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Growing => Grow Your Own => Topic started by: wasthiswise on October 01, 2013, 19:04

Title: Apple + pear tree pruning advice sought
Post by: wasthiswise on October 01, 2013, 19:04
Acquired a new plot today. It has a cox apple tree and pear tree (variety unknown, though a label says 'A MOLY' whatever that means). Both trees look to me like they probably need pruning but I dont know when or how - advice gratefully received. See photos below. The apple is about 8ft high, the pear 10ft. Thanks.
Title: Re: Apple + pear tree pruning advice sought
Post by: gobs on October 01, 2013, 20:52
They look like quite suffering to me, especially the apple. Whatever they are, they might be on a smaller tree size root stock that is not coping with the amount of neglect well.

So, from what I can see, I would in winter, when dormant and leafless ( a good Christmas holiday exercise over here usually) :

1. Do rejuvenating pruning, to strengthen the tree and it's growth. Cut back to a few buds every single brunch you want to keep, depending on the shape you want. (Look at pictures of bush/goblet, etc. I prefer a goblet for a lot of fruit tree, good airing, good sunshine to all fruit, however it will depend on the type of fruit and variety also, how it likes to grow.)

I do not know these varieties, however both of their natural growth looks like a bush sort.

2. Clear grass a couple of meter radius around their trunk.

3. Manure well after the ground is soaked, around early/mid spring, they do need a pick me up.

4. Definitely would not let the apple to bear fruit next season, albeit a couple to taste; the pear looks stronger, but if you can be patient, the same practice could be followed.

Title: Re: Apple + pear tree pruning advice sought
Post by: wasthiswise on October 02, 2013, 17:56
Thanks for that advice, very helpful.
Title: Re: Apple + pear tree pruning advice sought
Post by: gobs on October 03, 2013, 05:27
You are welcome. Let us know, if it worked. The proof of the pudding and all that... :D

I wouldn't let the pear fruit either if I were you.