Allotment Gardening Advice Help Chat

Growing => Grow Your Own => Topic started by: debih on August 12, 2008, 19:32

Title: What can I plant in the next few weeks
Post by: debih on August 12, 2008, 19:32
Hi - I am a new allotmenter.  In fact I havent signed up for (or seen) my allotment yet.  I have to ring the council back on Monday to let them know which plot (one of two) I have chosen and then sort out the paperwork so I am hoping to get going next weekend.  

Although a little weedy, I understand that the soil is good and has been manured regularly.  The man that used to have it died at the beginning of the year so nothing has been done this year.

I would be grateful of advice on what I can start off with to get me going please.

Title: What can I plant in the next few weeks
Post by: yummy on August 12, 2008, 20:09
Hi  :lol:

If you look at Suttons and Plant Connection, you will find a variety of plug plants available for delivery late August - early October. There is a nice brassica collection on Suttons with 50 plants £9.95. These are plants that are a bit too late for you to sow yourself from seed now anyway  :)

Sowing from seed yourself, you could do some salad stuff, little gem lettuce and radishes are fast growing. You could be chomping those in just a few weeks.

In October you could put in some broad beans to over winter.
Title: What can I plant in the next few weeks
Post by: DD. on August 12, 2008, 20:48
Don't forget Garlic & Winter Onions.
Title: What can I plant in the next few weeks
Post by: Debz on August 13, 2008, 10:27
I am new to growing veg and would like to put in some broad beans over winter like you suggested.  What do I need to do for them as I have just dug out a conifer tree and would like to use that space.  What variety do you recommend?

Many thanks (and apologies for highjacking this thread)
Title: What can I plant in the next few weeks
Post by: yummy on August 13, 2008, 10:31
I'm only on my second year of allotmenting so can't really 'recommend' anything from experience yet. The variety often recommended (in books/online) for autumn sowing is Aquadulce Claudia.

What do broadbeans need? I'm not sure you know  :oops: . I just shove em in and they always do ok, but I've only ever done spring sowings until now. Perhaps someone with more experience can elaborate?