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Growing => Grow Your Own => Topic started by: 4x3x2 on March 21, 2021, 14:14

Title: Growing runner beans in a hedge
Post by: 4x3x2 on March 21, 2021, 14:14
I have a fairly wild public hedge in front of my house that doesn't get trimmed and isn't much to look at and is the mainly shaded side.  I'm thinking of making it more colourful and productive by growing some red runners to about 300mm in 150mm pots, then planting them out in the base and training them up it.  As nobody picks the blackberries round here I'm assuming they won't come and pick the beans either, but they'll have trouble beating me to them anyway!
Has anyone else tried this?  Any useful tips to improve my chances of success?
Title: Re: Growing runner beans in a hedge
Post by: Nobbie on March 22, 2021, 20:50
They won’t like it on the shady side, or are you planting them on the sunny side that faces away from you? Biggest issue will be a lack of water as the hedge will suck it all out of the ground in summer.
Title: Re: Growing runner beans in a hedge
Post by: snowdrops on March 22, 2021, 21:39
I agree with Nobbies comments, traditionally as you may know a trench was dug over the winter and all manner of compostable things added and refilled, this was to help retain moisture and provide nutrients. This all goes to show how much watering etc runner beans are expected to require.