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Growing => Grow Your Own => Topic started by: Benandbill on March 20, 2012, 03:31

Title: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: Benandbill on March 20, 2012, 03:31
... counting down to the weekend already.  I hear it's going to warm up again!  Bring it on!!  8)
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: Brassica Blaz on March 20, 2012, 07:05
... counting down to the weekend already.  I hear it's going to warm up again!  Bring it on!!  8)
mine are going in on 1st april.maybe i am maybe im not but they were ok last season. :)
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: DD. on March 20, 2012, 07:23
It might warm up for the next couple of weeks, but what's the forecast for May?

However, there comes the time when you have to move and I'll probably be doing so in about a week's time.

This is a piccie of one of my Lady Christl plants taken in May a couple of years ago.

Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: allot2learn on March 20, 2012, 07:32
Just keep the fleece handy!  :)
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: DD. on March 20, 2012, 07:35
How do you fleece nearly 300 seed spuds, apart from with a lot of time and fleece?
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: Auntiemogs on March 20, 2012, 07:55
Crikey DD, you could feed an army with what you grow!  :ohmy: :D
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: DD. on March 20, 2012, 07:56
I have plans for world domination!
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: Auntiemogs on March 20, 2012, 07:57
You have a cunning ppppplan!  :lol:
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: sunshineband on March 20, 2012, 07:58
I have plans for world domination!


Seems to be forging ahead now a scarcity of potatoes is forecast for later in the year  :lol: :nowink:
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: Salmo on March 20, 2012, 09:26
It might warm up for the next couple of weeks, but what's the forecast for May?

The forcast for May is easy

"As many frosts in May as fogs in March"

Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: mumofstig on March 20, 2012, 10:12
watch out for the 'Ice Saints' days in May
WeatherOnline: In old country weather lore St Mamertus, St Pancras and St Servatius, whose feast days fall on May 11, 12 and 13 respectively, were known as the Ice Saints because they were associated with a sudden deterioration in the weather which habitually occurred around mid-month. This regular cold snap was certainly evident during the 20th century, with almost 60 years out of 100 experiencing a sharp reversal in the normal warming trend between May 10 and 20. The fickle British climate rarely produces a 'singularity' as reliable as that, so it is no surprise that it should have become enshrined in ancient lore.
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: Benandbill on March 21, 2012, 05:29
Hmmm, maybe I'll leave them a little while now ?!?!  :unsure:
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: Growster... on March 21, 2012, 06:05
It might warm up for the next couple of weeks, but what's the forecast for May?

However, there comes the time when you have to move and I'll probably be doing so in about a week's time.

This is a piccie of one of my Lady Christl plants taken in May a couple of years ago.


Blimes DD, I saw some with chits that size in Wilkos, Bromley last week!

They were on offer though...

Probably w/e 31st here - there'll be plenty of fleece, (not quite several acres like you'll need), for those awkward nights spent under 1 degree!
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: DD. on March 21, 2012, 07:01
It's actually 310 - had a recount, forgot about the Ulster Sceptre and Cassablanca that tempted me! It equates to 11 rows on a 36' plot, so I do have to be a bit careful in planting too early!

The last two years I've planted in May due to one thing and another. I've had excellent frost free crops, but you do miss out on the early "new" spuds. I've toyed with the idea of popping a few earlies in, then holding back on the rest as there won't be as any to protect if the frosts do come, but it's good to get them in while you have the chance. You never know what's around the corner.

In all probability I'll go with next week, as I've got other things on at the weekend.

As for the peas. The timing of those may depend on the council. They've not turned the water on yet, so I can't water the drills!
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: Growster... on March 21, 2012, 20:24
It's actually 310 - had a recount, forgot about the Ulster Sceptre and Cassablanca that tempted me! It equates to 11 rows on a 36' plot, so I do have to be a bit careful in planting too early!

The last two years I've planted in May due to one thing and another. I've had excellent frost free crops, but you do miss out on the early "new" spuds. I've toyed with the idea of popping a few earlies in, then holding back on the rest as there won't be as any to protect if the frosts do come, but it's good to get them in while you have the chance. You never know what's around the corner.

In all probability I'll go with next week, as I've got other things on at the weekend.

As for the peas. The timing of those may depend on the council. They've not turned the water on yet, so I can't water the drills!

There is no water here DD, so we collect - and collect - and collect...

My peas are going to get a bit of a seeing-to this year, as last year they succumbed to weevil, and we only covered our costs!

Great time of year though, we'd not miss it for the world!
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: digalotty on March 21, 2012, 23:22
mine are going in but it will be a long time before they show ,  i like em deep
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: Benandbill on March 22, 2012, 05:01
digalotty is planting them deeper better protection against the frost I wonder?
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: Kim50 on March 22, 2012, 16:12
Mine are going in this weekend.  Dig deep holes and drop them in
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: Benandbill on March 24, 2012, 05:32
Does anyone know if putting them in deeper is better protection against frost?  Common sense would tell me yes, but it's not something I have in abundance  :unsure:
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: DD. on March 24, 2012, 07:02
Marginally I'd say.

Obviously they'd take a bit longer to break the surface, but once the chits really start growing they'd cover those few extra inches in a matter of days.

To save myself extra work, I'd sooner wait those few days before planting. I like to "trench" my spuds so that I can spread out the fertiliser so it's not just in the one spot, just like the plant spreads itself out.

It's harder work digging down a few more inches than waiting for a few days!
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: Thrift on March 24, 2012, 11:50
I put in 2 rows of earlies yesterday and hopefully 2 more today. That's the lot ...... certainly not in DD's league  :D
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: Benandbill on March 25, 2012, 09:31
Ah well, the 1st earlies went in so deep yesterday they'll either come out at Christmas or they'll be popping up in Australia  :lol:
Title: Re: 1st earlies going in 24th March...
Post by: Salmo on March 25, 2012, 13:10
It might warm up for the next couple of weeks, but what's the forecast for May?

The forcast for May is easy

"As many frosts in May as fogs in March"

How many fogs is that, four, five and more forecast.