 2020, 16:24
Give it a go, they carry on for a long while so you might start them a bit later. Might me worth putting a dose of soluble fertiliser in the water, if you have any to hand.
Title: Re: Day Lilies
Post by: Growster... on May 24, 2020, 20:52
Hellfire, we have about a squillion on the front garden, please don't tell me they're going to suffer - I'll have nightmares..:0~
Title: Re: Day Lilies
Post by: cheshirecheese on May 25, 2020, 08:03
Hellfire, we have about a squillion on the front garden, please don't tell me they're going to suffer - I'll have nightmares..:0~
Mine have multiplied at a rate of knots, Growster - a beautiful mix of colours.  So, as you might imagine, I'm gutted, to coin a phrase!  :( However, I shall do as suggested by mumofstig and keep watering them, including some soluble fertiliser from time to time, and we'll see what happens  :)
Title: Re: Day Lilies
Post by: mrs bouquet on May 25, 2020, 11:57
Mine only one is planted in a flower bed, it is about 3 inches high and just refuses to grow anymore.   I do give a drop of water each day, but I am guessing it just isn't enough.   I will give a whole can full later. Mrs Bouquet