seed garlic :
See seed, vegetativeseed life : The period during which seed remains viable, i.e. an acceptable percentage will germinate. This varies widely between different varieties.
Click here for Seed Storage Lifeseed potato :
See seed, vegetative. Warning: the above-ground fruit which forms on some varieties of potato should not be eaten since they are poisonous. Neither are they viable for planting the following year.
seed, true : describing seed which is the result of sexual reproduction in plants - being the development of a flower fertilised by pollen from same or separate plant.
seed, vegetative : of asexual reproduction : describing various 'seed' which is retained for planting from one season to the next but is NOT the development of a fertilised flower. Commonly, garlic, potato, shallot, jerusalem artichoke and many others - basically misnomers. Compare
seed, trueset : onion : a small immature bulb which has been raised from seed before having development stopped by the grower. The resulting bulb is then
set the following spring so as to complete its growth in one season.
set : shallot : a bulb saved from the previous year's crop. This is then
set the following spring to further divide.
shading : of greenhouses : any technique used to diffuse direct sunlight for greenhouse crops
Smith period : of weather : a period of two or more days where temperature is not less than 10ºC and relative humidity exceeds 90% for 11 hours or more. The significance is that such weather conditions are highly conducive to spread of Late Potato Blight.
smut : A soil-borne fungal disease of onions and leeks. Symptoms are black spots and blotches on young plants. The leaves become twisted and thickened. Remove and destroy crop. Do not grow alliums on affected ground for 8 years.
Solanaceae : mostly HHA or HA : a family of plants which includes potato, tomato, peppers, tobacco and deadly nightshade.
stopping : See
pinching outsucker : a new shoot which grows directly from the root of the parent plant, usually some distance away, e.g. raspberry, blackberry, rose, cherry. An effective means of propagation but bear in mind, in grafted stock, that the new plant will have the characteristics of the root stock and not of the plant itself.
sweet potato :
TP : A vining relative of Morning Glory which is grown for its edible tubers.
Full description and growing instructions