Allotment Gardening Advice Help Chat

Growing => Grow Your Own => Topic started by: smiler on March 22, 2008, 18:55

Post by: smiler on March 22, 2008, 18:55
ive taken over a alltment ive spent 10months getting rid of rubbish,now got greenhouse big shed & dug over loads of small plots,in greenhouse got garlic growing, does garlic go outside yet & what best way to plant taties please & can you tell me what can i plant now greenhouse got toms/parsnips/cauli/sprouts/spring onion/onions/beetroot/sweetcorn/rhubarb/strawberrys/carrots all in plant pots  some have started to seed now/taties in bucket just started to sprout
Post by: Wildeone on March 22, 2008, 18:57
Welcome Smiler

Garlic should always go straight outside so i'd get it out asap!!! HTH  :D

Welcome to the madhouse!  :wink:
Post by: Aunt Sally on March 22, 2008, 18:58
Ooooo what a lot of questions  :wink:

I've moved it to GYO so you'll get more answers.  Do pop back to the Welcome forum and tell us a bit about yourself  :D
Post by: R66VEY on March 23, 2008, 16:09
parsnip ????

always drill them strate into the ground!!

else they be funny shapes
Post by: gobs on March 23, 2008, 17:04
People do things differently, don't worry, some do grow parsnips in loo rolls in the gh.

Is this a heated or unheated gh, please? And what do you mean they have started to seed :?:

Some shouldn't have got into the gh, but once they did, they need hardening off before planting out. A cold frame or other somewhat sheltered location is good for this.  These are the garlic, rhubarb, strawberry and onion sets.

I'm sorry, I don't know whereabouts your Island is and what the weather is like there, depending on that, also might be thinking of hardening off nowish or soon the beetroot, sprout, cauli, carrot, spring onion.

Tomato and sweetcorn can't go out till all risk of frost past in your area, so these were probably sown a bit too early, but if you have room for them it should not be a problem.

The problem is the seeding and the roots, which don't like to be transplanted: carrot, parsnip.

I'm planting my potatoes nowish, I do them as follows: dig about a spade deep and wide trench, put  a layer of manure in the bottom, sit tubers on it and cover with about 4 inch of soil.

Also look at the home page there is a useful month by month guide on it.