Allotment Gardening Advice Help Chat

Growing => Grow Your Own => Topic started by: sarah-king on June 28, 2010, 21:49

Title: should I harvest?
Post by: sarah-king on June 28, 2010, 21:49
I have one of these bags from t&M which came with 5 seed spuds, i cant remember what types they are, but the have just finished flowering and the flowers have dropped off (they were purple) i dont know if they are first earlys, second earlys or main crop? Should i empty the bag to see what there is...the plants are so long (were high but now growing sideways  :ohmy: so i dont want to disturb them if they arnt ready.. i cant furtle without taking out a couple of the plants...
Title: Re: should I harvest?
Post by: Loubs on June 28, 2010, 21:59
Very difficult to advise if you really can't remember what you've planted. But if you are very very gentle with your furtling and the soil isn't compacted, you might just get away with lifting up one of the potato plants and having a look. I did with one of my first earlies a few weeks back - saw that all the potatoes were the size of marbles or smaller so gently replanted. Much to my surprise it didn't die off, but did settle in again & continue to grow.