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Growing => General Gardening => Topic started by: Tigerhair on June 13, 2008, 19:05

Title: Propagating Buddleja?
Post by: Tigerhair on June 13, 2008, 19:05
What's the best time to do this and how?

Fanks  :)
Title: Propagating Buddleja?
Post by: richyrich7 on June 13, 2008, 20:09
I'd try now to be honest, take softwood cuttings from the growing tips, make sure you get 3 or 4 leaf joints on your cutting, cut just below a leaf joint remove the leaves from the bottom 2 leaf joints with a sharp knife. Plant them in a 50:50 sand compost mix, water well and keep moist. I'd put them in a plastic bag or propagator if you can, but make sure they are not in direct sunlight. Don't let them dry out hopefully after about 14 days they should have rooted.  :D
Title: Propagating Buddleja?
Post by: Tigerhair on June 13, 2008, 20:18
Thanks very much...  :)
Title: Propagating Buddleja?
Post by: gobs on June 13, 2008, 20:29
Or just go down the railway track and dig up a few self-sown ones or pull it out of embankments, etc. :wink:
Title: Propagating Buddleja?
Post by: Tigerhair on June 13, 2008, 20:34
Yeah, they grow everywhere, don't they... I have quite a few in my garden and if I get an allotment will need something to put where my veggie patch is now... I love them!
Title: Propagating Buddleja?
Post by: GrannieAnnie on June 13, 2008, 20:45
My friend Sharon gave me a Buddleia Globosa, (sp??) and it needed trimming, so when I'd taken off the 'bits' I just stuck them in rooting powder and planted in a pot and they all rooted!!

Have you got a Globosa Tigerhair?  The cutings I've got left are a bit big for posting now, but if you'd like a couple of cuttings, I can take some more.  Just PM me your address and I'll wrap them up!!!

Title: Propagating Buddleja?
Post by: Tigerhair on June 13, 2008, 20:55
That is so kind, but, yes, I have one that I grew from a cutting from a plant in my Mum and Dad's garden.  They have a beautiful pale pink buddleja in their garden (they took a "cutting" at a National Trust garden two years ago)...  I am getting some cuttings of that this year - would you like me to send you a couple?

Imogen  :D
Title: Propagating Buddleja?
Post by: GrannieAnnie on June 13, 2008, 22:38
Just going to PM you!!!!!
Title: Propagating Buddleja?
Post by: fletch on June 13, 2008, 23:26
Grannie, if you have a couple of spare cuttings....... I'm sure I could have a look around and find something suitable for a swap?
Title: Propagating Buddleja?
Post by: GrannieAnnie on June 13, 2008, 23:38
PM me your addy fletch and I'll send you a couple, but they will be fresh cut, not rooted, is that okay????
Title: Propagating Buddleja?
Post by: Tigerhair on June 14, 2008, 07:51
I have a variety of buddleja - I can send you some too... as above (not rooted).

Also Annie - who is that gorgeous face in your picture?
Title: Propagating Buddleja?
Post by: GrannieAnnie on June 14, 2008, 23:48
Quote from: "Tigerhair"
I have a variety of buddleja - I can send you some too... as above (not rooted).

Also Annie - who is that gorgeous face in your picture?

LOL Imogen, well it isn't me that's for sure!!!!

That is Penny, she's our nearly 7 year old rescued labxspringer.  She was born in Catterick Garrison n the gun club there, and they breed teh crosses so you get a dog that goes anywhere and will retrieve anything!  She is such a tresre.  One year she caught 15 moles!

She taught herself to go and pick up the TV remote when we were eating and gave it to my Brian.  So he said thank you and gave her a little treat off his plate, since then she does it every mealtime!!!!! lol  And she helps unload the shopping from the car.  when we get home she will carry things into the house and gives them to you.  but I mustn't bore you, or you'll wish you hadn't asked!!!!   :lol:

This is her carrying the little bucket that I give the chooks their corn in back to the shed for me!!  

Title: Propagating Buddleja?
Post by: Arls0308 on June 16, 2008, 13:56

I realise this is a bit cheeky, but if anyone has any cuttings (rooted or not) or small plants then if they could PM me I'll get back to them asap. I'm currently clearing the back of my lottie and we're going to plant some butterfly/bee friendly shrubs/plants etc which will (hopefully) attract bees, butterflies and ladybirds etc, make a nice shaded area to rest in and hide the ugly corrogated tin 'fence' of the allotment behind us.

I have asked on freecycle, but not had any luck.

I will happily pay for postage - either to yourselves or make a donation to a charity of your choice.

Title: Propagating Buddleja?
Post by: Tigerhair on June 16, 2008, 20:28
Oh Annie, she is so beautiful and sounds like a lovely soul.  They warm your heart, don't they.... Thanks for the insight into her little world - I love dogs and never can get enough of the stories behind all those special people.  

Arls, PM me with your addy and I'll send you a variety of cuttings, gladly.
Title: Propagating Buddleja?
Post by: Teen76 on June 18, 2008, 23:01
If I hadn't pulled them up you could have had seedlings from my garden which had come from next door's.  They tend to self seed everywhere.  Probably why you do see them in derelict areas and railway sidings.