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Eating and Drinking => Cooking, Storing and Preserving => Topic started by: MulesMarinair on February 26, 2009, 18:30

Title: Brown bread and butter milk
Post by: MulesMarinair on February 26, 2009, 18:30
Hailing originally from the wild wesht of Ireland as I do, I have an inherant penchant for brown bread that can't be sated here in Caledonia, so I've managed to get a recipe for it.

My only problem is butter milk.
You can buy it by the bucket load over yonder (well, by the litre anyway) but only in 250ml cartons here.   
So.. there's baking soda, baking powder and bextartar / cream of tartar... and I don't know what to use what for...
is there a way of adding one of these to regular milk in order to activate the rising agent as a substitute for butter milk?   I think that it is to do with the acidity of buttermilk kicking off the reaction...

1 1/2 lb flour
1 1/2 lb wholemeal
2 fists porridge
3 tsp bread soda
1 tsp salt
1 egg
2-3 oz Marg
1 litre buttermilk (& some fresh milk, half a cup if necessary)

Put wholemeal flour in bowl, sieve in flour, bread soda add salt and porridge & marg.  Make a well in the centre put egg in first then add the buttermilk, mix until all the dough is wet, put into 3 well greased loaf tins (or a big round loaf with a cross cut in it) and cook in pre-heated oven at gasmark 7 for 1 hour.

Use at first sign of an oncoming cold, spread with butter thick enough to record your teeth marks and a large mug of tea.   (more for comfort than medicinal purposes).

It freezes well too.


Title: Re: Brown bread and butter milk
Post by: Stripey_cat on February 26, 2009, 18:41
You're already adding soda, yes?  I'd stick in a squirt of lemon juice (just as you mix, or you'll curdle the milk), but I think cream of tartar would be the "proper" ingredient.  I've also made soda bread without any acidifier at all (when I was camping, with very short supply of ingredients!) and it was OK, but that could be compared to the alternatives.
Title: Re: Brown bread and butter milk
Post by: mumofstig on February 26, 2009, 19:49
found this in a list of substitutes

Baking powder (1 tsp)......   =½ tsp cream tartar and ¼ tsp bicarbonate soda

 Buttermilk (1 cup or 250ml)...   =add1 tbsp vinegar or lemon juice to 1 cup regular milk.(Let it stand for a few minutes before using)
Title: Re: Brown bread and butter milk
Post by: MulesMarinair on February 26, 2009, 21:18
Thanks for that, I have all of the substitutes so fingers crossed!

Thanks again
Title: Re: Brown bread and butter milk
Post by: Lady Lottie on February 26, 2009, 22:38
There is a recipe for making your own butter resulting in buttermilk Hugh Fearnley's Family Cookbook...guess it might only work if you had lots of (probably very young) willing helpers as it requires shaking double cream about in a jam jar! :D  And I'm guessing you'd need quite a few jam jars on the go too?  Just a thought...I might actually try it one day just to see how well it works!
Title: Re: Brown bread and butter milk
Post by: Val H on February 26, 2009, 23:33
Absolutely no need to shake a jar endlessly - use an electric whisk!  Have a look at this link I frequently make butter and you end up with loads of buttermilk. It's great for baking.
Title: Re: Brown bread and butter milk
Post by: Lady Lottie on February 27, 2009, 09:36 you've said it...yes...feel a bit stupid now... :blush:  But then I suppose the HFW recipe is for children to get involved in something really - I just new I'd seen something about buttermilk in that partic book! :)
Title: Re: Brown bread and butter milk
Post by: Trillium on February 27, 2009, 20:03
I've used both lemon juice and vinegar in  milk to curdle it and much prefer the lemon juice one.
Title: Re: Brown bread and butter milk
Post by: Poolfield2 on February 28, 2009, 22:33
I use yoghurt and that seems to work fine as well.